Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 299: Collective refining

"Master Commander, you don't really think that I will be relieved to crush you all to my Fire Feather Clan, and let you recover and run wild in my possession."

"Tell you, each of your monster beasts has been drugged by me. Not to mention, in at least three days, you will be no different from the snakes that run on the ground.

If you have to say something, then you are indeed a bit whiter than them. "

"That's it..."

Ye Chen’s words were like a death sentence, piercing the heads of all their monster members.

In three days, these harpies in front of them can play themselves to death without any effort.

In three days, this group of jealous harpies will chew their bones. After all, what they did, they knew best in their hearts.

At this time, Ye Chen sitting in the stands also spoke.

"Those friends of the Medusa clan, I hereby welcome you all here today, come from afar and come to my Fire Feather clan as guests."

"When I went out to practice, I never thought that when I came back, I would see such a sight,"

"I have to say, it is really shocking indeed."

"The tens of thousands of people of my Fire Feather clan have been killed so many by you in one day. It's good, really good."

"Today I bring you all to this square just to tell you,

Under your feet, there are tens of thousands of ghosts of my Fire Feather clan! "

Speaking of Ye Chen’s blood-red pupils becoming even brighter, his steadfast eyes looked at the demons under him.

"Like, invade, yes, like crusade, yes, don't think I will be afraid of you monsters of the Medusa clan.

Even if your patriarch came here, the ancestor of Medusa appeared,

I also want to use the blood of all of you to pay tribute to the spirit of the sky of my Huoyu clan! "

"Chop them off! Revenge for the dead people!"

"Vengeance! Revenge!"

As Ye Chen's voice fell, all the monsters beside him were filled with righteous indignation.

The culprit who destroyed the homeland stands before them right now,

The backlog of anger in the heart was finally released at this moment, and all the monsters seemed to be crazy.

Holding the weapon in his hand, shouting at these guys in front of him.

And these noble monster beasts of the Medusa clan, at this moment, are finally afraid, facing the angry bird monster, and their own strength is restrained.

Finally, they also realized what fear is in the true sense.

As the noble Medusa clan, they are always pronouncing the death of others.

And no one would have thought that they are facing such a problem today.

Facing the harpy of the Huoyu clan of various looks.

At this time, they already had fear in their hearts.


With Ye Chen's applause came.

All the birds were about to stop the weapon that was about to fall on the snake monster's head.

"Just let you die, wouldn't it be too cheap for you..."

Speaking, Ye Chen stood up slowly.

As he promised before, he wanted to refine these worldly monsters of Medusa into puppets, using their current bodies as a container, so that they would live forever and serve the entire living fish style.

There are tens of thousands of snake monsters left, and it will take a long, long time if they are all refined into puppets, but Ye Chen is not afraid of them.

He felt that only in this way could he comfort the dead active clan heroes.

So now let's start with this time the white snake is with you.

After that, I came to this white snake and you at a slow pace.

The black bone claw stepped forward, and severely locked the 7 inches led by the white snake.

"Are you curious, why should I bring you here? Now I will give you this answer..."

Can't help but say the love between Ye Chen's body, the green flame rose instantly.

The ghostly eyes stared at the white snake in front of him.

His body has been restricted.

There is no white snake in front of you at all, just like an ordinary snake.

Can only be at the mercy of a game.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do?" The turquoise flame burned his body again.

Since there was no spiritual power as a protective body this time, for a while, an extremely burning sensation caused the white snake's head to swell.

Roaring, staring ferociously at the eyes.

But Ye Chen wouldn't care too much.

No matter what he did, he still didn't stop his hand movements.

"Enjoy this process to your heart's content. This may be the last time you stay in this world. You will be reincarnated in your next life. Remember not to provoke live fish..."

After speaking these few words slowly.

The clear green flame of the deep pool directly penetrated into the body in the eyes of the white snake.

The three materials needed to refine the puppet are the corpse and the menstrual blood of Ye Chen III of the Demon Core.

But now that the corpse and the demon core are already available, Ye Chen wanted to try whether he could rely on the demon beast itself to directly condense a powerful puppet.

Think about the first time you encountered that water tower.

Ye Chen made it his own puppet with the task explained by the system.

But now Ye Chen didn't want to do that.

For one thing, going through the system requires a lot of resources.

Secondly, if you let him have his own wisdom, then it is indeed a bit too cheap for him.

And when he persuaded the water tower for the first time, Ye Chen discovered that the seal was not absolute, and it would be easy to break free if the opponent was strong.

But this valve is different.

As long as you enter your own essence and blood, you can completely make it your own machine and serve yourself.

"How do you feel about being watched by the Huoyu clan?"

Looking at the hideous white snake pupil in front of him, Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Ah, you have to die, you must die!"

The leader of the white snake cursed Ye Chen with his throat, and now he would not think about it too much. This kind of pain is a feeling that he never wants to try once in his life.

"That's why you die first. With my current physical condition, I don't think it should be a problem for me to live for a few more years."

Laughing and looking at the white snake in front of him, the method of finally refining the puppet was instantly activated by Ye Chen.

The clear green flames pierced directly into the head of the white snake, which was the location of each monster beast core.

As Ye Chen guessed, this method was completely feasible. The cyan flame entered the demon core and began to refine the demon core led by the white snake.

And this process can also make White Snake Tongli truly enjoy it.

Today's white snake leader's voice has broken.

Husky stared at Ye Chen, his mouth opened slightly as if he was saying something but couldn't say it.

But Ye Chen had been grasping the measure and didn't let him faint in pain.

He just wanted to let himself look at him in a sane situation, and the whole person was reduced to Ye Chen's machine.