Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 336: Confrontation

"Hey? You third-order bird monster is so pretentious, believe me or not!"

"Black teeth! Don't be rude!"

Stop the black teeth that just made a fist, ready to do it.

Ling'er apologized slowly to the black teeth of the Huoyu clan.

"I'm really sorry, we are the monster beasts of the Black Feather clan. Hearing that your clan is in trouble, we came here to help."

"A monster of the Black Feather clan?"

Hearing Ling'er's words, Black Fang looked up and down Ling'er strangely.

The slight contempt can be clearly seen from the black tooth's face.

"You are waiting here, I will ask our patriarch."

After a light confession, Hei Fang turned towards Huo Yu.

"It's really kind to be a donkey liver and lungs..."

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. They try to encounter this situation, and it is normal to be vigilant. Right now only Ye Chen is fine, and nothing else can be said..."

Linger instructed the black teeth beside him, waiting for a while to stop talking when he arrived at the clan.

After all, the reason is that their Heiyu clan did not do well.

Within three minutes, the black teeth of the Fire Feather clan came to the three of them again.

"Our patriarch summoned, come on..."

The tone was very cold, which made Hei Ya and Fengming extremely dissatisfied.

But with Ling'er by his side, they couldn't say much.

And Ling'er didn't have too many worries about this, at this moment, his mind was all Ye Chen's appearance.

The main hall of Fire and Secular has been restored seven or eighty-eight.

Although it is not as magnificent as the previous class, it is still able to carry out normal official duties.

The three Ling'er were brought into the hall by Heifang.

At this moment, the entire Huo and Gentlemen are still under the command of Miao'er.

Among them, Ling'er also saw an acquaintance, the green parrot standing far away greeted him.

"Hey, I didn't expect Uncle Green was there..."

"You don't know this anymore, Uncle Lu has decided to follow Ye Chen long ago, it's not very strange here..."

But when Ling'er came to the hall with joy and looked at the figure on the seat, it was not Ye Chen.

"Where is Ye Chen? Where is he?"

Ling'er was very anxious.

The black and the world?

Without answering Ling'er, Miao'er raised an eyebrow when she saw it.

Facing Miao'er's question, Ling'er naturally nodded slowly without being humble or overbearing.

Hearing the black feather clan arriving,

The members of the Fire Feather clan put aside their work.

They all moved closer. At this moment, an inexplicable pressure enveloped the three of them.

I feel that these guys in front of me are malicious,

Heiya and Fengming also subconsciously moved closer to Ling'er.

I haven't waited for Meow to speak at this moment,

Xiao Bai on the side spoke first.

"Hehe, the members of the Black Feather clan are really friendly. You only came after the battle was over.

Are you here to sympathize with our wounded? But it's really hard for you! "

Facing the strange voice of Xiaobai's Yin and Yang,

The **** black teeth were naturally unbearable.

"What are you talking about you!"

"Am I wrong?"

"If I remember correctly, the patriarch provokes enemies, but it's all because of your Black Feather clan."

"I keep saying that my lord will negotiate the alliance, but how is it now."

"The war is coming. I have never heard of your clan sending a soldier."

"My Fire Feather clan ended up like this, you don't care.

Now that the war is over, you are here, just when my members of the Fire Feather clan are fools? "

Although Xiaobai speaks awkwardly, but every sentence is true.

At the beginning, the patriarch was angrily crowned as a red face, they knew about this, the clan members did not complain.

But the follow-up of this confidante is indeed a bit ill-suited.

Set aside the origins of the Fire Feather and Black Feathers,

Even if it was because of the event at the meeting, it was reasonable for the Black Feather clan to send troops to strengthen it.

But when these guys knew that the Huoyu clan would face a lot of trouble, they chose to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Now that the problem has been solved, their condolences are here.

"You..." Hei Fang was speechless for a while.

I was really speechless by Xiaobai's words,

It is true that this matter is very wrong, even if it has a hundred mouths, it is impossible to excuse the Black Feather clan for its actions.

"This matter is indeed my Black Feather clan. I'm sorry to you..."

As the princess of the Black Feather clan, Ling'er must offer a sincere apology to the monster beasts of the Fire Feather clan.

"I'm sorry? I'm sorry?"

"I tell you, what you are stepping on under your feet are the members of my Huoyu clan who died in battle.

Thirty thousand, do you know the concept?

A total of 30,000 compatriots were killed by the Na Medusa clan and the Cardiogram Silver Wolf clan.

And the culprit of all this is your Black Feather clan.

If you hadn't invited the patriarch to your Black Feather at the beginning, it wasn't that you were talking about the Monster Beast Convention, or that you were venting your anger on the battlefield.

How could our clan be reduced to this field today! "

Xiaobai blushed and roared,

His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He had already left this sad thing behind him, but it was the monster in front of him that reminded him of the tragedy once again.

The countless beasts of the Fire Feather clan are all flushed at this moment.

Countless people who did not know could not wait to expose the corpses of these decent guys in front of them.

"Okay! Xiaobai, don't say a few words, don't give people any hats! We are not as good as people because of our skills, it has nothing to do with them!"

After hearing what Xiaobai said,

Meow frowned secretly,

Even if this is the case, after all, it is not the reason why he is not strong.

The wind will destroy the sand dunes.

Without the strength to be so assertive, in this world of the weak and the strong, to blame others can only appear to be too incompetent.

"Yes! Lord Meow."

Reprimanded by Meow, Xiao Bai also slowly stepped aside and stopped talking.

Meow immediately regained consciousness and looked at Ling'er under her.

With a graceful figure and Qiaoren's face, I have to say, it really matches the big brother.

"Ahem, sorry, the members of my clan have spoken a little too much,

You are friends of your eldest brother, no matter what the reason is, you are the guests.

It’s a pity that our clan has been busy with construction recently and has no time to entertain guests.

If you want to go around the clan by yourself, or look elsewhere, you can.

You can do it yourself. "

After explaining a few words slowly, Miao'er was ready to get up and leave.

Today's Miaoerdao really means abbot the overall situation, and his words and deeds are like a grown-up lion.

"and many more!"

Just as Miao'er was about to leave, Ling'er in the audience immediately stopped her.

"What's the matter?"

I was a little guilty of being seen by Miao'er, even if the monster's words were a little overdone.

But the fact is like this. If Ye Chen hadn't been summoned to the Black Feather clan, this wouldn't happen.

"Your patriarch... where is he."