Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 258: Repair meridians

"How is the second patriarch Heiya?" Ye Chen walked into the rest area of ​​Heiyu Shizu and asked slowly.

"After the meridians are completely broken, you may not be able to cultivate, but fortunately, your life is saved."

At this moment, the second patriarch looked helpless.

Now the unconscious Black Tooth looks okay, but he doesn't know what will happen when he wakes up.

Not being able to practice this kind of bad news, for a practitioner, it is undoubtedly more sad than killing him.

"Is the injury really so serious? Is there no remedy?" Ye Shengnannan asked.

"Lao Lu has seen it just now. The two main meridians have been abolished and one of the meridians scattered throughout the body are all broken. To put it bluntly, it is a blessing to be able to retrieve a life.

And what Old Green could do was only wake him up.

If you are lucky, he can still walk on the ground like a normal monster beast. If you are not lucky, he might be in bed in his life..."

Sadness is revealed in the words of the second patriarch.

No matter how Hei Fang said. It is one of the three war gods in the Black Feather clan.

It is the commander of the Black Forest Army.

If this is to pass this news to the Hei and Shi Clan. How big should the response be?

even. The second patriarch had no face at the moment and went back.

Whether you can get the position to enter the secret realm, let's talk about it separately.

Imagine that when I came to this competition with a lively clan member, I turned out to be lying down.

No one could accept this, nor could he explain it to the patriarch.

"Oh, blame me for not stopping him..."

The second patriarch was extremely upset at the moment. This matter is also responsible.

And Ye Chen felt a little bit sad when he saw the dull Hei Yu Shi Clan.

After all, the white snake's goal was himself.

It was Heifang who had taken the thunder for himself.

Now the black teeth fell to this point.

Ye Chen's words were indeed a little inhumane.

"Is there any way the system can save this situation?"

Now I have no choice but to turn to the system for help.

"Ding! Looking for a solution for the host..."

As the system read the article, Ye Chen stepped forward to comfort him.

"It's okay, it's okay, I believe God will not be so vicious, there must be a chance for improvement."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, the demons also nodded, but did not hold out much hope.

And then the voice of the system rang in Ye Chen's mind.

"Find a reliable treatment for the host."

"The first kind of 70% success rate requires herbal medicine, 5th grade resurrection grass, 4th grade hunting pig and 3rd grade Fujinhua. It is brewed with extremely pure flames, and after smelting, you can complete the reshaping of the meridians one by one.

The second method requires a level 5 item with a success rate of 30%, the soul hunter monster monster core. "

"The third method has a 92% success rate, and the required item is a Concentration Orb."

Ye Yechen looked at the system and found three ways.

It can be seen that the second type is the least reliable.

Not to mention that Ye Chen, the Tier 5 Monster Beast, cannot get it with the Monster Core.

With this 30% chance, it is indeed a bit too risky.

And look at the third method, pay attention, I have never heard of it. With Ye and Ye Chen's understanding of the system, I believe that this Concentration Orb has such a high chance of success that it should cost a lot of money.

Now Ye Chen can only target the first method.

The herbs needed are basically good.

It is not too difficult to find, after all, the system has its treasure trove.

Ye Chen only needs to exchange it.

Then Ye Yechen was under the protection of the system, and he really found the herbs he needed.

The 5th grade rejuvenation grass needs to purify 25,000.

The evolution value required for the fourth-level hunting pig is 12,000.

The evolution value required for the third rank rich golden flower is 9000.

Ye Yechen looked at the prices in front of him, and the corners of his mouth also mocked.

It's the system after all. The ability to take advantage of the fire has to learn more from him.

Not to mention that these 5 bottles of herbs are just these three bottles of Golden Flower, the evolution value does not need 9000 at all.

I don't know if this system knows that Ye Yechen needs these items urgently or what?

In the past, three bottles of herbs could be bought with only 4000 or 3000 evolution value.

Today it even costs 10,000.

Now Ye Chen is a little bit suspicious that this system and the patriarch of the Black Feather clan are a group of black-hearted merchants.

But under the current life-saving situation, Ye Cun had to pay for the necessary medicines for Heifang at his own expense.

But at this moment Ye Chen had forgotten a major event.

He himself was already ashamed.

These three herbs add up to 40,000. Evolution value.

I took a look at his own attribute column, and the remaining 35,000 evolution value was already Ye Chen's last possession.

Ye Chen really didn't know what to do at this moment?

Ye Chen thought about discussing the price with the system. But after thinking about it, I guess the possibility of success is unlikely.

"I also discuss something systematically. You said whether the herbal medicine you need for this treatment can be cheaper. After all, it is to save people. When you are cheaper, you can be regarded as accumulating your yin virtue..."

Ye Chen spoke in detail, but the system did not give any response.

So Ye Chen was a little bit big.

He really didn't know what to do at the moment.

"Damn, there are so many herbs in the warehouse, and there is no one that can match, so it's good to be able to match one! Seeing the dazzling array of herbs in his warehouse, Ye Chen bitterly hit his chest.

But at this moment an idea flashed through, and Ye Yechen immediately aroused his spirit. Hurriedly asked the system in the body. "

"Hey, system system, do you think I can use the herbs I have now to exchange evolution points with you?"

And this sentence did get a systematic answer.

"Ding, if the host wants to exchange herbs for evolution value, the price of the same herbs will be discounted by 20%"

Unexpectedly, the exchange fee would be deducted from it, and Ye Yechen now wished to take the system out and fight.

But now that this method can work, you are indeed pretty good.

Then Ye Chen plunged into the rain of his containment.

He began to search for useless herbs.

"This family of Tier 5 herbal medicines turned out to be good looks. Fuck me, I still need to improve such a handsome face. Just change it.

There is also this elixir to highlight the body of the monster, Nima, what are these things? "

Ye Chen cursed while looking for useless herbs.

I may not believe it, because the dragon general team performed a lot of tasks at the beginning, and the rewards they received were also extremely rich.

From Ye Chen's protection, Ye Chen took out four useless Tier 5 herbs, 20 Tier 4 herbs, and 50 Tier 3 herbs.

This is undoubtedly the second opportunity for Ye Yechen to change shotgun.

Wouldn't it be fun to exchange these clutter on the bottom of the box for evolution and then turn these things into useful elixir and skills.