Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 2091: Blood Shura

"So, how do you become a general now?"

When Zhong Li heard Ye Chen's words, he lay helplessly on the ground.

"In fact, I had accepted the fate of death during the turmoil."

"But why? Just when I felt the catastrophe was imminent, one person got off me, and that person took me away. After my dynasty, I gave this armor to me."

Zhong Li stroked the mask on his hand while recalling what the person had told him.

"The person named Ye Chen who helped you at the beginning must always follow him, because he is a person who can influence you forever."

It was this simple sentence. After he said this sentence, he disappeared completely. He didn't even know who he was and where did he come from? What is his purpose for helping himself?

"So you have been wearing this suit and armor until now."

Ye Chen looked at the armor on Zhong Li's body. The material used to make this armor was extremely rare.

It also requires excellent craftsmanship to produce such a perfect defensive weapon.

"If you don't say it, according to your words, that person may not know me."

The only clue to himself now is that the person Zhong Li said may have had a relationship with him, otherwise, he would not say such a thing.

"Since you came out by that person, I have also recognized what I am going to do in the future. I have gone through hardships and escaped the pursuit of the Xuanwu dynasty and came to the Suzaku dynasty. From a soldier to the current general, The thing is to be able to rectify the name of the Zhong family for me in the future."

When Ye Chen saw Zhong Li's appearance now, he felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

I thought of how proud Zhong Li was at the beginning, but the reality has completely smoothed his edges and corners, making him what he is today.

Zhong Li is only in his twenties this year, and he is completely worthy of the name of a genius if he can have today's talent in his twenties.

But fate seems to have made a big joke for her.

At his best time, her family died in the political whirlpool.

Zhong Li also had to forcefully carry on the mission of the family, and became the cold-blooded and ruthless look he is today.

The Shura mask in his hand was like a seal, forcibly sealing his original heart in his own heart.

"So what is your purpose here this time?"

Zhong Li put on his Shura mask, and I once again changed back to the cold-blooded and merciless appearance before.

"My name is Blood Shura, and I was born in hell. Now I have only one purpose, and that is to annihilate the Xuanwu Dynasty!"

At the moment when he put on the mask, Ye Chen's familiar Zhong Li disappeared, and here was a blood Shura who lived only for revenge.

"You take off the mask first!"

Although Zhong Li could be so strong in front of other people, in front of Ye Chen, he was still the kid who was taught by himself.

Zhong Li took off his mask angrily when he heard what he said.

"In that case, let's enter this dark world together with the two of us!"

Ye Chen nodded towards Zhong Li, then flashed into the whirlpool.

When I saw Ye Chen's movements, Zhong Li was not to be outdone, and walked in directly with him.

When the two of them entered the vortex, a sense of horrific weightlessness made Ye Chen feel dizzy.

"Hold your breath and don't be affected by the energy in this whirlpool."

Ye Chen quickly discovered what was wrong with this vortex. This special energy was similar to the energy encountered when he entered the audit before.

It's just that one affects the mind and the other affects the breath.

When Ye Chen grasped Zhong Li tightly, he led him directly away from the center of the whirlpool.

"Finally left that ghost place."

After reaching the ground, I looked at the whirlpool above my head and let out a breath.

"are you OK?"

Looking at Zhong Li who was a little confused, Ye Chen put his hand on her shoulder, and continuously input spiritual energy into his body.

Looking at the black breath that kept leaking out of Zhong Li's body, Ye Chen knew that he had slowly recovered his consciousness.

"Let's go!"

Ye Chen, I took Zhong Li and walked towards the palace on the mountain peak in the distance.

Only when the two of them had just left, two of them walked over here.

Looking at the backs of Ye Chen and Zhong Li, the two men flashed a cruel smile in their eyes.

"Zhong Li, I didn't expect that there are still remnants of the Zhong family alive. If I can kill this remnant, then I will definitely be rewarded by the king."

Li Yi looked at Zhong Li as if he was looking at a treasure house capable of walking on its own.

"Do you want to solve the two people behind?"

Ye Chen, I stopped my footsteps, glanced behind me, turned my head and said to Zhong Li.

"Only these two wastes won't let you take action, just let me solve them."

Zhong Li put on the Shura mask in his hand and disappeared in place.

"Damn it, where did he go!"

Seeing Zhong Li disappearing suddenly, Li Yi looked around with an angry face, but no matter how he looked, he could not find Zhong Li's figure.

"Are you two looking for me?"

I saw a black figure in front of Li Yi, and the indifferent tone came out under the black mask.

"Zhong Li can give you a choice. As long as you choose to surrender and kneel in front of me, I can make your death easier."

Obviously, Li Yi had not seen the situation on the court at this time. He still felt that with his current level 60 cultivation base, he could easily defeat Zhong Li.

"Just relying on you, do you think that depending on your level 60 cultivation base, is it really my opponent?"

After Zhong Li finished speaking, a terrifying aura burst out. The horror cultivation base that belonged only to level 70 made Li Yi almost sit on the ground without a butt.

"How is it possible for you! Isn't your cultivation level only level 50? Why did it suddenly soar to level 70!"

Zhong Li was shocked at him, as if he hadn't seen it.

"There are still many things you can't think of. You should be the one who came to the Buddha to destroy my family. In that case, the first part of choosing the dynasty will start with you first."

A black spear pierced her body directly, nailing him to the stone wall behind.

"Go back and tell your master that I will accept Li Yi's order, and ask them to wash their heads and wait for me. Sooner or later, I will personally pick up their heads."