Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 293: lesson

The leading army generals looked worried.

This crusade should have been a simple existence.

And the living and aristocratic clan is only in their bag, but he did not expect Ye Chen to suddenly come back at this time.

Can not help but leave the young patriarch not to say.

Feel the fire feather clan regrouping.

As a veteran clan, they were a little scared at this moment.

However, if the young patriarch's arrest is passed to the patriarch's ears. Killing them 10 times is not enough.

"The young team leader must be rescued as soon as possible. When will the engineering vehicle arrive?"

Commanded by a wretched white snake, sternly scolded at the tree beside him.

"If you go back to the adults, the construction truck will arrive tomorrow at the latest..."


As the subordinate's voice fell, his head fell to the ground.

Blood gushed from his neck.

This situation was so scared that the snake monster beside him dared not come out.

"Tomorrow, the young patriarch’s body will probably be hung on the wall by them. Tell me tomorrow?

A group of guys who have not succeeded enough to fail, if you dare to have a siege truck before dusk, even if you jump into the magma, you have to build a bridge for me! "

At this time, Huo Yu Shi Clan had no idea what was happening outside.

With the existence of Ye Chen's backbone, the Huoyu clan is not as scattered as before.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

At this moment, Ye Chan also directly summoned the system, wanting to inquire about the enemy's deployment.

"The system brings me the map of the entire nineteen wasteland!"

"Ding! The map of the Nineteen Wildlands is being retrieved for the host, please wait for the host..."


Ten seconds after the sound of the system fell, a huge blue screen appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Then Ye Chen watched in detail the map of the entire nineteen wasteland.

Now he has lost a lot of his territory, as it was during the last war.

There is only one place where they live.

And because of Miao'er's great work, the lava from the volcanic eruption formed a natural barrier for the entire Huoyu clan.

On the periphery of the barrier is the Medusa clan.

At this moment, the Medusa clan had already surrounded the entire Earth Vein Fire Forest.

There are green red dots around the earth vein fire forest, and these red dots are the distribution of Medusa.

At this moment, the upper left of the Medusa clan was in the misty forest closest to the Earthline Fire Forest.

The blue light spots are intertwined with the earthy yellow light spots.

The blue light spot should be the ECG Silver Wolf clan.

And don't ask about the khaki light spot, 100% is the rescuer led by the little monkey.

At the moment, the little monkey can only do so much.

The ECG Silver Wolf clan is the clan that occupies the most in the entire Monster Beast Plain.

With the troops brought by the little monkey, it is estimated that he will not be able to help Ye Chen.

But this also greatly eased the pressure on Ye Chen's side.

As long as you know if the Medusa clan has photographed the first Tier 5 monsters, there is no problem at all.

Because as long as there is no Unbounded Monster Beast World, no matter how much you want to keep in the eyes of a picnic, it is just ants.

It is a pity that the system cannot be accurate to the distribution of the strength of each clan monster.

otherwise. Ye Chen didn't need to spend so much effort.

Seeing that Ye Chen was so embarrassed.

Heifang took the initiative to ask for a fight if the pain was almost good.

"My lord, please send me. Now my concealment method is no worse than that of investigating the enemy's situation. I should be able to do it."

Heiya bowed down in front of Ye Chen.

Because of his failure in this war, he has accumulated a lot of frustration in his heart.

If he can't win this battle, I believe it will have a great impact on his future practice.

Ye Chen shook his head slowly for the black teeth who were eager to do their jobs.

Because at this moment he does not need to go to investigate.

Right now he still has a trump card in his hand.

Then I saw Ye Chen, and a bright light was emitted when he contained it.

A white figure appeared in front of the important.

After the deposit, all the monsters' faces were full of anger.

It turned out that when Ye Chen flew into the depths of the Earth Vein Fire Forest, in order to avoid extra-junction branches.

Ye Chen directly stunned the white snake and threw it into the rain of containment.

Even if it means that living things can't be stored apart from containing it, because there is no oxygen in it.

But Ye Chen didn't care about that much.

If White Snake could live, it would be good for him, and it would not be a loss to Ye Chen if he died.

After releasing the white snake, this guy hadn't died yet.

Being in the containment rain for a long time made him starved of oxygen for several hours.

If Ye Chen doesn't release him again, it is estimated that the Heavenly King Laozi will not be able to save him.

Seeing the sky again, he felt that air was such a luxury for the first time.

He lay on the ground and gasped for breath, as if taking advantage of him, he ignored the movements of the monster beside him.

"Dogs, today I am going to kick the dead people to revenge!"

Next to Ye Chen, a grumpy Yao belonged to the white snake staring at him angrily.

It was this guy who attacked all the monsters of the entire clan from the dark.

It was this guy who made their entire clan fragmented and blood flowed into rivers.

Seeing that the culprit was right in front of them, all the monster beasts in the vegetable market were in the same mood as this monster.

They can't wait to put it to death right away!

"Yes, kill him, hang him on the city wall, and show the monsters of the Medusa clan! Look at their patriarch!"

"I come!"

Then Xiaobai came out of the crowd and grabbed the white snake's tail and threw it against the wall.

Seeing this, Ye Chen did not stop.

Instead, he said slowly to Xiaobai.

"Give you 20 minutes, just don't play to death, there are still questions to ask him..."

Ye Chen's blood-colored pupils also flashed a chill.

If you just kill him like this, it's really too cheap.

Well, I don't know if he suffers a little bit, it is hard for the common people to be angry.

And the importance of getting Ye Chen's order went towards Baishe one after another.

Due to the previous battle with Ye Chen, the White Snake had a hidden disease.

Before being played with by Ye Chen again and applauded, his old injury had already occurred.

Now let alone these third-order monsters in front of you, even a second-level monster can instantly kill it.

The White Snake did not expect that as the young patriarch of the Sha clan of Syphilis, he would one day be trampled under the feet of these third-order bird demons.

"Don't come over, don't come over, I am the young patriarch of the Medusa clan, if you dare to move me, you are dead!"

He kept stopping the monster beast rushing, but his head was full of hatred, how could they listen to the words of the white snake.

"Using your Medusa as a guise for killing so many people from our tribes, even if it is the king of Lao Tzu who comes here, Lao Tzu is correct!"

Huo Yuan also joined the battle at this moment, even if one foot was severely injured, his anger did not come out at this moment.

Spread its wings and flew towards the white snake on the wall.

A claw grabbed his neck.

Then he tossed around in the sky 10 times, and then threw him to the ground.

Another deep hole was smashed into the ground in an instant.

And not waiting for the white snake to slow down.

Another bird demon rushed in front of him.