Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1754: The three elders turn the tide

That terrifying power is simply not comparable to them, so to speak. If this person does not open the Internet, they will not have any chance to escape here.

"Unexpectedly, you guy opened his mouth to lie, do you think I will believe it?"

The three people listened to the old man in front of him with cold sweat on his face because he had not thought that he had just encountered such a hard stubble when he entered this formation.

"No, we have to think of a way, can the captain come over and pick us up?"

Of these three people, one of them suddenly thought of a bad idea, and wanted to contact the captain on the opposite side.

"Since you have come to our Ye family, don't even think about leaving!"

Since the third elder is here, how could he let these guys leave, and directly stretched out his hand and grabbed it outside.

Ye Chen only saw it at this time, a figure seemed to be approaching the formation very quickly outside.

Just before Ye Chen hadn't reacted, Ye Chen found that a person suddenly appeared among the three, and his strength was even stronger than the three.

However, the strength of this kind of strength is nothing short of the three elders.

The third elder looked at this man and sneered at the four of them.

"This is the captain you mentioned, since he has already arrived, then the three of you don't have to go!"

The captain obviously wanted to fight for the last time, but after feeling the strength of the old man in front of him, he also lost what you thought of it, and instead sat sluggishly on the side.

And the three people who just said they were going to ask their captain for help were all stunned at this time. They didn't expect that the person in front of them seemed to have a lot of background.

"The third elder of the Ye family didn't expect you to come out in person."

At this moment, the sound of footsteps also came up from below the hillside.

After Ye Jun came to the top of the mountain, watching this scene, he was stunned on the spot.

She didn't expect that the third elders would also come here.

"The elder didn't expect you to come."

The third elder listened to Ye Jun's words and turned to look at the people who came here.

"You are here just to arrest these four people. Ask to see what they are here for."

The few people behind Ye Jun didn't hesitate, and directly **** these four people and took them away.

The head of the Ye family was also here, and he was relieved when he saw that Ye Chen was fine.

"I just passed by here, and I came over when I noticed the intrusion of someone in our Ye family, but fortunately, I came in time."

The three elders finished. Slowly glanced at Ye Chen, then turned around and left here directly.

Ye Chen felt the gaze of the third elder just now, and he was a little confused, because he didn't know what the eyes of the third elder just now represented.

"Ye Chen, are you okay?"

The head of the Ye family didn't care either. What the third elder was looking at just now, instead he cared very much about Ye Chen, whether his body was hurt or not.

At this moment, Ye Chen shook his head when he listened to the director of the Ye family.

"I'm fine, the elders came to me just after I came here, so those people didn't have any reaction time at all."

Hearing Ye Chen's words like this, all these people let go of their hearts.

"Is that so? That's good."

"Ye Chen, you go down first, I will deal with the follow-up matters."

"By the way, Director, do you know the origins of these people?"

Ye Chen didn't see any familiar marks on these people, so Ye Chen also concluded that it was probably not the group of people he knew.

"I don't know. It seems that the specific information of these people will not be known until they are interrogated."

Ye Chen nodded lightly and looked at Ye Jun beside him.

"Let's go first, and let your supervisor handle the rest of the matter."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ye Jun was stunned for a moment, nodded gently, and said nothing more.

Because something like this happened to the Ye family, it was also the result of their lax censorship.

"Yes, just leave these things to the supervisor, let's go first."

Ye Jun sighed softly as he spoke.

"I didn't expect that something like this happened to our Ye family just two days after you came here. It looks like it might disappoint you."

Ye Chen felt nothing at this moment, and shook his head.

"No, you shouldn't think about this kind of thing like that. Fortunately, I'm here. If I didn't come, you might not be aware of these people's invasion."

"But what is strange to me is, what kind of talents did your Ye family provoke to make them spend such a large amount of money to invade your formation?"

"I don't know, but it seems that these people are not fully prepared, otherwise they won't be caught by our elders."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly when he heard what Ye Jun said, because he didn't think that was the case.

"No, it's likely that they have already done it a long time ago. Basically, they are almost prepared, but no one can tell why the elders of your family suddenly came here?"

"If I'm here alone, I won't be able to stop them."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Ye Jun suddenly understood that Ye Chen's strength was actually not as strong as he imagined, and the strength of these people had basically surpassed most of them in the Ye Family.

"It looks like they have sent a master."

Ye Chen, in fact, had already unlocked the Phoenix Stone when the third elder of the Ye Family appeared.

Because Ye Chen knew that such a secret method was useless in front of such a strong man.

So it's better to do nothing, and after Ye Chen came behind the third elder, the third elder just glanced at it and didn't say anything more.

Ye Chen thought of this, and slowly glanced at the stone in his hand.

Then he sighed softly, without thinking any more.

"Ye Chen has such a thing, do you still have the intention to go shopping, or let's go back first."

When the two talked, Ye Chen had already noticed it, it was getting late, and it was indeed time to prepare for tomorrow's affairs when they went back.

"By the way, when Ye Chen came over, the Patriarch asked me to bring you a word."

Ye Chen listened to Ye Jun's words and nodded, waiting for her and herself, what the **** was going on.

"Patriarch said that this clan battle will begin tomorrow, so you can prepare well."

After Ye Jun finished speaking, he didn't continue to say anything, just looked at Ye Chen.