Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 471: Muddled

An ethereal voice descended like an imperial decree.

"Sky Splitting Demon Dragon! You wait for me!"

The pain of losing his son made the Patriarch of Blood Thunder Dragon raging in his heart, but his reason did not dare to repeat it too much.

No more impulsive actions, gently grabbing the corpse of Kuang Lei,

After the Patriarch of Blood Thunder Dragon stepped on Thunder, he headed toward the horizon.

The episode did not have too much influence on the competition system.

Above the stands, all monsters started. Call out the names of Long Xiaodao and Chen Ye.

"I declare! The winner of this game is the Tracer Demon Dragon Family!"

"Ye Chen! We won! We won!"

The last moment when the results are announced.

Long Xiao's joy in his heart cannot be concealed.

However, Ye Chen had been in a state of diarrhea.

Still unable to recover from White Wolf's words.

"What does this contain?"

then. Due to the battle between the Tracer Demon Dragon family and the Snow Thunder Dragon family, the duration was too long.

As a result, the next game system was postponed to tomorrow.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Dragon family that was successfully promoted also ushered in a short rest period.

Return to the family.

The entire Sky Splitting Demon Dragon family was full of joy from top to bottom.

This landmark victory was not only a big mistake in the spirit of the Xue Leilong family.

And it also laid the foundation for their new rise of the Sky Split Demon Dragon Family.

All of this is due to Ye Chen, the mysterious bird demon.

However, just when the whole family was celebrating.

Ye Chen's room has been tightly closed.

On the bed, Ye Chen once entered that mysterious space.

In the dark environment, Ye Chen was no longer surprised.

As soon as he entered it, he began to look around for the mysterious cat demon.

"Where are you! Come out for me!"

After several roars, I saw the cat demon walking slowly in front of Ye Chen.

"What did you do to me? And why are you lingering in my body?"

Ye Chen at this time was already full of anger.

In today's game, the bizarre scene made Ye Chen's heart throb.

At this moment, he would rather that force swallow him completely.

Or have a bad influence on him,

He didn't want to stand here like a okay person.

But at this moment, the cat demon in front of him didn't pay any attention to Ye Chen's words.

He yawned gently, paying attention to Ye Chen lazily.

"I still need to explain to you how,"

"Destiny has selected you, this kind of thing is something you can't get rid of even if you want to,"

The meaning of the cat demon's words is very clear.

But Ye Chen's anger in his heart was even stronger when he heard this.

He seeks the Tao with all his heart, he does not allow himself to fall into that so-called magical way.

"Go to die! Go to die! You die to me!"

The more you think about it, the more pressure you put on yourself.

Like a mental disorder, Ye Chen screamed wildly in this huge black space.

But there was a hollow echo in response to myself.

The black cat has disappeared.

Ye Chen, who was in this space, knew that he was petite and helpless.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Chen woke up on the bed again.

A pretty Jiaying next to her was lying in front of her bed and fell into a coma.

When the peerless face on his side was watching from zero distance, Ye Chen discovered that the nightshade was so beautiful.

It may be because Ye Chen made a loose noise after waking up.

Solanum slowly opened his blurred eyes.

After rubbing his sleepy eyes, his bewildered eyes met Ye Chen's hollow eyes.

The gleaming green eyes always emit a strong light of horror.

Makes the Solanum Ketchup face turned red.

"You, you, you, when did you wake up!"

While looking at the wrong face, Solanum asked Ye Chen in a panic,

"Just awake,"

"O'ao, that! I, that didn't enter your room on purpose, I just heard your ghost call outside,"

"That's why,"

"Yeah, you, what happened just now, you screamed loudly,"

The little girl explained in a flustered expression, while Ye Chenwang Xiao Nizi smiled knowingly.

"I just had a dream, what can I do if you come to see me"

"O'ao, yes, grandpa said, let you see him when you wake up,"

"I've brought that remark, so I'll leave if there is nothing wrong, goodbye."

After explaining everything, the little girl rushed out of Ye Chen's room in a panic.

Seeing the figure of Xiao Nizi going away, Ye Chen fell into the memory for a moment.

"If I really fall into the devil's way, a few people will treat me sincerely, and their attitude towards me will change,"

While whispering, Ye Chen's heart was worried.

Never fear life or death,

Even when facing death, Ye Chen would not frown.

But this time Ye Chen was really worried.

He was afraid. He was afraid that the people around him would leave him,

He has experienced a life of loneliness, and in any case does not want to be like the next.

Live in a human world.

This is also the reason why Ye Chen panicked.

The monster beasts of the demon race were spurned, and Ye Chen didn't have the absolute confidence to make the monsters understand him.

Maybe one day, then I will be the one that was cast aside.

After a long sigh, Ye Chen packed up his clothes and came to Old Man Long's room.

"Boom boom boom,"

"Come in,"

A kind voice came from the room.

Ye Chen stepped into the room slowly.

I saw Mr. Long holding a simple ancient scroll, studying it carefully.


As if knowing who came, the old man Long did not even raise his head, and he whispered to others.

"Ang, the old man heard that you are looking for me,"

At the old man Long, he smiled politely, Ye Chen's face. Squeeze a smile.

Sit down first,

After looking up at Ye Chen, Mr. Long smiled and greeted Ye Chen.

Facing Mr. Long, Ye Chen's heart did not know why, but a trace of jealousy rose.

Staring at the front. As stable as Mount Tai, the ordinary old man of dragon.

Even if he didn't speak, Ye Chen could feel a strong sense of oppression.

Although on the surface it is kind and peaceful, but Ye Chen's insight is amazing, the manner and actions the old man showed

It has similarities with Bengqi.

The most important point is that.

Ye Chen couldn't see through the cultivation base of Old Man Long unexpectedly.

He didn't believe that, as the old leader of the panic state's top family, he was a generation to wait and see.

The old man still didn't speak, just flipping through the ancient books in his hands.

"Master, you,"

The two sat there for a long time.

In the end, Ye Chen couldn't help but ask.

"Xiaoye, what do you think of Warcraft?"

"Huh? Father, why are you asking this?"

The sudden question made Ye Chen a little at a loss.

He didn't understand why the old man would ask himself so.