Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1888: Conversation between Ye Chen

"In general, as long as Ye Chen observes the surroundings carefully, you will definitely find certain flaws."

"Well, now we are not talking about this. Generally speaking, if you want to go to the dragon clan, I can naturally take you there, but I can't get too much involved in the things inside. You know Bar."

When Duanmu Liu said a series of words, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

"Brother, I ask you a question, you have to answer me truthfully."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Duanmu Liu flashed a strange light in his eyes. It seemed that he was in a very good situation, and Ye Chen wanted to ask something.

"Ye Chen, what do you want to ask? If I knew it, I would naturally tell you. If you don't know, you can't force me to answer."

Ye Chen listened to Duanmu Liu's words, and had no choice but to gently nod his head in agreement.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as it's brother, you don't know, I will never ask more."

Ye Chen also sighed softly at this moment.

"Brother, I want to know if there are many eyeliners from other forces in the dragon race now?"

Duanmu Liu didn't seem to expect that Ye Chen would actually ask about this, and he was obviously taken aback.

But then he also reacted instantly. Maintaining himself, if he knew, the principle of not lying to Ye Chen still nodded.

"Yes, Ye Chen, now the dragon clan has indeed been infiltrated somewhat fiercely."

"But when you infiltrated it, or when you didn't return to the Dragon Clan, it is impossible to reach that level now, unless someone who you trust very much wants to come to such a place."

"Brother, do you mean that before the two of us participated in the Ascension Battle, the things in the dragon clan were all checked by you?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Duanmu Liu nodded even though he felt a little strange.

"In fact, you can say the same, so what do you want to ask Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen smiled as he listened to Duanmu Liu's words.

"In fact, brother, I have one more important thing that I want to ask you, that is, did you get any news when their dragons went out in full force? Why did they go out in full force?"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Duanmu Liu looked at him in confusion, as if a little strange, why would Ye Chen know such a thing.

"Junior brother, you are really getting more and more invisible to me. If I ask you why you know such news, how do you think you would answer?"

Ye Chen listened to Duanmu Liu's words and asked him, it was a bit strange.

"Brother, what do you mean by this? I know this question, naturally because I am the one being tracked by the Dragon Clan. Now Brother, you know it."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Duan Muliu thought for a while, and suddenly felt that Mao Sai suddenly opened up, as if he had been confused for a question, and now he has directly found the source, and the answer from the source is the most correct.

"I didn't expect that it was because of this. Then Ye Chen, let's go quickly, so we won't worry about this problem."

At this time Duanmu Liu also knew what he was going to do. Since Ye Chen had already told her about this matter, he had to figure out what he was facing.

Duanmuliu also began to contact Lin Le who was among the dragons at this moment.

He must now quickly get some information about the Dragon Clan, after all, bringing Ye Chen in, it's not just talk about it.

Ye Chen was also very clear at this moment that he was likely to face this matter.

"Senior brother, if I want to force it, will there be some things?"

"For example, the dragon clan will check in the border, if you see that you can't do it, it won't let you in."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Duanmu Liu was taken aback. He was also a little strange now, what exactly did Ye Chen say.

"Ye Chen, what are you talking about? Although there may be, but based on what we may encounter now, it is impossible for a dragon to come and question."

Duanmuliu was also very convinced at this time, he believed that his judgment would not go wrong.

Ye Chen can only choose to believe that a period is gone now, after all, he really can't grasp the initiative of this matter.

"Then, brother, I can only rely on you. If there is anything really going on, I can't escape."

Duanmu Liu nodded listening to Ye Chen's words, seeming to be very clear about what he was facing right now.

"Ye Chen don't worry, we leave now, at best we can find a place to live before night."

After Duanmu Liu finished speaking, he took Ye Chen directly and flew towards the sky.

The two were flying Ye Chen in the sky, while looking at the scenery below, thinking about something.

"Brother, you said that if the two of us didn't get the Sect Master over, are we still confronting that guy right now?"

Duanmu Liu smiled bitterly at this time listening to Ye Chen's words.

"I think with the strengths of the two of us, it is possible that he will not be able to find that he will directly use all of his strength to strike that blow."

Ye Chen listened to the senior brother's words and nodded gently.

What Duanmu Liu said was indeed correct, and Ye Chen was also very clear. At that time, the state of their hearts.

"So that's it, brother, what are we going to do with the rest?"

Duanmu Liu listened to Ye Chen's words, but didn't say much.

"Ye Chen's suzerain has already been connected, which means that we don't need to take care of it anymore. Now you only need to remember clearly, and just go to the dragon clan by yourself."

Duanmuliu talked to Ye Chen about this again, because he was worried that Ye Chen would think about it all the time.

"Okay, brother, I know, I know what to do."

Duanmu Liu didn't say anything more when listening to Ye Chen's words, just nodded gently.

"If you know the rest, I can’t say anything more. In fact, after you reach the dragon clan, you can do your own thing. I naturally have a way to deal with our sect’s. Things that are facing in China."

"Well, brother, since you have said so, I also know what I have to do now."

"Well, Ye Chen, as long as you understand this, Lin Le should provide you with some information at that time, and you can get more information."

"At that time, I hope you will not be impulsive. Although they can't chase you, but now is not the best time for you to have an episode."

Ye Chen listened to Duanmu Liu's words and nodded gently.