Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 345: I'll help you

Probe mode is turned on again.

The detailed drawings of the 8th floor appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Take the center of the circle where you are now.

Ye Chen started a carpet search.

Just like Jiaolong said, after searching round and round, he still didn't find the answer.

The heart has sunk to the bottom at this moment.

"No, I have to go out. I can't stay here for 500 years!"

Forcibly make one's will strong,

Then Ye Chen looked up at the black cloud in the sky.

If there is no ground, there must be an answer above the sky.

"Lei Kai!"

The blue light flashed, and Lei Kai of Night City was wearing him.

As he kicked his feet, the whole person plunged into the black cloud like a bolt of lightning.

And entering the night city of Black Cloud, I still felt the horror of this thunder.

How can Ye Chen be able to crack the Thunder under the Dragon King.

Even if he summoned thunder armor of the same attribute, he couldn't control it.

Dodging back and forth with his ultimate speed.

Lightning mingled with the storm.

At this moment, he is like a lone eagle flying in the clouds.

The Thunder ran towards him one by one.

Even if Ye Chen's speed is good, he still can't escape this Thunder Net.

After a sparse, a bolt of lightning struck Ye Chen's wings on the rotating bald head.

As if being pierced by this thunder, the pain of eating came to my heart.

And just when he was distracted to call the spiritual power index wound, another thunder bombard Ye Chen's back.

It was as if an electric shock penetrated the heart.

For a while, Ye Chen's eyes became blurred.


Another loud thunder sound,

Then I saw Ye Chen's figure, like a broken kite falling towards the mountain peak.

When he woke up again, Chiu Chiu was standing in front of him with dew.

At this moment, Xiao Hei had already regained consciousness. He was very happy to see Ye Chen regaining consciousness, rubbing his face back and forth.

"Okay, Xiao Hei..."

After soothing Xiao Hei with a hoarse voice.

Ye Chen looked up and saw the smiling Jiaolong staring at him.

"How? What am I talking about?"

"Is there really no way?" He was also unwilling.

500 years If I waited for 500 years, the Promise and Savage Nineteen did not say that I can remember that there are still living things in this world.

"Ah... After 500 years of trying, the only way for me now is to conquer this thunder and successfully degenerate into a dragon!"

"Successfully degenerate into Jackie Chan?"

This sentence caught Ye Chen's attention.

According to the black tower's mechanism, if every monster has its own mission.

Then Yecun's situation is also obvious.

Or as long as this Jiao successfully degenerates into a dragon in front of you.

So will the 8th layer tasks be refreshed?

Ye Chen, who was at a loss, once again had a clear mind.

"Yongen! If I help you successfully survive this thunderstorm, can you leave here?"

Ye Chen immediately cheered up and said with the Flood Dragon in front of him.

"Hehe, you help me, don't dream anymore, it's easier said than done.

I can only be a dragon after a thousand years of precipitation. I am only five hundred years old. This is a speculation, and this Thunder is a subordinate of a real dragon. There are too many things to consider in order to successfully overcome the calamity. "

Although Ye Chen is very kind, Yongen is not optimistic about Ye Chen's plan.

Some things are not something she says can be done.

At least this dense thundernet did not find any flaws.

"Ha ha ha, real dragons, are they amazing? I have them too!"


As Ye Chen's voice fell.

A golden light rose from Ye Chen's body,

Attracted by Ye Chen's movements, Yongen raised his head.

Then a strong pressure made him sweat.

"This, this.... This is..."

Demented, he looked at the changes on Ye Chen's body, and saw the looming dragon pattern behind him. For a while, he really didn't know what to say.

" also have true dragon blood in your body."

If you choose to take the path of Jackie Chan, your own perception of dragon power is extremely powerful.

And the dragon power that Ye Chen released at this moment was stronger than the Thunder Dragon he had encountered by many levels.

For a while, the entire dark cave was pierced by the golden light of Ye Chen.

"How about it. Did I lie to you?" With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Ye Chen slowly said to Yongen in front of him.

"do you have any plans!"

After changing his previous doubts, he asked loudly with a firm complexion, starting from Ye Chen to heal himself, and then revealing the golden light and dragon power today.

Ye Chen gave him a lot of surprises.

Perhaps going out by yourself really depends on the bird demon in front of you.

"The method is what people think. I don’t have a good plan yet, but if it’s really like I guess, I can get out according to that method.

Then other problems will not be a problem. "

While speaking loudly, Ye Chen sat down on the stone.

Although the system does not answer, it does not prevent other functions.

"Help me find the evolutionary relationship of snakes."

"Ding. Looking for the host."


After a blue light flashed, Ye Chen wanted the answer to appear in front of him, as expected, as Ye Chen understood.

In the process of evolving into a dragon, the dragon needs to resist thunder.

As long as he withstands this blow, then he can evolve into a dragon.

"You can stand up to a lightning strike to become a dragon. Is there no other prerequisites? Or...who should be the one?"


"Kacha! Boom!"

The thunder on the horizon seemed endless, whistling over the black peak all the time.

And in the cave at this time, Ye Chen was making the final meridian adjustment for Yongen.

Helping people to the end, sending Buddha to the west, besides, it depends on this guy whether he can successfully break out of the eighth floor.

"I will explain the general content of the plan to you first.

When I broke through Tier 4, thunder robbery was also incurred.

At that time, I was gathering my last spiritual power, and I didn’t have time to worry about the thunder.

But my friends around me helped me resist the thunder.

So in my opinion, it doesn't really matter who comes under the thunder. The important point is that as long as the thunder strike is completed, you have no problems. Then it can break through Jackie Chan. "

Ye Chen’s method is always so novel,

This can be regarded as taking advantage of God's loopholes.

But it has to be said that it is indeed a way, and there are successful cases before it can naturally be tried.

After hearing Ye Chen's method, Yongen on the side was also full of surprise.

Just when Ye Chen wanted to praise himself for him,

This guy's words caused Ye Chen to stumble once.

"You are recruiting Tian Lei in Tier 4, you are afraid that you are not a monster!"

"Nima! Can you focus on something else!"

Ye Chen, who couldn't stand it, went up like a chestnut.