Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 286: Goodbye young patriarch

The two monsters were leaning on the outside of the camp and talking happily.

No one knows that they have been stared at by a pair of venomous eyes.

Ye Chen didn't rush to move, but slowly approached them in the form of a snake.


Feeling that the snake-like monster beast next to him is still prosperous, he turned his head and looked at Ye Chen.

"Who are you?" Feeling the spiritual power emanating from Ye Chen's body, it was only in the middle of Tier 3, that snake-shaped monster raised its eyebrows and asked slowly.

"I came here with new support, but what's the situation in front of Brother now?"

Ye Chen pretended to be unaware, and asked the white snake monster in front of him curiously.

"New here? The current situation is under control. Why haven't I heard of new aid troops? Which department do you belong to?" Ye Chen's incomprehensible serpent-shaped monster beast's face is puzzled. Be wary of Ye Chen.

"Oh, I am the young man, I am sent by the young patriarch..."

"It's sent by the young patriarch. The young patriarch is in the camp now. How could it be possible to send someone from the clan to say who you are!"

There was obviously a loophole in Ye Chen's words, the snake-shaped monster beast was immediately alert.

The vigorous spiritual power burst out instantly,

The strength of a Tier 3 peak burst out instantly.

Ye Chen was also extremely surprised by this. After all, the strength of the simple clan members of the old clan had already broken through the third-order Takasaki.

But if it is such a strength, if you want to stop Ye Chen, it is simply a dream.

The lie was broken, Ye Chen did not panic too much, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was even greater.

"Whoever I am, I am the mosquito bird in your mouth!"

"Are you Ye Chen?" Hearing Ye Chen's words, the wretched snake demon's face instantly turned gloomy.

Then just when he was about to inform the whole army, Ye Chen's figure had already rushed in front of him.

After that, the monster beast didn't wait for its neck and head to have separated.


The first stage landed on the ground, making a thumping sound.

In just a breath, the head of the monster that was still talking about it just now has moved.

This made the monster beast who was communicating with him so scared that he dared not come out.

Slowly wiped it off, the fresh blood on his hand turned to look at the monster beast in front of him.

At this moment, big beads of sweat have condensed on his face.

The body began to tremble involuntarily.

Even forget to sound the alarm at the first time.

"Don't don't come over, don't come over, eldest brother, eldest brother, I was wrong, I just obeyed the order, you must not kill me..."

Looking at the panicked snake monster in front of you, you are also pulling his collar to an inconspicuous place.

Throwing him under his feet, Ye Chen gave birth to his bone and iron claws and leaned on his head to prevent him from escaping.

"Next, you will answer whatever I ask you. If I say that I conceal my paw, I will squeeze it down mercilessly."

"Nod if you understand..."

The words passed into the ears of the snake-shaped monster beast below him.

Then I saw him nodding frantically.

"The first question, how about the fire feather clan casualties?"

"No, not much..."



With the sound of broken bones, the snake demon finally heard a miserable cry.

"I don't have time to talk more nonsense with you, and if you give me sloppy eyes, believe it or not, I have 100 kinds of things that make you better than dead..."

It can only express expressions in English, staring at the snake-shaped monster below him, and the movements on his hands are merciless.

At this moment, the iron claws grabbing his neck have been embedded in the flesh, and blood has leaked out of his bones and claws.

I believe that only one pinch of this monster beast will kill it.

It was really shocked by Ye Chen's actions.

And that snake-shaped monster beast did not dare to sloppy.

"After we got here, we joined forces with the Jindian Silver Wolf clan and almost destroyed the other territories of the Huo and Aristocratic clan. Now there is only this place in front of us that the Fire Forest cannot attack.

The casualties are almost 30,000..."


Hearing this huge number, Ye Chen's anger came to his heart again.

You have to know that the Fire Feather Clan plus the peripheral affiliated tribes, there are only 40,000 monsters in total.

The war is coming, I believe many monsters will flee here.

The number of 30,000 can be said to have almost destroyed the fire and the family.

"Have you caught any cadres from the Huoyu clan?"

Enduring his inner anger, Ye Chen remained the same. The voice was cold.

"I don't know this very well..."

At this moment, this snake-shaped monster beast looked nervous. I'm afraid that any sentence that is wrong will offend Ye Chen.

But even so, he will not let him go.

"You said the white snake is here?"

"Yes, the young patriarch led us here..."

"Okay, I see, go to sleep..." Ye Chen nodded, and the movement on his hand ended cleanly.

Yinghong's painstaking efforts have stained this land.

This white snake also sleeps here forever without suffering.

Following the guidance of the snake-shaped monster beast, Ye Chen moved his body and walked towards the white snake's camp with a look of nothingness.

In the camp at this moment.

Bai Snake sat comfortably in the position of chief.

The remaining group of monsters is a close member of the Medusa clan.

Just as Ye Chen got the news, the entire Medusa clan now has only one male white snake.

The remaining cronies are all female snakes.

"Report to the young patriarch that the poison has formed. I believe that it will not be long before the fire and the remnants of the family in the earth vein fire forest will be completely confused by this poison."

A female snake in my hand arched her hand towards the white snake in front of me.

"Well, I see, step back..."

The white snake nodded casually.

Looking up at the ceiling, he stretched out his long tongue, licking the wound left by Ye Chen at the previous Monster Beast Conference.

The remains of Ye Chen before. The wind blade slid from his head to the tail.

The white snake's body, which was originally pure and clean, had a harmful wound on the surface at this moment, attached to his body.

And when he returned to the clan, after debugging by the ancestors, he also repaired his broken meridian seven or eight.

He, who should have been trained in the clan, couldn't swallow this breath.

Then led the army to the Wild Nineteen Lands.

The first thing here is to start the massacre directly.

The sweeping from the outside to the inside caused all the monster beasts of the fire and gentry to gather in the earth vein fire forest in front of them.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that there is such a strong person besides Ye Chen where this bird does not shit.

That little lion is really not a simple character,

Fortunately, I have already severely injured him. I believe that he can't overcome any big storms..."

"What I didn't expect was that the **** of the Dayuan clan would even dare to intervene in this matter! Is he really going to break the balance between the gentry on the element plain?"

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed across the white snake's face.

The original thing went well.

So that the little lion can't overcome the storm no matter how strong it is.