Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 2162: Stars into a painting

Although the arrangement of these stones has their inherent order, there is no way I can use it now, and my perception can draw the connection route of these realities in my mind.

The only thing I can rely on now is my eyes.

And when he saw it by himself, all the sights he saw were chaotic.

Want to find a sequence among these, this is tantamount to difficulty.

"Remember, do not use your own perception to try to control these forms of connection routes. Since that has already been said, this place is isolated from feeling. If you use perception, I am afraid you will cause your own sea of ​​consciousness to be extremely severely affected. Trauma."

I also nodded Yunxi, and then focused all my attention on these forms.

how? But no matter how hard he tried to observe the images he saw, they were all messy, and there was still not a trace of regularity found in one piece.

Seeing that the time for a stick of incense was about to pass, whether it was Yunxi or Ye Chen, their hearts were a little anxious.

They had only three opportunities in total, and each opportunity only had three sticks of incense time, but they used one stick of incense time.

Still haven't found a trace of the law, so Ye Chen is a little doubt that these star stones can really be connected to the appearance of three kinds of beasts?

"Ye Chen, I seem to have discovered some of the rules."

I just discovered here, no matter how these forms are connected? They all have to touch one of the star stones, and this star stone is in the middle of the form.

Following Yunxi's fingers, Ye Chen saw the star stone that was emitting a faint light.

This star stone is completely different from the other star stones, and there are only three in total in the whole concentration.

Moreover, the three points happened to be right again, the appearance of the three sacred beasts that Kunlun just said, obtaining these three is the secret that he can crack the law of the test.

Ye Chen followed one of the surnamed rocks, and began to continuously describe what he thought in his heart, but until the time it connected a kind of phase, he didn't really even come out a unique law.

It's as if every line connected by these star stones seems to be different.

"No, I think we were wrong at the beginning. The placement of these stones may be messy. Its real function is to confuse us and prevent us from going deep. "

Ye Chen slowly closed his eyes and began to paint a dragon in his mind.

Who told her to slowly open her eyes? He saw that in one of the forms that exuded a faint light, the surrounding stones started to move continuously with extremely slow movements.

Moreover, the way they moved, and what they formed in the end, turned out to be the dragon that he had imagined in his mind.

"it is as expected!"

After finding the rules, Ye Chen began to control the surrounding stones continuously, and began to move slowly according to the painting that he had depicted in his mind.

But as the look of this dragon became more and more real, Yancheng felt that in his mind, it was as if something was being held down, it was very heavy.

That's right, as the degree of completion of this painting gets higher and higher, it becomes more and more difficult for Ye Chen to use the power of the soul to move these stones.

In the end, Ye Chen wanted to move one of the clues, and what he paid might be all his soul power, and sometimes his soul power was not enough to move it.

"If this goes on, we will never be able to complete it!"

Ye Chen looked at the star stones in front of him a little angrily. He guessed half of the appearance of this dragon, and his soul power had already appeared in a state of extreme lack.

There was no way I could do it after this, and the level of Yunxi and himself would not be enough to complete it completely.

He was a little skeptical and thought that he deliberately chose a task that was simply impossible for them, just to prevent them from passing the test.

Slowly, as the three sticks of incense in Kunlun's hand were completely burned, she appeared in front of Ye Chen and Yunxi.

Afterwards, he waved in front of the two of them, directly smashing the half-dragon picture behind him.

"Why, the genius that Sheng has been talking about all the time, is this the only genius? Although I am a little surprised, you can find my remaining cash in such a short period of time, but everything you have done still disappoints me too much. ."

Even if it is to make a person richer than you, they can find a way to draw a picture.

But you have used what you think is easy, but in the eyes of others, the most stupid method.

Do you know this place? Where did he say it? This is the starry sky. What you cultivate is the power of the stars, and these star stones can resonate with the power of the stars in your body.

Sleepy, talking in a word, and while he was math, she also used the power of the stars in her body to continuously affect the surrounding stones.

Sure enough, it was exactly as she said, the moment these stones touched the power of the stars. They all obediently followed the power of the stars to where they should go.

Ye Chen looked at these thoughts on top of his head with a look of surprise.

She never thought that this task would be so simple, but she has been stuck in a very confused place and never came out.

Now after Kunlun's reminder, he has walked out of this trap.

"I see."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he immediately started the second level test.

As before, he first condensed the appearance of a dragon in his mind, and then he used the power of stars to control the driving around him.

Continuously put them together, and finally condense the appearance of a dragon at a very fast speed.

It's just that now another question is before him.

Just put together a dragon, he has used nearly 1,000 yuan, and now, the remaining forms are only more than 800 yuan.

How could he use these 800 pieces of 800 pieces of snacks to condense them into the appearance of two other divine beasts.

Ye Chen looked at the star stone above his head and fell into contemplation. Kunlun gave him the rest of the test. It looked very simple. In fact, she was all cash in it. As long as she made a wrong step, she would go. All of the steps are wrong.