Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 213: Meet again

Although he said so, the patriarch of the Black Feather clan still smiled non-committal.


Just when Ye Cheng was about to ask.

A noise outside the house caught his attention.

"Oh, say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!" Feeling the breath of the arrival,

The patriarch of the Black Feather clan smiled too, and then went out and led in the monster beast that had arrived.

"Come and come, it just so happens that Ye Chen is here too! I'll recommend it to you!"

After the Black Feather clan chief came out, he pulled in a white figure.

While sitting in the same place, Ye Cheng looked at the visiting figure in shock.

"Ling'er, come and meet the patriarch of the Huoyu clan with me!"

"It's you?" Before waiting, the black feather clan chief said.

The white clothes behind him exclaimed in surprise.

"It's really a narrow road." Ye Chen also shook his head with a wry smile.

"Hello, let's meet again!"

"The villain who conspired! Before Ye Chen's greeting, the white bird demon looked contemptuous.

The attitude towards Ye Chen was also extremely bad.

"Why did you guys know each other before?" The Black Feather clan chief smelled the embarrassment in the air. Lang Sheng said.

"Have a fate!" Ye Chen didn't say much.

"Humph! Whoever has a relationship with you, I don't even know him!" Which white bird demon didn't buy it at all. He directly denied Ye Chen's words.

Ye Chen just shrugged at this.

It was as if I had to know him.

"Why are you here?" The white bird was about to frown at Ye Chen's brow.

"Why should I tell you?" Since he didn't sell himself a bit of face, Ye Chen didn't need to give him a good face. He directly replied.

Seeing how the two young talents were at war, the Black Feather clan chief stood in the middle, also extremely embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, what happened? Linger, you say!"

The black feather clan chief turned his head and said to the white bird monster beside him.

"Dad, you didn't know that this guy is a shameless person. When I went out to practice, he almost killed me!"

"Huh?" The patriarch of the Black Feather clan was surprised when he heard that, where did he start.

"Oh my God!" Ye Chen really couldn't take the slightest interest to explain to the white curls.

I can say that he was also the savior who saved his life, but in the end, he bit himself.

"No, Patriarch Huo is an honorable guest of our clan! How could he attack you?" Unbelieving his daughter's words, the chief of the Black Ant tribe turned his gaze to Yecheng.

I thought Ye Chen would make an explanation.

But at this moment Ye Shen had no desire to explain.

The body is not afraid of the shadow leaning, how he wants to understand that is his business.

"Little friend Ye Chen, look at this?"

"Then ask your daughter what's going on." After explaining these words, Ye Chen stopped talking and found a stool and sat down.

Then the patriarch of the Black Feather group pulled the white harpy aside. Listen to him explain in detail what happened when he came.

Then I understood the reason for the matter.

At this moment, the white bird demon learned that Ye Chen was not plotting against him, he really just hurried through the misty forest.

Knowing the truth, there was a rare blush on his face at the moment.

Then, driven by his father, he came to Ye Chen's side with a twist.


The sound was like a mosquito's chirping, and he quietly said these three words.

Ye Chen didn't say more, just waved his hand slowly. There is no need to care about things that the world does not understand when there are too many people.

"Next time you go out to be careful, can't you bring two entourages with your own big business?"

And Ye Chen's words made the red luck on the white bird monster's face even better.

"Hey, isn't this the clan rule uploaded by the ancestors," the patriarch of the Black Feather clan on the side explained loudly.

"In our Black Feather clan, there is a family rule handed down from ancient times.

That is the orthodox clan member,

When you reach maturity, you must go out alone for a week.

It's also a coming-of-age gift! When you ran into Ling'er yesterday,

It happened to be the last day of his coming-of-age ceremony!

To be reasonable, you two are really fate! "

"There is fate, I don't want to have fate with him." Ye Chen secretly spit out in his head, but still smiled.

"Wait for fate?"

Looking at the face of the patriarch of the Black Feather clan, there was indeed a somewhat intriguing look on his face.

"Could this girl be..."

"No, no!" Ye Chen was a little nervous about the next conversation.

Then the Black Feather patriarch spoke loudly, confirming his guess.

"Yes, Ling'er inherited the blood of your fire feathers, the purest golden falcon blood!"

"It just so happened that Ling'er officially completed the coming-of-age ceremony today.

The purpose of inviting you is also to let you get acquainted with Linger, make friends, after all, young people! "

As expected by Ye Cheng, this Linger should be his marriage partner.

"Okay, since you have known each other a long time ago, then I won't be a light bulb here anymore.

You young people have your own ideas, so Linger,

You quickly take little friend Ye Chen around! "

Before they could react, the Black Feather clan chief blasted them out the door.

After leaving the house, Ye Chen turned to look at the white bird monster.

At this moment, his face is still mixed with blush.

Maybe it's the apology to Ye Chen, or maybe it's because Yizhichen is the object of his continuous marriage and feels ashamed.

"What's wrong with you? Have a fever?" Ye Chen didn't expect him to be like an iceberg before, but now he can reveal the appearance of this little woman.

At this moment, even if he possessed human intelligence, he could hardly suppress his instinctive reaction as a monster.

"The previous thing was that I was sorry for you! I misunderstood you, please don't blame me!"

The white bird demon looked at Ye Chen comfortably, and then apologized to Ye Chen again.

And at this moment, Ye Chen could be regarded as completely forgiving him.

"It's alright. The so-called prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach. Although I am not a prime minister, I still have this measure!"

Ye Chen's words made the white bird swim confused.

Seeing him scratching his head, he also laughed dryly.

"By the way, your name is Linger, right?"


Ye Chen called her Ling'er by her name for some reason, and there was some joy in her heart.

"A nice name, your father gave you a name?"

"No, my mother took it to me!"

"It's also because of your father's profiteer face, how could he come up with such a literary name."

"What is a profiteer?"

"Ahem, no no, nothing, then take me around, make sense,

Your Black Feather clan is really incomparable with our Fire Feather clan, and I am an eye-opener to you. "