Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 2145: Mystery man

"You know I don't want to do this at all."

Luo Ling'er wanted to explain, but he couldn't say anything when he spoke.

This time, the purpose of his coming was originally to bring home late at night

But seeing Ye Chen resisting the dark tide so hard, he himself suddenly gave up his purpose.

In his heart, he still couldn't get past the hurdle in his heart, and he didn't want to do these meaningless things.

Even after the successor struggles for the final defeat and sacrifices his life, he does not want to abandon his beliefs.

This is something Luo Linger has always insisted on.

When his master said those things to himself at the beginning, his heart was shaken.

Yes, everyone is afraid and fear of death, even oneself, oneself is no exception, oneself is afraid of death.

But when he saw that Ye Chen was working hard to resist the dark tide, the fear in his heart was slowly disappearing.

Everyone is afraid of death, but if you are alive and you don't even have faith in your heart, what is the difference between being alive and being dead?

After this little pain, Luo Linger decisively gave up the purpose of coming here this time.

He wanted to rely on his own efforts to let Ye Chen follow him back to the Dragon Clan, instead of using this kind of unconquerable tough method.

Even if it brought Ye Chen and the girl back to the Dragon Clan, the fate of both of them would be death.

That way, I will live with a crime all my life, this kind of result is the last thing I want.

"Since I don't want to do anything to me, then you just stand there honestly. The energy contained in this dark tide is simply not something you can resist."

Sitting there honestly is your greatest help.

Ye Chen could see that Luo Ling'er was struggling with some very important things in his heart.

But this matter has nothing to do with me.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he turned his head and directly released an extremely strong star power.

The power of the stars condensed into a sharp long knife and slashed directly on the Kuroshio Current.

The intrepid attack caused a huge gap to be torn apart by the Jiangzhe Kuroshio, but this gap will soon be filled by other energies.

However, at this moment, a figure came to Ye Chen and directly helped him to forcibly consolidate this gap.

"You are?"

Ye Chen was 100% sure of the person in front of him, he didn't even know him, the man didn't look back, looked at the dark tide below, and snapped his fingers lightly.

These dark tides seemed to sense an extremely powerful energy, and they all collapsed at this moment.


Ye Chen looked at the Hei Chao in front of him with a serious face, and the two of his own harmony had exhausted all their strength, and there was no way to retreat him.

And the man in front of him, with just a snap of his fingers, was able to repel the Kuroshio Current. How powerful is this man?

"With the blood of the phoenix and the power of the stars, as well as this person with the celestial body, you two have passed the Kunlun Mountain will test."

I saw the man walking in front of the two with a smile on his face.

Who told his finger to move forward slightly, Ye Chen felt that the injury in his body was healed at an extremely fast speed.

"What do you mean by passing the test?"

He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him warily.

This man has extremely strong power, even the fire dragon he encountered before is not his enemy at all in front of this man.

"You have the blood of the Phoenix in your body, and you are also cultivating the power of the stars. If I didn't guess wrong, you have now obtained the approval of the power of time and space."

These conditions of yours are completely enough to allow you to successfully enter the core area of ​​Kunlun Mountain through the consistent recognition of Kunlun Mountain.

And he, he is the inheritor of the celestial body, like this unique physique under the world, and he originally possessed extremely strong power.

You and the celestial body can control the world's thousands of laws, so she can naturally pass the approval of Kunlun Mountain's will.

And the little girl who followed you before. She is the inheritor of the Ancestral Dragon bloodline. If I guess correctly, you two should have acquired the inheritance of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Beast.

The dragon and phoenix source beasts were born in Kunlun Mountains, and returning to this place for the two of you should be equivalent to returning to your own home.

After the man's explanation, Ye Chen looked at him incredulously.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a level of relationship between myself and Kunlun Mountain.

Especially the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Beast was born in Kunlun Mountain, which was the only thing he hadn't expected.

If this is the case, how did Kunlun Mountain come into being?

Why can such a tyrannical beast be born in this Kunlun Mountain.

"So what does this so-called test mean?"

According to what the man said, he had passed the test of Kunlun Mountain's will.

This means that he can cross this gorge and truly enter the core area of ​​Kunlun Mountain.

"So, what you mean is that only the three of us can cross this gorge and enter the so-called core zone?"

The middle-aged man nodded when he heard this.

"That's the truth. Among these people, only the blood and talents of the three of you have been recognized by Kunlun Mountain, so only the three of you can truly enter this core zone to accept the real test."

Kunlun Mountain has never been a place for charity and disaster relief. It will only allow people who truly meet his requirements to enter the core area of ​​Kunlun Mountain to accept his inheritance.

Some of the people he requested for dancing died in Kunlun Mountains, and some were erased by themselves and sent out of Kunlun Mountains.

"This female doll is also possible. The dragon bloodline in her body is close to the phenomenon of returning to ancestors. If you train it a little bit, the bloodline should reach the height of the ancestor dragon."

Of course, this is just an assumption. Before that, Luo Linger had to transform his blood.

Only in this way can he slowly get close to the blood of his ancestors, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to do this at all.

"follow me!"

The middle-aged man waved his sleeves and suddenly a long bridge condensed by rainbow appeared above the canyon.

After the rainbow bridge was condensed and formed, the middle-aged man walked up first, and then he turned his head to look at the people behind him.

"Let's go, there is not much time left for you, there is a time limit for Kunlun Mountain to open."