Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1832: Last chance to escape

In an instant, the three Ye Chens who were still wandering there were locked.

"Hurry up!"

Ye Chen roared, without the slightest hesitation, he jumped out of the ice crack.

Li Yuhang and Donggong Yunlan didn't think about anything, they just followed Ye Chen and jumped down together.

At this critical moment, the three of them fled from the pursuit of the Ice Crystal Phoenix.

Only a bang was heard, and the ice surface above the crack shook violently.

A large block of ice fell towards the three of them.

Ye Chen's eyes became sharp, he knew that he definitely couldn't stay here.

"Follow me!"

It's not the time to say more, Ye Chen naturally wants to ensure his safety first, and after finishing speaking, he rushes towards the crack that hasn't collapsed in front.

Li Yuhang did not dare to neglect, and quickly followed Ye Chen.

Along the way, the ice cubes above kept falling, but compared to the ice crystals above, the falling ice cubes like Phoenix did not cause any hindrance to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen slowly slashed towards the front, and the ice cube that had fallen towards him in front of him instantly turned into powder.

Ye Chen watched this scene, took a deep breath and rushed straight ahead.

For Ye Chen, flying here is actually not that difficult.

But he still had to take care of Li Yuhang and Donggong Yunlan behind him, so he didn't get it too fast.

After seeing that the two behind him were unharmed, Ye Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You two must follow up closely, otherwise the ice cubes falling from above may smash me down at any time."

Ye Chen, as soon as he finished speaking, he only heard a swish, and an ice cube fell from his side.

Ye Chen hurried to hide behind, dodge the ice block, and did not touch Ye Chen.

Ye Chen frowned and looked at the sky above, only to see that the ice crystal phoenix above did not leave, and began to angrily attack the cracked ice field.

"No, we have to speed up, or the guy above can break this place sooner or later."

"And the shaking here seems to be about to collapse. We can't stay for long."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang and Donggong Yunlan also noticed something at this time and nodded gently.

"Now you are ready to accept the power of my fire, and the rest is up to you."

Because Ye Chen had already had the experience of sharing his flame wings with others before, so now this thing is still very simple for Ye Chen.

Just control the temperature of the flame.

As soon as Ye Chen arrived, he saw a red streamer and ran to the backs of the two of them.

Flame wings appeared behind them instantly.

After having the wings of flames, they suddenly felt that their flying speed had at least doubled.

Then the three of them accelerated, and directly left the cracked ice behind.

Ye Chen actually didn't investigate the situation inside. He didn't know whether the crack in front of him could rise up.

If there is no way to go up there, then this will fall short.

"Ye Chen, I think we should not hide here now, if we continue to go forward, there will be no room above, what should we do?"

Ye Chen listened to Donggong Yunlan's words and took a deep breath, he naturally knew it, but for him, that was all it could do now.

"Do we have another choice now?"

Hearing what Ye Chen said, the two of them were also silent, and they couldn't fight the monster above at all.

So now there is only one way left.

After that, the two of them didn't think about anything else.

After all, as long as you can survive now, what can't be done.

The speed of the three of them did not decrease, and a fiery red streamer flew into the distance in this crack.

After attacking this ice crack for a while, Ice Crystal Phoenix felt that the three of them had probably already died underneath, so they stopped attacking and turned and flew directly into the distance.

And taking advantage of this moment, the three people who had been lurking below for a long time got out and flew tightly above the ice sheet towards the distance.

"Hurry up, or after he reacts, the three of us will be chased by him again."

Ye Chen urged Li Yuhang and Donggong Yunlan behind him.

Although he wants to know the current situation of the two people now, under these conditions, it is really not a good time to talk.

So he gave up and continued to talk to a few of them.

"Should there be nothing wrong?"

After Li Yuhang came out at this time, he sighed in relief and slowly glanced towards the back, but after seeing that the ice crystal phoenix hadn't flew far at all, Li Yuhang obeyed Ye Chen's words.

There is no other mentality.

For Li Yuhang, this thing is actually too weird.

"Ye Chen, where can we stop?"

Ye Chen listened to Li Yuhang's inquiry and shook his head.

"I don't know this too well, but if you really want to know, when we can no longer see the phoenix, we can find a place to rest."

Ye Chen said as he spoke, suddenly turning his head slowly and looking at Li Yuhang.

"Lvhang hasn't seen you for so long, how do I feel that your physical fitness seems to have dropped a lot? You see Donggong Yunlan didn't say anything, but you are starting to get tired."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang smiled bitterly.

When I just wanted to explain to Ye Chen, his face suddenly changed drastically.

The body was swaying, and there was a sign of wanting to fall.

Ye Chen's originally smiling face suddenly became calm.

Ye Chen hurried to Li Yuhang's side and set him up.

"How about Li Yuhang? What's wrong with you?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Li Yuhang shook his head, saying that he was fine.

"Ye Chen don't need to worry about me, I may have used too much power, I have used too much."

"I'll just take a rest."

Ye Chen listened to Li Yuhang's words, and he was also very worried.

But now this matter is indeed not something that one can intervene casually.

"Then let me see what's going on with your body. I have used my power to treat you before, but why does this happen?"

Ye Chen was also very puzzled now, because he didn't understand what it was because of it. Li Yuhang only showed such a reaction.

When Ye Chen felt Li Yuhang's pulse, his face suddenly changed.

Because in Ye Chen's feelings, Li Yuhang still suffered some injuries.