Fantasy Falls

Chapter 724: 4th move

Shiro Kuroko used the power of space to create three supernatural powers: the Great Cut, the Great Collapse, and the Great Devour.

You can only touch the law of space when you are at Tianxian level, and you can touch the law of time when you are at Jinxian level. Tianxian realm, such as Baimei real person, fully understands the space of the four-dimensional world, so that it can "broken the void" and fly to the high-dimensional universe.

The space transmitted by Shu Shan is not the space of the real world, but after Shirai Kuroko reaches the heavenly realm, plus the ability to observe the eleven-dimensional universe, he can now touch a avenue of law:

The law of space!

Not only touched the law of space, but also some understanding of the law of time. Now it is the big cutting operation formed by blessing the power of space with the law of space--however, what is drawn is no longer a jagged black line, but a line Black plane derived from the void.

The name of this trick is:

"Two-dimensional power!"

It is a plane like a two-way foil, but it is not a dimensional collapse of the two-dimensional foil. It is a two-dimensional plane that cuts three-dimensional space-time, a black space section, cuts all tangible and intangible things on the path, all material energy, Except for the basic information chain that constitutes space, everything else is broken.

Even a nuclear explosion can't damage the slightest demon gold body, under Lin Xi's two-dimensional power, it is like a piece of paper to stop the waist.

"What is this?"

The power of the heavenly devil's golden body is even for the real person with white eyebrows. He used Nanming to leave the fire for refining. I am afraid that it will take a few hours. Now, however, Lin Xi pointed out a black section with his fingers and cut it directly. Ye Kuang's heart was full of consternation. But he didn't panic.

He has obtained the blood, evil, and evil spirits, plus the original demon, the four demons in one, is already truly immortal. The broken body suddenly spread out and turned into a big puddle of blood. There are countless twisted and elongated ghosts in the blood, which is the large number of ordinary human souls killed and devoured by him, transformed into phaseless blood. magic.

Ye Kuang transformed his body into the blood of reincarnation by the way of blood demon, with the image of beings. Obviously, he wanted to show some big moves, but Lin Xi once again pointed out:

"Three-dimensional power."

With the complete solidification of the space around this finger, a dark cage was formed, but this is not a cage, but a combination of countless cross-sections of space similar to the large cutting operation. The blood and blood coagulated into it, and then—


Point out the space with the advanced three-dimensional force of the Great Collapse, and then make the space completely collapse! I saw this space suddenly shattered. Countless dark space fragments burst into all directions, and the reincarnation magic blood transformed by Ye crazy was sucked into infinitely different dimensions by the infinitely broken space.

"Not dead yet?"

Lin Xi was slightly surprised. His spirituality captured some airflows flying out of the gaps in the space debris. These airflows should be vitality, and then the vitality became some golden tapeworm particles-these tapeworms flew away from the three-dimensional After the crash space created by the power cubed, it quickly split, and in an instant, a large group of Jin Chancan was born.

Seeing this group of maggots, it is necessary to reassemble into Ye Kuang's body.

Lin Xi pointed out the third finger:

"One-dimensional power!"

The once major cutting operation was upgraded to a two-dimensional force: plane cutting, and the former big collapse operation was upgraded to a three-dimensional force: three-dimensional collapse, and the one-dimensional force was upgraded from the big swallowing operation! With space law as the core, in the direction pointed out by Lin Xi's finger, a black space singularity is being born.

One dimension is a point. Lin Xi points out a singularity in the four-dimensional space-time, which creates a hole in the world. Endless suction is emitted from the hole. Because there is a solid law of space, this space singularity does not Will expand.

At the naval headquarters, Goethe was desperate to create a black hole in space, and the body used a white hole to erupt and output a huge amount of energy before neutralizing the black hole.

Now, this space singularity is suppressed by the laws of space and will not become a black hole, causing devastating consequences on the earth. But the majestic suction power emitted from the black singularity is even beyond the nine doubts in a small range! Previously, the leaf was mad into blood and water, and most of them were trapped in the space dimension, and some vigor maggots escaped.

This time the space singularity is attracted, any trace of vitality, any maggot, will be sucked into the black hole!

The one-dimensional force evolved from the previous big swallowing is undoubtedly a more terrible skill than the cutting of the two-dimensional force space section and the three-dimensional collapse of the three-dimensional force space. Space Singularity Devours! Once inhaled, the only ending is--

Completely annihilated.

The blood demon, just like the blood ancestors, was born again with blood. The demon can use the vitality to deflect the maggots. Even if a little energy escapes, it can give birth to numerous maggots and aggregate the body again. In addition, the golden body of the demon is almost invincible. Defense, Ye Kuang did not expect that one day, he would fall into this situation.

With all the golden light spots sucked into the singularity of space, this black hole disappeared quietly.

"When you come out, you have to talk about credit. If you say three moves to kill you, then three moves to kill you!"

One-dimensional power, two-dimensional power, three-dimensional power, the three fingers pointed out by Lin Xi seem to be an understatement, but the skills that each finger uses are at a level that is unthinkable by ordinary evolutionists-under three fingers, The second strongest man in the city, Ye Kuang, annihilated into nothingness.

Lin Xi was about to sigh and even chant a poem, but his eyes suddenly became a little cohesive. The invisible void seemed to be gathering. It was a cold stream of information.

These information flows quickly condensed a black human-shaped ghost, which is Ye Kuang's face, and he laughed with a shock: "I am a demon, a blood demon, a black demon, a black demon. The black demon is invisible! , I can be transformed with a single thought, I will never die! "

Seeing that he has some restlessness in Lin Xi, didn't he say that he would kill you with three strokes? Too shameless!

This guy is definitely the most fatal person ever encountered, none of them! Many lives of Asian ancestry are also very large, but Lin Xi now has at least three ways to obliterate it, Ye Kuang, this is a pervert, in addition to defending the powerful Tianmo gold body, there are several ways to resurrect.

The blood demon, the blood that turns into matter, is material, and it will be reborn as long as the material is left behind; the demon, energy is converted into maggots is energy, and as long as the energy is left, it will be reborn; and the evil spirit is undoubtedly information! As long as there are thoughts, even if all the body and soul are destroyed, only the thoughts can be used to reorganize the body and the spirit.

The evil spirit is the most weird of the demon heads.

One-dimensional force devours all the singularities in space. It can only destroy matter and energy but cannot destroy Ye Kuang. The thoughts circulate the flow of thoughts. This area, where the thoughts radiate, can be reincarnate with the evil spirits, even red corpses It is impossible to do so.

The unification of the four demons clearly brings horrible potential and details to Ye Kuang.

"Special ..."

Lin Xi suddenly felt a little complexion, could this guy die well within three strokes? This is really ... how embarrassing. He raised his finger in the direction of Ye Kuang, and clicked again: "The thought contains only the message of consciousness. Do you think it will not die?"

"Why force me to take a shot? Don't think that you are young and ignorant, you can do whatever you want!"

"Four-dimensional power!"

Three-dimensional, you can see the three-dimensional space of growth, width, height, and four-dimensional, on the basis of three-dimensional space, another vector is added: time, the force of time, the force of space, based on these two Lin Xi The show exhibited the strongest move: the Great World Technique!

Shirai Kuroko's power of space, coupled with the power of time, and his understanding of the world of the small river in the river and the river, all these things come together and accumulate.

As Lin Xi clicked out, the void landscape in front of it suddenly changed like an overturned ghost card. A black and white space appeared. It was not that Alice "theworld" jumped out of the timeline, but created a closed space. In this area, time and space are all controlled.

The existence of Jinxian level can use the power of Lingtai transformation to open up a small thousand world. Lin Xi in Tiantian Realm actually exhibited this blow that is comparable to Jinxian level!

The power of black space and the power of white time together constitute the black and white world ~ ~ This world, all matter, energy, and information are under the control of Lin Xi, and he can manipulate time The passing of time makes time infinitely stagnate. In this case, the evil thoughts of Ye Kuang, the wave of information flow, cannot be transmitted at all in the time and space of the pause.

There are no screams or any resistance. In the stagnant time flow and the collapsed time and space, the physical body representing energy, the energy of energy, and the idea of ​​information are all in the small thousand world. This time and space is collapsing. fall from the sky.

At this moment, Ye Kuang has the devil's method to relinquish, and there is no way to be reborn, because, the source of his own memory consciousness, all the thought information is in the collapsed space and time, becoming chaos, chaos information state! Everything that belongs to this demon head is erased.

The demons that were planted on other people collapsed because their consciousness became information chaos.

Total death!

The turbulent stream that disappeared at that time disappeared completely with the self-correction of the real world, and a mobile phone appeared in the light. This is Ye Kuang, the last legacy in this world. Seeing this scene, Lin Xi finally let go of his heart. If even the four-dimensional force did not die, then he would have no choice.

Lin Xi looked at the mobile phone and shook her head and sighed, "Is this your strength? I'm so disappointed."

"But anyway ..."

"Little devil on earth, you do your best."

Lin Xi's hands were behind his back, and he looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, making a loneliness invincible from the heights, sighing:

"Lonely ..."

"Come on, don't pretend to be forced!" Li Jianren's panic came in and interrupted Lin Xi's loneliness: "Blood cloud! The cloud of blood has been melted by the unicorn fire, and the sea of ​​blood is about to come down!"

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