Fantasy Falls

Chapter 709: Yiel

Canada, British Columbia, and Washington State border the United States. The vast area here has in fact become a demon-contaminated land-the palace of the Diablo III is here.

The three bosses are also doing great things. After obtaining the Space Stone, the three bosses created a large number of space doors in the border territory, and they worked together to stimulate the power of gems, breaking through the dimensional barrier between the real world and Bartol Hell. !!


As the most important river in Bator's Hell and the Bottomless Abyss, the river water has been poured into the Columbia River, and this river has become a tributary of the Styx!

The three bosses are trying to build the "reincarnation" with the Styx River. The characteristics of the Styx river will attract the soul of the deceased. The three bosses intend to build a "rebirth pool" downstream. In this way, the soul of human death, the soul of demon death, have May be inhaled by the Styx River and enter the rebirth pond.

This is actually a test of the three bosses who have joined forces behind the real world behind the scenes.

When a monster dies, it will become light and disappear. In theory, any life except the body has a soul. Can the tributaries of the Styx River not let the demons disappear completely after being killed? Instead, they enter the Styx River to be baptized, and then respawn in the rebirth pond. ?

On the top of the Columbia Mountains, the square in front of the dark temple, Barr, the king of destruction, Diablo, the king of disgust, and Mephisto, the king of disgust, three demon gods sit on the black hollow hollow iron throne, flowing lava throne, and white bones. Stacked Ghost Throne.

The blue cosmic cube, suspended in the center of the three bosses, the three demon gods, each played a stream of energy light to inject into it, and the space gems that were supported by the energy, the light straightened into the sky, and a swirling portal appeared in the black cloud .

From the vortex, the gray styling river rushed down, flowing along the river channel opened by the mountains, into the Columbia River.

"Golden dragon, emerald dragon, phoenix, and robot puppets with powerful ice spells, plus the demon of **** ... Yeer seems to be in trouble." Mephisto said slowly, White frosty gas spit out from a mouth that was opened and closed.

"The King of Liars died in the hands of human beings. Human beings are not creatures that can be easily overlooked."

The brother of the three demons, Barr, has a solemn tone: "Unfortunately, at the critical moment of the plan, it will take a long time to maintain the dimensional barrier opened by the stone of space. tributary."

The time and space of the real world is too stable. Even if the three deities work together to break the dimension wall using the stone of space, the energy injection must be continuously maintained, otherwise the space door will close.

"Let the King of Sihi, along with the soul communicator, the majestic Minister of Chaos, go to the Desperate Plains to destroy this team."

Diablo said ruthlessly, his voice, like a golden iron and iron symphony, had a metallic texture: "In addition, Americans are preparing for war against us, relying on the army of Ethel, Andalil, and Azmodan. I'm afraid I can't stop them. "

"You can't let these people affect us. It seems ... we must invite the one who slept in the Yellowstone volcano."

The three bosses made a decision and stood side by side. Desire. The Queen Setia, Lacanos, the desperate king, left here under order, one to inform the king of Sihi to wait for the three bosses, and the other went Yellowstone in the United States.

Lin Xi didn't know that he was noticed by the three dark demon gods. He fought on the desperate plain for a day. After the golden dragon, the phoenix and the reborn demon were all killed, he chose a dilapidated building to rest.

On the one hand, it is a cool CD waiting for items such as gold feathers and moon discs, and on the other hand it is the language of making runes.

Still "eternal"!

The white board that was hit was a lot of equipment. Lin Xi found a four-handed scepter from it. This scepter is far worse than the rune scepter. It looks as gray as iron. Copper wire with spikes at the tail and metal claws at the top.

The reason is that only four pieces are made. First, the word of the rune at the level of eternity consumes too much mental power. Second, Lin Xi has now determined that the skills on the word of the rune can only be stimulated by holding it. .

The sanctuary aura on the "law enforcement", the transfiguration on the "beast", and the rebirth of the eternal gas on the "eternal" must be held in hand, and will continue to extract energy from the body when excited.

Lin Xi has only two hands.

Four pieces were made for rotation, and the number of the second god's staff was exactly four.

On the armor, the starlight rose armor and high-tech titanium fiber armor are different from the style of the despair plain.

Lin Xi chose a whiteboard "Templar robe" in the Diablo series. This is a good heavy armor. The robe of the temple rose was made from the words of the rune. After wearing heavy armor, he was equipped with another Two pieces of gold equipment:

Crown of Ascension of Kings, Boots of Ascension of Kings.

Now Lin Xi is a warrior with a full body armor, holding the staff of the angel, wearing the crown of the ascension of the king, stepping on the boots of the ascension of the king, wearing the robe of the temple rose, not even showing any skin, full of steel weight A cold aesthetics.

Two "eternal" can resurrect 176 monsters.

After the restoration of the CDs of gold feathers, moon discs and other items, Lin Xi became a steel warrior completely. He led ten emerald dragons and five golden dragons, doomsday phoenix and moonlight phoenix, four elements of earth fire, water wind, and twin sisters of Shiva. Journey.

This time Lin Xi also joined the battle, summoning the beast and the resurrected demons, under the double buff of the thorn aura and the acupuncture aura, a storm of blood was set off, wherever he went, there was no magic trace, and no grass was born!

It is more efficient to make money.

Lin Xi hit another seed of ability. Although there was no mobile phone search, he had the ability to analyze the information flow and quickly identified that it was the skill seed of "bone armor". Bone armor, summons three bone fragments, rotates around the body to resist damage.

When all the resurrected demons died, the Golden Dragon and Phoenix died, and more points were scored on this day. The body now has 6 million points!

Another two days will be enough to redeem Jiu Su Ding.

Lin Xi will gather the gas-wrapped god's staff, put it into the bracelet, and exchange two other god-staffs. Today, a large number of equipment was hit. Now there are more than 200 pieces of space bracelets and whiteboards, more than 50 pieces of blue magic equipment, and 7 or 8 pieces of bright gold. Unfortunately, there is still no dark gold equipment.

That day, when Bi Xubosu was killed, the blood crescent moon was dropped.

This time Lin Xi did not recreate the words of runes, but rested quietly, because the two eternal summoned demons were many, so it supported for a longer time, only 40 minutes later, gold feathers and moon discs and other props, CD It was restored.

Lin Xi's desire for "Nine Doubts" is full of energy and motivation.

He also took out the blade of the death breathing giant under the excitement! Rune language abilities such as rebirth, sanctuary, and metamorphosis need to be held by hand, but the "venomous nova" that comes with death breath is to detonate from a corpse after killing a monster, not an active skill.

Lin Xi wearing a steel body, in addition to fighting with the staff of the Eternal God, he also used electromagnetic force to control the two-meter-long super-giant sword, floating around. After encountering monsters, the sword would be in consciousness. Together with the electromagnetic force, it spins and cuts past—or smashes up.

Ordinary demons can smash into a meatloaf with one sword! For every two monsters killed, a green poisonous star ring will explode.

After fighting in the evening like this, millions of points were harvested when night fell, but there were still many reborn demons. Jinlong had only three dead. Moonlight Phoenix and Doom Phoenix were still able to fight. Lin Xi continued to push the map and soon discovered that In the distance, all kinds of blood red and green rays approached here like a long river.

Blood red, the eyes of the demon, the green, the fire in the eyes of the undead, an army is coming!

"Is the Demon Army stationed on the Plains of Despair?"

Lin Xi was surprised first, then excited, because this army contains a large number of higher demons! Even mixed with dark gold monsters, boss-level bosses that shine with dark gold light, king of hell! Stinky Defiler! Evil Corpse! Stormcaster ...

This demon army is enough to capture a city! In fact, it's true, because this army is ready to attack the city of soldiers.

For Lin Xi, these are all equipment and points. He wrapped his hands around the acupuncture aura, rotated the aura of thorns under his feet, and the two buff blessing demons launched a charge forward. One of them attacked the city to destroy the beast, such as A five-story troll rushed to make the earth tremble.

As if a comet crashed into the earth, it smashed into the rushing demonic army, and the momentum generated by the crash collapsed a large area of ​​the ground, and a large number of demons around it flew backwards in the fierce wind.

Summon Creature + Rebirth Demon VS Demon's Demon Army!

In terms of quantity, Lin Xi is undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage and the quality is not as good, but all the higher demons were selected during the resurrection. With the buff halo, the quality was compensated. Most of the demons were huge, and the number would have to be washed up.

The dead demon, under the rod of the eternal god, quickly climbed up from the ground to have two more buffs on his body, in turn fighting the demon of the army.

On a high ground in the distance, when I saw all this fallen angel Yieler, my heart was full of anger! The demon army on the charge, suppressed by absolute numbers, has surrounded Lin Xi's side like submerged sea water, but the other party is exposed to the sea as a solid reef, welcoming the waves.

After the battle lasted for more than an hour, as the demon was wearing out, several bosses of dark gold were also cleaned up, and they could not hold back the angry Yi Jun, ready to do it themselves.

"Love sauce!"

There were some surprises in Yi Xier Lin Xi, after all, this is the largest boss in the desperate plain.

The so-called love sauce is Tyrrell ’s nickname for Elder. In Diablo III, Diablo's lines to Tyrrell are like "Tyrell, look at your old love sauce." ". The name "love" is undoubtedly very pure and moving, such as Alice, ... but the current clothes are not touching.

Wearing blue and gold armor, a pair of demon wings, dark cyan muscles swelled, and a fifteen-meter boss, which is a gesture of higher devil!

Regardless of strength or magic, almost all overflowed from the burly body.

The reborn demons, the golden dragon, the emerald dragon, and the two phoenixes are still fighting fiercely with the demon army. In the battle, the sister Shiva, who is responsible for supporting, releases the prisoner flying from the air to flap the wings of the dragon-like film. A note of magic:


Two fake ice goddesses, the freezing cold current blown by the spell is enough to freeze a river! Now, all the frozen gas is condensed to Yield, and under the blessing of the ice rule, the ice molecules under extreme compression, the ice built is as strong as steel.

For a moment, the flying Ethiopian was frozen in the ice, like a worm that flew into the amber.

But the ice exploded the next second.

From Yiel's body, blue light was illuminated, and the blue light rushed up and turned into an egg-shaped light curtain, covering the area of ​​10,000 square meters from under the sky.

"Tack me with ice? Stupid!"

In Heaven Heaven is good at ice magic. It can be said that he is an ice angel! His ice is different from the ice of Mephisto. The ice of the King of Abomination is the ice of the dead, freezing life and soul. The ice of this angel is sacred ice, similar to the "holy frost" of the Paladin.

Frozen fields!

There is a super freezing temperature of minus 250 degrees, even if it does not reach the absolute zero of minus 273.15, it is still terrifying. A large number of demons are in this area, and the flesh and blood constituting the body is stiff. It is not white, but a dark cyan ice stream, spreading along the ground, along the rocks, and along with a demon, along the surface of the summoned creature.

Even the Golden Dragon and the Emerald Dragon were frozen. In the push, the "thorny spirit ~ ~", which has made the greatest contribution, has quietly died. As a spirit body, it has actually frozen into a moraine. , Fell to the ground and fell into pieces.

"It's awesome."

Seeing the other side of the field, Lin Xi was slightly surprised, but did not panic. He saw so many battles. A legendary to demigod boss. During the battle of Jinling, the **** of the Lich, Karlsass, was not as good as him. Know where it goes.

In the frozen area, the Golden Dragon, the Emerald Dragon, and the reborn demons are all frozen, and the four elemental creatures of the earth, fire, water, and wind die directly.

Lin Xi used the electromagnetic waves to build a field around him to isolate the cold current. As twin puppets of Shiva, who are masters of the rules of ice, they are naturally not afraid of the cold. The doomsday phoenix and moonlight phoenix can also act, The flames were dim.

Can the two Phoenix Gahiva twins have played against Yield? Not necessarily. Maybe I can fight it. Maybe I can't. Lin Xi is on the side. If I put on the Starlight Sword, I can do some hard work on this fallen angel.

But he didn't want to be so troublesome.

Three cards: red, yellow, and blue.

"Hidden the key of dark power, show your true power in front of me! Now in the name of your master, Heyan Sue Sargeras, order the seal to be lifted!" With the chanting, the sky sounded After the thunder, the earth began to shake, and even the frozen fields melted in the golden glow of the sun.

Holy stone giant soldier! Hell Sky Dragon! Sun Wing Shenlong!

Yi Zuer was about to wave his magic sword and cut it towards Lin Xi's head, and suddenly found that there were a hundred-meter-high blue giant, a hundred-meter-long red dragon, and a golden divine dragon, as if the child was surrounded by a big man. His movements were frozen, and the expression on his face became very innocent.


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