Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 226: Moving spirit

The Medusa White Snake clan is really troublesome.

It seems that Ye Chen has to work hard if he wants to win the victory this time.

And then Linger flipped through the roster in his hand again.

"By the way, there is this guy."

"The Ecg Silver Wolf is the young patriarch of the clan. He has already broken through the fourth-order high-level cultivation base six months ago.

Is the ECG Silver Wolf?

Ye Chen muttered in his mouth.

The Silver Wolf clan in Xindian can now be regarded as the rival of the fire and the gentry.

If that happened back then, Ye Chen would find the Silver Wolf clan of ECG sooner or later.

From the news brought by Ling'er, it can be seen that, as he said, the written test at this conference is actually not simple.

If they were just ordinary Tier 4 monsters, Ye Chen shouldn't be afraid.

But after all, they are the descendants of the monster beasts who inherited the blood of the ten ancient monster beasts.

In terms of ordinary strength, they do look down on them a bit.

But despite this, Ye Chen also has full confidence in this conference, because he must get the first place, and only after winning the first can he establish the reputation of the Huo Family and the future development of the monster plain continent.

This time he not only wanted to let the people of the Wild Nineteen Lands see the growth of the Huoyu clan,

Also let the entire Monster Beast Continent know that the King of Lonely Land is ready to return again.

Look down on him these years, the fire feather clan will be slapped in the face by him.

"Is that all? Alright, I know." Ye Chen nodded slowly towards Ling'er.

"Is that all? Are these not enough?" For Ye Chen's blind confidence,

Ling'er looked a little hard to understand.

"Oh, don't worry, just their few garlics are not enough to stuff my teeth?"

"It's not when you were arrogant. I told you that they are all descendants of the ten ancient monsters. If you are..."

When Ling'er warned Ye Chenyao to be vigilant, Ye Chen waved his wings and interrupted him.

"Okay, okay, if I can settle it, you can rest assured."

"Fine, you can settle, and don’t come to me if you suffer."

Ling'er, the goddess of iceberg, poses as a little woman at this moment.

Seeing Ye Chen's cold eyebrows slightly raised, he said with a sigh.

How Ye Chen looked at the Ling'er in front of him was extremely beautiful.

"Look at what to see, haven't you seen it yet?"

Ling'er saw Ye Chen's gentle eyes, and said with a whisper.

"It's not enough to watch for a lifetime." Ye Chen scratched his head and said with a smile.

Linger was blushing as soon as he said this.

Then he was neither sitting nor standing.

In the end, he ran out of Ye Chen's cave with a face full of shame.

Early on the second day,

Chaoyang climbed up the hill.

At this moment, the Black Feather Mountain clan is already crowded.

Except for Ye Chen and Ling'er who were traveling at this conference. There are also two Fengming and Black Fang from the Black Feather clan.

As the three young Gods of War of the Black Feather Clan, it is obligatory for them to participate in the convention.

"Why are there only two of the three young fighters?"

Ye Chen saw the two birds in front of him and slowly said to Ling'er beside him.

"The eldest brother of Heifang is also one of the three war gods,

Nowadays, he has been guarding the border due to the invasion of foreign clans at the border, so he has no time to participate in this conference.

But the brother of Heifang is the most famous genius of our generation.

Now he has also broken through the existence of the fourth-order high period.

With the white snake mentioned to you before, and the young patriarch of the ECG Silver Wolf family, they have the power to fight. "

Ling'er stood beside Ye Chen and slowly explained.

"oh, I see."

Seeing Ye Chen going forward this time, Hei Ya and Na Fengming were really surprised.

Although there was some friction between them before,

But Heifang and Fengming are not the kind of monsters with small belly and chicken intestines.

But Ye Chen used his own power to intrepid them both. They are also dead, they are convinced.

After seeing Ye Chen, he also nodded actively.

If one party has a willingness to make peace between men, it will not be as troublesome as girls get along.

And because the Black Feather clan leader still guards the Black Feather clan base camp, the agent who went this time was Ling'er's second uncle, the younger brother of the matching clan leader.

But what is surprising is that the leader of the Black Feather Alliance also has to go with him.

It might be due to Ye Chen.

"The flight is far away, so for the sake of everyone's physical fitness, I chose to use transportation tools."

Ling'er's uncle stood in front of a few monsters and spoke slowly.

And then only heard him blow a whistle.

Above the sky, a huge black shadow slowly flew towards this side.

"This is a three-tailed griffin!"

Looking at the gradually enlarged figure, Ye Chen also burst out the species of this monster beast.

This monster beast was golden in color, a huge lion head appeared in everyone's eyes, and its two wings spread out like a huge flat fan.

Including most of the trees on this hill.

Three-tailed Griffin, the third-tier peak, a monster of combat power.

If this is in the current Huo and Shi Clan, it is already beyond common sense. But in the Black Feather Clan, it turned out to be just a simple means of transportation.

It is conceivable that there is a big difference between the current fire and the secular and the black feather clan.

However, Yecheng didn’t complain too much.

Because he knew that only clans were built step by step,

It will be as strong as this old clan.

Senior Golden Falcon made this mistake back then.

Obviously he already has prestige and strength.

But there is no clan that manages the history of the clan properly,

It is a crowd of mobs, who look gorgeous on the outside, but in fact they break at the touch of a touch.

This is why the civil war occurred that day after his fall.

Although this is a common mistake made by every clan, in Ye Chen's view, the cohesion of the clan's human heart is the most important, no matter how many people are in the clan, it is not one mind. This is not enough to go far.

Ye Chen looked at the huge rescue in front of him, and also sighed.

"Go up!" Ling'er's uncle said slowly to several people.

Then he also took the lead to stand on the head of Griffin.

Feeling being touched by Uncle Ling'er slowly, the griffin also groaned comfortably.

The Griffin is very large, with a wide back, and carries a few monsters without any problems.

But what made Ye Chen wonder, the leader of the Black Feathers did not sit on the Griffin.

The second uncle on the side explained.

The old green has a relatively strong detection ability, and he doesn't want to stick to this griffin.

So he often goes out to inquire in front.

After hearing that Ling'er was comfortable, the night scene also nodded slowly.

The monster beast like the Green Forest Parrot is actually not very powerful.

Its most outstanding is its reconnaissance ability. This was also when the Black Feather League was established.

The reason why the green parrot has such a strong position.