Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1722: Strange invitation

I don't know who directly spread the news, and now that Ye Chen is mentioned in the crowd, he will think of his powerful strength.

Although Ye Chen heard the conversation of the people on the side, he didn't care, because he couldn't care about it either.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly when listening to Yue Luo's words.

"For such an important matter, don't you go to the room and tell me here, I see if you just want people around you to know that the Phoenix Clan invited me."

Ye Chen naturally saw Yue Luo at a glance, Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

"Although this might improve my reputation, these are too dangerous for me now."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Yue Luo suddenly remembered that Ye Chen was still being hunted down by the Assassin organization.

When Yue Luo thought of this, he was shocked, because he also understood at this time, coming over, he seemed to have done something wrong just now.

"But it's okay. Now that I have come to the Ye family, the people of the Ye family will naturally give me enough protection."

It can be seen from what Ye Chen said that he believes in the Ye Family very much now.

After all, everyone in the family has sent a Ye family steward to pick you up, although the Patriarch did not come.

But when I asked for help before, the family had personally participated. From this it can also be seen how much the Ye Family cares about themselves.

However, Ye Chen still kept an eye on him. After all, even though his surname was Ye, he was not a member of the Ye family after all.

In case this family wants to do something to themselves, Ye Chen will also leave you directly for the first time.

"I hope I won't turn against each other by then."

Ye Chen shook his head slowly, returned to his senses, and quietly looked at Yue Luo in front of him.

"Don't worry about this, now these beam jumping clowns can't get through any storms anymore."

Ye Chen patted Yue Luo's shoulder gently, what he said was correct, the enemy Ye Chen was paying attention to now was another mysterious organization.

"Well, if there is nothing to do, you can prepare first, I think it will be there for you soon."

Yue Luo knew that Ye Chen didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he nodded gently, and left without stopping here.

"Brother Ye Chen, does this really cause you trouble? If someone from other places comes to you, it won't be troublesome."

"Yan'er, what kind of person do you think Ye Chen is?"

Xiao Yan was stunned after hearing Ye Chen's question, but still spoke out what was in his heart.

"In my mind, Brother Ye Chen, you are omnipotent, and your strength has surpassed many people."

"It can be said that as long as you have enough time, Brother Ye Chen, you can take off."

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen smiled slightly, but still shook his head.

"Yan'er, in my opinion, you value me too much."

"Brother Ye Chen, why do you say that?"

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's words, and looked at him questioningly, as if he didn't understand why Ye Chen wanted to speak like this.

"Because these are not important to me at all, what is important is how to complete the promises in my heart."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan was also stunned, because she couldn't guess what Ye Chen was thinking.

"Brother Ye Chen, why do you say that?"

"Because in my heart, there is always a goal."

Ye Chen didn't continue speaking, as if he didn't want to discuss this matter in depth again.

"Ye Chen didn't expect your strength to be so terrifying."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little unpleasant, Donggong Yunlan quickly walked out and turned the topic aside.

Zhao Manyang watched the conversation between the two quietly.

Not knowing what was going on, he watched Xiao Yan and Ye Chen talk, always feeling that the two seemed to be a little distant now.

But Zhao Manyang couldn't say why for a while, he could only have this feeling.

However, Zhao Meiyang was not too obsessed with the current state of the two of them, after all, these were nothing to them.

"I don't know, my strength has progressed so fast in the past few days."

Ye Chen didn't know what was going on either. I don't know since when, Ye Chen's own power is increasing every day.

"Could it be that because I came to the upper realm, my body is gradually adapting to the concentration of star power here."

"So my self is slowly strengthening."

Ye Chen was quite sure of this thought, and nodded gently.

"It should be like this, anyway, for me, there is no harm, so I won't continue to think about it."

Ye Chen talked to everyone in this way, and everyone was clear about it.

"It looks like it will be soon. It's the semi-finals. I don't know how many of us can reach that level."

"Brother Ye, don't worry, I guarantee that some of us will definitely go in."

Zhao Manyang’s voice came from his body, and everyone laughed loudly as he listened to Zhao Manyang’s words.

"Zhao Manyang, no, I said you are still too confident, you know there are many masters here."

How could Li Yuhang let Zhao Manyang show the limelight here, and quickly refuted it.

"Li Yuhang, what are you talking about?"

Zhao Manyang was not convinced at the time, and argued with Zhao Manyang on the side.

"Hey, don't believe it, wait a while and let's take a look at your next opponent. I have already investigated it clearly."

"This is a guy from a super-large sect in the lower realm."

Zhao Manyang listened to Li Yuhang's words without comment, and curled his lips in disdain.

"What you said is like looking down on me. My current strength is the same. You must know that through the nourishment of the flesh and blood of those monsters, my current strength has completely exceeded their level. Do you understand what a level means?"

"I know this, but the strength of those people doesn't seem to be much worse than you."

Zhao Manyang, listening to Li Yuhang's description, was a little curious about his opponent.

"Li Yuhang, who is this guy you're talking about? Don't sell it, tell me as soon as possible."

Li Yuhang almost laughed when he looked at Zhao Manyang like this.

"Well, I will tell you now."

"This seems to be a Taoist person."

Hearing what Li Yuhang said, Zhao Manyang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this person could come from such a big background.

Although the power used in this world is star power, it is inevitable that there will be a sect with such a name.


Ye Chen was stunned when he heard the name.