Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 594: Man in white

Looking at the two people going away, golden light burst into the eyes of the man in white clothes.

After Ye Chen and Solanum came into the city.

The sky has entered dusk.

A day's journey.

They were also a little tired, and then walked into a restaurant.

Not long after sitting down, I found a familiar figure walking slowly at the door.

Seeing this person go to Yichen, his brows are not seen everywhere.

The white-clothed man pretended to glance at Ye Chen's side intentionally or unintentionally, and then walked over with a surprised look.

"I didn't expect to meet your brother and sister here. It seems that we are also destined."

"Fate, ha ha..."

There was a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth, but Ye Chen did not expose the white man in front of him.

Just smiled and nodded.

But the man in white clothes was not polite and sat directly opposite Ye Chen.

"I'm the third prince of Mulan City, Bai Chen doesn't know what the brothers call?"

"The third seems to have met a big man this time."

"My name is Chen Ye, this is my sister Chen Kui..."

"When I first came to the precious land, I hope the three princes will take care of them..."

"Chen Kui, Chen Ye has a good name, acquaintance is fate. Don't worry, as long as I am in Mulan City in the future, no one would dare to call you five and six at the gate of the city before."

"Now brother can tell me, what is your purpose for coming here?"

Obviously, the white-clothed man was not very sure about Ye Cheng's surrender to relatives.

"Hehe, nothing can escape the eyes of the third prince."

"We are at this point, just rushing...we will leave Mulan City soon, and we are just resting here."

"Fall? What's the reason?"

Bai Chen heard a strange light from the corner of his eyes.

"Business problem..."

"Oh. That's it. That's OK, since we know each other by fate. Why don't you just arrange your food, clothing, housing and transportation these few days? It's a good time for me to enter Mulan City."

The three princes of Mulan City would be ecstatic if they exchanged for someone else.

But Ye Chen didn't think so.

Although the man in white was hiding well in front of him.

During the chatting and laughing, I never asked about the nightshade.

But his eyes kept drifting in the direction of Solanum.

There is no way, who said that the nightshade was too beautiful after its transformation.

Even if he is dressed plainly, it is difficult to cover his cold and coquettish temperament.

"You don't have to trouble the three princes, my brothers will leave after only a few days..."

Ye Chen smiled directly and refused.

"That's it, that's fine!"

Seeing that the man in white did not insist.

After the two had a few drinks. He said goodbye to Ye Chen and Solanum.

The nightshade, who had never made a sound, turned his head and said to Ye Chen.

"This guy's eyes are still staring at me..."

"It's uncomfortable..."

"Hmph, I've discovered it a long time ago. This person's city is very deep, so it's better not to deal with it."

"Get off early, and have to hurry tomorrow."

"You have never dealt with humans. Humans are different from monsters. Their hearts are dirtier than anything."

After giving a cold call to the nightshade.

Go to the counter with corporate achievements.

"The boss has two rooms..."

Your boss raised his eyes and looked at Ye Chen. Seeing her plainly dressed, he couldn't help but let out a disdainful laugh.


Mulan City is the most prosperous city in mainland Kyushu.

He had seen too many young people with makeup like Ye Chen.

Based on the consumption of their inn, it is estimated that this meal will be difficult to get out today.


After speaking, Ye Chen took a huge spar from his pocket and threw it on the table.

The shopkeeper of the tattoo shop immediately changed his face.

"Do you have?"

Ye Chen said coldly to the man in front of him.

"Yeah, it's not that I don't open...but we only have one room left. So..."

"Why don't you squeeze with that girl?"

The shop owner looked back at the nightshade in the distance, and then smiled like a man understands.


After thinking about it, the two of them acted to protect the safety of Solanum, and they can live in the same room.

Seeing Ye Chen nodded.

The store owner looked like he had done a good job.

With a smirk on his face, he handed the house card to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had no choice but to shook his head helplessly.

"The store says there is only one room, and we will live in one tonight..."

Toward the dragon can speak calmly.

The solania crimson, lacking a real word, spread from the cheeks to the base of the neck.

"What's wrong with you? Is this a cold?"

Ye Chen also stepped forward and touched the head of Solanum chinensis, which made him blush even more.


Then he avoided Ye Chen's hand.

Seeing Longhui walk quickly towards this room.

"This Nizi, isn't she shy..." Seeing that, Ye Chen could only smile and shook his head.

The two entered the room awkwardly.

"Uh, this, you sleep in bed today..."

"I sleep here."

Ye Chen pointed to the sofa next to the bed.


After agreeing casually, Solanum blushed and sat on the bed.

The embarrassment in the room gradually escalated, and the two had never been alone in a confined space.

Although Solanum was drawing his heart, he had already seen his body completely.

But that was also unintentionally.

Solanum has no family now.

His dependence on Ye Chen also rose to the mechanism.

No matter whether Ye Chen has him in his heart.

"Ye Chen...I..."

Just when Solanum made up his mind to say something.

I heard a faint breathing on the sofa.

Thinking of the exhaustion of the previous period, Solanum did not say much.

After the nightshade slowly fell asleep, the eyes that had been closed for a long time also opened slightly.

Naturally, I know what the nightshade is thinking.

But Yichen still couldn't reach the hurdle in his heart.

Moonlight cages on Mulan City.

Quiet night, except for a few owls whispering in the jungle.

Everything is the general peace.

And just when the black wind was high this month, a black shadow flashed on the inn where Solanum and Ye Chen lived.

Abnormal vigilance is extremely high.

Coupled with system protection.

He could easily perceive this danger approaching.


With a thick smoke outside the window slowly drifting into the room.

The extremely dense fog covered the entire room.

The nightshade that had entered the dreamland had already passed out.

It is also called a fire elemental limb, plus it also has toxic elements to counteract it.

It is impossible for him to become obsessed with smoke.

At this moment, Ye Chen was very happy, but fortunately he opened a room with Solanum.

If there was an accident in the middle, then his intestines should be regretted.

And when the black shadow outside the window gradually fell into the room.

Ye Chen's body was already full of cyan flames.


After a roar.

Ye Chen shot a flame, illuminating the entire room transparently.

Turn around again.

The huge fireball gathered in his hand.

Then the superhuman shadow attacked.

Obviously the strength of the black shadow is also extremely expensive.