Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1624: Just arrived

The three people in front of Donggong Yunlan watched her use this hand, and their expressions became serious.

Because they clearly feel that they can't handle these things now.

"Who are you, how can you have such a powerful strength?"

Donggong Yunlan sneered after listening to the three of them, and had no idea of ​​explaining to them at all.

Because for her, it is her current idea to get rid of these talents as soon as possible.

If you continue to delay from here, you may miss the opportunity to find Ye Chen.

The Jian Lin used by Donggong Yunlan looked very rough, but it was more than enough to deal with these people.

The phantom flying sword that turned out to shuttle back and forth in front of these people.

The opportunity they were looking for gave them a fatal blow, but after seeing these flying swords, the three of them didn't panic.

"I didn't expect it. I would be forced to such an extent by a little Nizi, it's up to us!"

The leader roared, and saw a beam of light soaring into the sky, appeared in front of everyone, and Ye Chen also discovered the abnormality here for the first time.

"What is that beam of light!"

Ye Chen was shocked, he always felt that the things there might have something to do with him.

Quickly flap his wings and flew towards there, just when Ye Chen approached. East Park was surprised to find that the flying sword phantom he had just summoned had long since disappeared.

It seemed to be shattered by the strange beam of light just now.

Donggong Yunlan threw out a sword aura as soon as he discovered that the sword forest had disappeared, trying to get away from them.

But I don't know what happened, until the electrical appliance touched the beam of light again, it seemed to have been eaten away, and there was no trace of it that could shake him.

"this thing?"

Donggong Yunlan waited in the distance for a long time, and did not see the beam of light moving for a while. At this time, he slowly guessed that this beam of light can only be used for defense, not for attack. I want to continue to test if they can move.

If it can't, Donggong Yunlan doesn't want to be in love at all, just bypass them and leave here.

At this moment, the three people roared together, and the energy in the beam of light was evenly dispersed into the bodies of the three of them.

This gave a faint brilliance to the three of them.

Donggong Yunlan hadn't figured out what was going on right now, so the few people couldn't wait to rush towards her directly.

"Now you want to deal with us, then you have to see how strong you are!"

The guy in the lead didn't hesitate at all, and rushed towards Donggong Yunlan.

Donggong Yunlan frowned slightly, feeling the terrifying power of these people.

She was very strange. When they first met, they weren't that strong, but now they have become like this.

"Could the beam of light just now be a method they developed?"

Donggong Yunlan just threw out two sword auras, wanting to see how they hurt them.

But after the two invisible sword auras touched their weapons, they dissipated in the air directly, and now their weapons were also covered with a faint brilliance.

There seems to be a strange power above this radiance, which can directly offset attacks from all physical levels.

After Donggong Yunlan learned of this situation, she was shocked. Now she has no chance to escape. If Litchi Qianren catches it, it is likely to become a cold point on the standings.

Donggong Yunlan is still very smart. From the moment she saw the standings, she has fully understood the conditions for the increase in the points.

If you want to increase this point, you can only kill people, but for Donggong Yunlan, she will not make enemies in this place if she is a last resort.

In case the time comes to play off by yourself and cause trouble to Ye Chen and the others, that would be bad.

Because of this, she didn't dare to provoke others like this at will.

After Ye Chen saw that the person below was Donggong Yunlan, he didn't continue thinking about whether he should help. With a flap of his wings, he rushed down directly. He doesn't care if there is a special protective film on your body. .

As soon as the Baiwu Sword came out, no energy could stop his sword.

When he felt Ye Chen approach, it was too late, but he was not too afraid, after all, there was that layer of shining protection on his body now. It was definitely impossible to break with Ye Chen's power.

They think so, but for Ye Chen, this is not necessarily.

The red flame directly attached to the white fog sword. Looking at the burning long sword, the three of them also admitted that they were afraid.

When they saw the wings behind Ye Chen, they finally felt fear.

He rushed towards Ye Chen directly, but how could Ye Chen fulfill their wishes like this.

The wings were slightly fanned, and two white sword auras radiated from all around it, rushing towards the three of them.

They were also very frightened now, because they didn't see any movement in Ye Chen's hand just now, but these attacks attacked the three of them as if they appeared out of thin air.

"How come! What is the strength of this guy!"

"Boss, we can't beat him, let's run!"

The leader who is more the boss. He is also very clear in his heart, now running, how can you run past others, a discerning person can see the wings behind him, but it is not just a decoration.

"Don't think about it, we can't run away."

"Boss, do you think he and that woman know each other!"

Since there is no way to deal with Ye Chen, the three of them can only start to see if there is any way to escape.

Listening to this person's words, the leader slowly looked at Donggong Yunlan, who was already very close to them.

I saw the current Donggong Yunlan, looking at the sky in surprise, as if she had discovered something very strange.

"Now I can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. You help me block that kid, and I will see if I can hold on to him."

Listening to the words of their boss, the two of them looked at Ye Chen who was declining in horror. With their strength, how could it be possible to fight Ye Chen against them, even if they dragged on for time, they couldn't hold up three moves.

But they have no choice but to die anyway, they can only do so.

Just as Ye Chen pulled up, he suddenly saw a guy similar to the leader below, rushing towards Donggong Yunlan on the side.