Fantasy Falls

Chapter 879: Will from Cthulhu

Japan, from Honshu to Hokkaido, from Kyushu to Shikoku, has become **** for ordinary people, evolvers, transferees, and even monsters-of course, for these indescribable, beyond imagination, chaos and no name The monster can also be called heaven.

After seeing the scenery here, no one thinks it is the earth.

The earth is covered with a thick blanket of meat like a StarCraft Zerg fungus blanket, strange creatures, some like a pink piece of meat, some are made of eyeballs and tentacles, and even transparent bubbles like jellyfish ...

Countless weird, twisted creatures represent the deepest madness, chaos and chaos.

Even if you look at these, you will be strongly polluted by the spirit, and will be distorted by assimilation and become one of them.

Only the most powerful evolutionaries can barely resist this indescribable **** from the multiple fantasy worlds, the darkest and the evil, the most dangerous and the horrible, through the hands of the eternal Lord, a crazy scientist!

Several people are fighting on the edge of the eastern island of Japan.

Originally, the mythical organization with infinite scenery began with the death of Sword King in the hands of Sword Chi, the killing ghost was killed by the sky, then the battle of the Naval Headquarters, the Beast King, Wu Tian King, Kuang Tian Wang, the ghost of horror, Goethe, the Spirit of the Spirit, died.

Mortal Kombat Hikkaichi Ippei, was beheaded by Zhao Ritian's Xunxian Sword Formation and Chaos Jianguang.

Among the people here are the evil king Sinai, the demon king Yumenin Hanaya and the magical king cherry Nanako, and the Zen sword.

"Sakura Sword · Shining Sanhua!"

"Cross vacuum wave!"

"Dark Demon Smash Cannon!"

The cherry blossom flurry of the Zen sword flew around, Sinai used two sharp vacuum blades to form a cross-blade light to kill, and the Imperial Palace flower month, similar to Suzano's Ikzodia figurative, magic coat Wrapped on the body surface, blasting out an energy cannon.

Cherry Nanako, this little girl, is on the back of Gotsuin Hanazuki.

She held her head in her hands and looked pained.

A horse's head and bat wings grow hair in the skin gaps covering the scales. The weird "Shatak" is cut into pieces by the sword gas cut by the Zen sword. On the other hand, the whole body was red, dripping with blood, and the crimson body, the "Star Essence" wriggling countless tentacles died under the vacuum wind blade.

When you see the sky, it is like a dark cloud like a dark cloud, sweeping in, like a leech shape. The body is densely covered with tumor bubbles, flagella, and teeth. It has no wings, but it flies in the sky. Or the "blind", who flew here, the faces of the mythological organization were very ugly.

Subordinate minions are not difficult to deal with, but these are all living humans and transformed monsters!

"Vacuum tornado!"

The vacuum air blade that cuts everything constitutes a tornado storm, rising from the ground to the sky to form a pillar of wind, a thick pillar of wind sweeping and strangling, will fly the blind group, even some other monsters approaching: human face rat, cold spider , The invisible son, the great race of Islam ... a large number of monsters, all smashed into flesh and blood.


Killing tens of thousands of monsters at once and sweeping away the surrounding environment, Sinai's face was full of anger: "That guy ..."

Gomonin Hanako Han's face was hidden. The man hidden behind the mythological organization always thought that he was just an isolated scientist. Who could think of one of Japan's strongest evolutionaries and actually ruined his own country?

"Let's get out of this place!"

The Zen sword wiped away the blood on the sword.

"Ahhhh ..."

The little girl cherry Nanako screamed suddenly in pain.

"what happened?"

The imperial palace hurriedly held the little **** its back in her arms.

"Here, they come, hurry up!"

Upon hearing Nanako's words, the faces of Sinai, Huayue, and Zen Sword all changed dramatically.


Sinai rolled up a hurricane and wrapped four people inside, and it was about to fly away, but under a powerful force and will, the hurricane collapsed! The four looked in horror at the void, and saw an ordinary-looking man with glasses and a cute green-haired girl appearing.

"Eternal Lord!"


Sinai showed an extremely angry expression. He did not expect that the leader of the mythological organization had become the culprit of the Yamato people.

"Why look at me like that?"

The middle-aged man with glasses speaks calmly and similarly to Lin Xi. This is a kind of transcendent nature that does not regard itself as a human being, but as a high heaven. Jinxian Jinxian who entered the WTO in that way will not have a state of mind.

"The creatures in Japan are monsters in your eyes, and cute and healthy children in the eyes of Saya and I. They just abandoned the skins of human beings ... Besides, this only changes the appearance, and the heart What is it compared to evil? "

"Everything, even the entire universe, will eventually perish under the increase of entropy. Only when we adapt to destruction and chaos can we last forever."

"I'm finding an eternal way for Japan and the Yamato people, but unfortunately you don't recognize it ... nothing, soon you will become one of us."

"What do you want to do?"

Zen sword also held the demon sword village in his hand.

"That is, of course, to create a race that belongs to me, to transform the world that belongs to me. I, Astor, the head of the devil and the master of all things, originally gave birth to darkness. Darkness gave birth to the supreme goddess Shab Ney. Gullas, she is the mother of all monsters-my lovely Saya. "

"And you, cherry Nanako, you will be the key to the door born from the fog of namelessness: Jug Sotos, above mathematics and logic, and the fate of the Imperial Palace flower moon was born in chaos Nayla Totip, will be your real name. "

"The three of you are the source of all things, Arthas, the three pillar gods I created: darkness, unknown fog, and chaos!"

"And Sinai, you are the King of Yellow, Hasta!"

The Lord of Eternity does not look at the Zen sword. This monk practicing Kendo is not in his eyes, or it can be seen as a meditation. It belongs to the will of Cthulhu and is not ready to choose a Zen person to do For the advent of the carrier.

"Wake up! Hidden in your soul, true will!"

Whether it's cherry Nanako or Sinai, Gomonin Hanazuki, at this moment, the scenery in front of you suddenly becomes distorted, various flickering light colors, swollen meat, bright bubbles, messy dancing tentacles and flagella .

Those distorted, chaotic, deformed symbols and pictures, countless weird lights and shadows, and seemingly countless people ... moans and whispers of men, women, old people, and children whispered in their ears.

This is even more terrifying than the "whisper of the ancient gods". It is mixed with eternal Lord, Saya, maybe some elements in the soul, and claims to be the existence of Asatos, Shab Nicholas. Under the pollution carried out by himself, even the mental strength of cherry Nanako and the super strong Miyamona Hanae are completely unable to resist.

As for Sinai, let's not mention that the bloodline of King Huang Yi originally represents chaos and chaos. His body is rapidly changing its form under the pollution seen in his eyes and heard in his ears.

Strips of tentacles protruded out of the cloak.

The only one who kept his heart under the pollution was the Zen sword.

"At the moment of death!"

His burly body suddenly collapsed and exploded, and all the flesh and blood were incorporated into the middle of the Demon Blade Village, and the illusory soul was put into the authentic sword, using flesh and blood as the fuel to urge the demon sword, and the soul as the fuel to urge the famous knife. Sword fools generally use swords to prove their lives!

"Thousands of thoughts!"

There are robberies in all things. There are robbers in everyone. Immortals have robberies. The zen sword is different from the “future of the future” that jumps out of the constraints of time and space. It is directly motivated by the opponent ’s robberies. attack.

The eternal Lord, Saya, has made Japan what it is now. How much karma do they have?

The thought of Lingtai square is the world! Zen sword's slam in one's body, even if it is far from the horizon, can come instantly, similar to sword twenty-three with Yuanshen Royal Sword, as if time pauses into the streamer speed. Ordinary super strong, it is too late to respond to this move. .

Two swords cut to two!

The eternal Lord suddenly lights up around it. This is the "AT force field" that evolved with the light of the soul. It is like a modern abstract painting spilled by a lunatic. There are various kinds of irregular and inexplicable bubbles of light. Among them are darkness and Chaos, fog, mixed up ...

This is an absolute defense that cannot be broken by any attack!

However, the thoughts of the Zen Sword were immeasurable, but he broke through the light of the soul and struck him.

The fire of the red lotus industry ignited, as if in the atmosphere of calamity, the human form of the Eternal Lord was beheaded, and in the surging of the light of the soul, it became a huge amoeba with green eyes and a human face. Saya, attacked by another sword, collapsed in her pure and lovely body.

The original girl turned into an innumerable tentacle and a piece of meat in the expansion, with a large mouth dripping mucus in the center and a huge spherical black cloud!

The number of robberies caused by countless robberies destroyed the physical bodies of the two, but also revealed the inner essence, the material structure was destroyed, and the entropy increased in essence. Such a shell is obviously the embodiment of entropy.

Entropy ~ ~ As destruction, chaos, chaos itself, how can it be "destroyed"?

The two who showed their essence poured the chaos information into this world without any reservation, polluting everything around them, and under the pollution that even the gods could not bear, the magical king Nanako quickly turned into a psychedelic, It looks like countless bubbles converge together, emitting a brilliant glowing sphere.

The Imperial Palace Huayue has become a huge gliomas with a tentacle monster sticking out from the head.

And Sinai became the king of the yellow clothes. Under the yellow cape, there are octopus-like limbs, and a large number of intertwined human figures.


Sabo Nicholas!

Jug Sotos!



Five strong wills representing chaos and chaos came to Japan.