Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 2093: discover!

"Why are you here too?"

Ye Chen glanced at Li Ruoyun next to him with a headache.

One by one, the character that is full of choices is really too cheerful for me, which makes me somewhat uncomfortable.

"I came with my master."

Li Ruoyun pointed to the old woman behind him, indicating that this one was his master.

"You are the boy who auctioned the eight-pin pill at Tianji Pavilion."

Looking at this stranger, the old woman frowned, but she remembered again. At the auction before, your own apprentice did not formally tell yourself that there was someone about her age who refined the eighth grade. Is it a pill?

Although she still didn't believe that the Eight-Rank Pill was refined by the young man in front of her.

"If there is no one else, then this person should be me."

Ye Chen didn't answer his questions honestly as he imagined, but used an ambiguous tone to answer his questions.

Hearing Ye Chen's answer, the old woman frowned. Obviously, Ye Chen's answer did not reach his ideal.

But since Ye Chen didn't want to talk, the old woman didn't continue to pursue it.

"Let's go!"

Ye Chen glanced at Li Ruoyun's master, and from his eyes, he could see what he was special to him, although he didn't know why he was so wary of him.

But what do other people's ideas have to do with me? Fortunately, I only need to do what belongs to me.

"Master, why do you keep on guarding this little brother, he doesn't mean anything to me at all."

However, when the old woman heard him, she just shook her head silently.

"in this world"

Ye Chen took Zhong Li into the palace, and at the moment he entered the palace, a breath from the ancients rushed toward his face.

Ye Chen looked at the surrounding situation curiously. Unlike other monks, Ye Chen didn't look for the so-called treasure house at all.

Whatever belongs to you, after all, is yours, and doesn't belong to you. How do you find it still doesn't belong to you.

Ye Chen was able to survive in this troubled world because he had always believed in this.

"If you want revenge, this place is definitely the best burial place."

Ye Chen, what you mean is already obvious, if you want revenge, that person named Xuan Ming, now we can kill him.

"Give it a few more days to live, and I'll talk about it after everything goes out."

The gravity after removing Shura's mask was like a different person.

Whether it was his easy-going message and his plain tone, they were very different from Blood Shura.

"Then come with me!"

Ye Chen would take Zhong Li and walk in the direction opposite to these monks.

Seeing the movements of the two, these monks didn't care about anything? Anyway, this palace is so big, everyone has a place where everyone wants to go.

Ye Chen brought Zhong Li to a corner.

"Have you seen this thing? This palace is actually a blindfold, and his real organ is in this place."

Looking at the slightly raised stone brick in the corner, I couldn't imagine how dedicated Ye Chen had insight to discover such tiny clues.

"Wait a minute, I will find a way to know the turmoil. After this muddy water is completely muddled, you must enter this secret passage as quickly as possible."

Hearing this, Zhong Li looked at Ye Chen silently.

"You don't need to worry about me, it is much more convenient for me to act alone than when we two act together."

After Ye Chen's explanation, Zhong Li nodded in agreement.

Indeed, what Ye Chen said was the truth. It might be more convenient for Ye Chen to be alone than to act with himself.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he returned to the very center of the palace, and saw him walking towards Xuan Ming while holding Qing Feng in front of everyone.

"What do you want to do!"

Xuan Ming looked at Ye Chen with an ugly expression, walking towards him.

He did not expect that Zhong Li would not dare to do it at this time, and the young man in front of him dared to do it to himself privately.

"Of course it killed you."

Ye Chen stopped when he heard his words, and saw that he looked up at the ceiling above his head, and after silently speaking, he turned into a stream of light and came directly to Xuan Ming.

Before everyone had reacted, Qing Feng drew a cyan sword light and slashed towards Xuan Ming.


Xuan Ming's reaction was not slow, when he saw Ye Chen, he really dared to do it!

I saw that he directly summoned a cyan Xuanwu and wrapped his whole body in it.

Qing Feng touched Xuanwu's tortoise shell, and sparks sputtered continuously.

Ye Chen did not expect that this distinguished guest would have such a strong defense.

Seeing his arm trembling by the powerful counter-shock force, he saw his back emerge. I saw a round moon appearing behind him, and the round moon condensed and formed at an extremely fast speed.

Subsequently, this full moon split into two identical crescent moons, which were condensed on his hands.


The intrepid attack directly tore through Xuanwu's defense. Seeing this situation, Quan Ming knew that he was not the opponent of the young man in front of him.

However, at this moment, a person walked in at the gate of the palace. When he saw Ye Chen launching an attack towards Xuan Ming, a fierce look flashed in his eyes!

I saw a continuously rotating icicle appeared on his hand, and this icicle swept toward Ye Chen fiercely at an extremely fast speed.

"Huh! Did you finally show up?"

Feeling the cold breath coming from behind, Ye Chen didn't have any surprises. On the contrary, he seemed to have predicted his appearance a long time ago.

However, in the face of the icicle's attack, he did not evade at all.

In the next second, in everyone's shocked eyes, Bing Shi penetrated Ye Chen's body.

"Tui, you are finally here, do you know if you come one step later? What you see now is my corpse."

The visitor seemed to have not heard Xuan Ming's words, he looked at Ye Chen's corpse warily.

He wondered if his physiology was too simple?

The young man's strength is definitely more terrifying than he imagined, but just now he faced his own attack as if he hadn't done any defense.

This feeling made me have to wonder whether the young man in front of him had really died in his own hands?

"not good!"

At this moment, Ye Chen's body unexpectedly stood up miraculously, and what was terrifying was that Ye Chen at this time was like a walking dead, without any emotion or breath.