Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1613: Detection power

Ye Chen shook his head slowly, turned and looked at Yue Luo, who was still talking with others.

"Sun Lou, how do you now understand what kind of strength I have."

Ye Chen said as he slowly took out his Fengming Arrow.

The people above the city wall looked at the arrow that Ye Chen took out, and the expressions on their faces were repeated, because they were all afraid that Ye Chen would perform such an attack in this place.

If this phoenix really appeared, it would really be a huge blow to everyone present.

No one really can handle this, Phoenix. But everyone firmly believed that Ye Chen's use of such an attack must be costly.

There is indeed consumption, but for Ye Chen, such consumption is minimal, because although he will consume the power of stars in his body, for Ye Chen, the easiest thing to replenish is the power of stars.

Everyone believed that Ye Chen might have some taboo, and did not dare to perform such an attack at will.

"Do you want to test the strength of my Phoenix?"

When Sun Lou and his father heard Ye Chen's words, their expressions changed.

Both of them were very clear about the strength of Ye Chen's attack. Just now, they also heard the conversation of everyone, and they also knew that Ye Chen was the person at the gate of the city that day.

Sun Deming really hated his son at this time, and he even provoked such a powerful enemy for himself.

"Sun Lou, go back first! Wait for me!"

Listening to Sun Deming's words, Sun Lou looked at him in horror.

"Dad! But I want to participate in the battle of ascension, the battle of ascension, will begin soon!"

When Sun Deming saw that his son was still so obsessed with this thing, he really couldn't remember typing it out.

To know that participating in the Battle of Non-City now is undoubtedly giving Ye Chen a chance. If he really goes to the arena such as the Battle of Ascension, it is really possible for Ye Chen to start at any time.

Just when Sun Deming wanted to say something, suddenly a familiar voice appeared in everyone's ears.

"Now the battle of the ascension will begin immediately. Unrelated personnel are requested to withdraw from the square immediately."

Above the sky, the elder of the Star Hall slowly floated over.

He was also announcing the most urgent matter in the calmest tone.

When Sun Deming wanted to do something, he was directly ejected from the square by an invisible force.

"All irrelevant personnel have been pushed out of the field. The battle of Ascension is now ready to begin!"

The golden light on the elders of the stars shined, and at this moment, a huge barrier directly covered the entire square.

Ye Chen didn't show a surprised expression on his face like the others, instead he looked at the grandson building beside him meaningfully.

At this moment, Sun Lou finally knew why his father insisted on letting him go.

Now he has only a piece of fear left in his heart.

But Ye Chen really sneered at Sun Lou. He didn't bother to do it. Naturally, Zhao Manyang and Li Yuhang had to leave it to Zhao Manyang and Li Yuhang.

"The golden light of Ye Chen is too bluff."

Yue Luo, also came to Ye Chen's side at this time, and whispered to him.

Because Yue Luo was also the first time to participate in the Battle of Ascension, he was already in shock no matter where he had seen such a magnificent performance.

While everyone was still shocked, the elder of the Star Hall announced another thing.

"I believe everyone of you now must be guessing what this big crystal is. Now I will announce it to you."

Indeed, many people nowadays are looking forward to it, wanting to know what is the use of this huge crystal.

"It's very simple. This crystal is the crystal to test your current aptitude."

"It's not what some of you think. Inside is where you are going for this ascension battle."

"I believe everyone uses this crystal for their qualifications when they are born."

The words of the elder of the Star Hall made everyone nodded gently.

I don't know what's going on, the Star TV went upstairs seems to be very approachable, making everyone feel a very cordial feeling, so they will answer his words obediently.

Although Ye Chen felt a little abnormal, but he didn't take it to heart.

"Now everyone close your eyes, and I will declare your first round score by testing your qualifications."

Everyone was stunned by the words of the elder of the Star Hall. They originally thought that they would only need to enter that scene to fight, but they didn't expect that this time of ascension battle would turn out to be like this.

"I have never heard of the Ascension War. It is necessary to test everyone's aptitude. What is going on?"

Everyone is talking like this.

"Okay, everyone is quiet. This is also the newly added rule of our Star Hall. Everyone is completely dry. If there are people who don't want to participate in the Ascension War, just walk out of this sister, but you are out. If you don’t, you won’t be able to get in."

The words of the elder of the Star Store made everyone quiet. They also knew that now this is actually one of the processes of the Ascension War, so there is no way for them to refuse.

"Brother Ye, I always feel a little strange."

Zhao Manyang was talking to Ye Chen at this time, because what his mother Ning Jinyao told about what happened at the time of the Ascension War did not even mention the qualifications for testing, and now it is a newcomer. Now, this must have some other thoughts.

Ye Chen also knew that this newly added thing was definitely not added for no reason.

"Let's take a look now, what is going on?"

Ye Chen was also prepared to stop at first, after all, it was not a good idea to fight against the elders of the Star Hall.

The elder of the Star Hall looked at no one from below and nodded softly.

"You can rest assured that this detection mechanism does not cause any damage to your body."

While talking, the old man from Xingchen Electronic Factory pierced into the crystal beside him, a strange force.

Ye Chen just caught a little bit of the rudiment of that power.

But only after catching one point, Ye Chen found that there was something wrong with it.

"Li Yuhang is ready, I think this ascension battle seems a bit strange."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang didn't say anything, just nodded gently.