Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 633: Jiuwu

I don't know how to ask.

"Old man, are you?"


Not waiting for Ye Chen to fall down.

The woman in front of her made a shush gesture.

Then he said to Ye Chen with a smile on his face.

"Look at how bright the sun is..."


"Where is the sun?"

Ye Cheng sighed in his heart.

Except for this old woman, there is nothing in the sea of ​​knowledge.

How can the so-called sun appear?


"Children... don't be fooled by the appearance in front of you when looking at things."

"You have to remember to follow your heart."

"Just like the sun on the horizon... your heart is full of sunshine, and it will be bright everywhere."


"The sun exists here..."

As Lao Fu stretched out his old fingers, he slowly pointed to his inaction.

Then in Ye Chen's trance.

The old woman turned into a red light, condensed in front of Ye Chen.

In the light, the old man turned and turned into a golden bird, flying towards the sky.

"Could this old man be the first Golden Crow?"

This is not over yet, as the old man turns into a bird and dances in the air.

Then another golden crow joined the team.

Then the second and the third, the fourth and the fifth.

Until the golden crow that Ye Chen was familiar with appeared.

"Senior, this is..."

"Nine Sun Golden Crow Array..."

"I wish my lord the supreme supernatural power!"

The Jin Crow with a serious face in front of him is now returning to Ye Chen respectfully.

Following his role model.

The same goes for the Golden Crow behind him.

One by one, bowed down towards Ye Chen.

"What does this mean?"

Before Ye Chen could react.

In the sea of ​​knowledge. The 9 big golden birds turned into 9 red fireballs.

Madness swept towards Ye Chen.

Suddenly again, Ye Chen felt the pain in his body that he had never experienced before, resounding out.

With a violent roar from him.

His dantian seemed to be torn apart.

The upper meridian along his dantian was distributed throughout his body for 4 weeks, and was also burned by this hot flame.

Just when Ye Chen was shocked, thinking that his cultivation base was about to be scrapped.

Suddenly a golden pattern began to climb up from Ye Chen's Dantian.

Even the meridians that exploded before.

It started to be repaired a little bit.

The pubic region is torn, reshaping the meridians.

Is this...

And when Ye Chen was different, a torrent of spiritual power suddenly appeared in the dantian.

When the spiritual power changes, it instantly flows everywhere in Ye Chen's body.

Immediately afterwards, a flame slowly began to circle and linger around Ye Cheng's ultimate fire element waist.

The flame turned into a golden light after a while.

But the original blue-red demon core turned into a golden rhombus after this moment.

"This is the highest stage of the fire element!"

And at the same time Ye Chen was surprised.

My body also began to change.

Feel the spiritual power emerging from me.

The original level 6 mid-stage cultivation base seems to have reached the ultimate satisfaction at this moment.

Has reached the shackles of the sixth-order peak.

The black clouds billowing over Luofengpo gathered here.

All the disciples of Luo Fengpo looked at the clouds in the sky in horror.

In the clouds, thunder flickered.

I mentioned Lei Jie before.

But today when Ye Chen was about to break through the King of War Realm, the thunder was finally going to fall.

"Thunder Tribulation is divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple."

"I don't know which lightning bolt I will cause today..."

Don't even mention that Ye Chen really has some small expectations in his heart.

After slowly raising his head again.

Thunder fell in the sky, rolling in.

Immediately afterwards, a purple thunder had already smashed towards Ye Chen's door.

Seeing the purple like a broken bamboo, Lei Ting Ye Chen was not angry but happy.

"it is good!"

"He actually recognized me so much!"

"Today, the King of War I was determined!"

A loud laugh resounded throughout Luofengpo.

Then Ye Chen slapped the ground with a palm, hoping to directly rise from the sky when it spreads.

It was greeted by the frontal posture, the thunder in the sky.

The thunder and lightning are very transparent.

Ye Chen itself possesses the ultimate Thunder Elemental Demon Core.

After dropping the thunder, Ye Chen's heart became more concentrated.

Feeling that the elemental demon core is also soaring crazy.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth has already set off endless joy.

"Hahaha, not enough, not enough!"

"God is daring enough, you will drop a few more!"


At this moment, Ye Chen seemed to be mad and pointed his finger towards the sky.

With the posture of asking the sky, proud of the world.

This action is deemed taboo in the eyes of everyone.

How could God allow Ye Chen's back to offend.

The disciple Luo Fengpo who hadn't seen Ye Chen for a long time in the audience was shocked when he saw the familiar figure half a year ago.

But what makes them even more unthinkable is why there are so many in this journey.

Since he dared to point his finger to the sky, it was time to meet the sky thunder.

Sure enough, in their exclamation.

The thunder in the sky began to move slowly.

After waiting for a while, a series of amazing examples within Thunder began to flicker their halo.

The purple thunder began to gather together.

Then a golden lightning flashed back and forth through the clouds like a green snake.

"This is the highest state of the Purple Thunder God, Golden Thunder!"

"This! Ye Chen must die!"

Feel the anger of God.

But Ye Chen's eyes were already frantic at this time.

While spreading his hands, a golden light exploded from the depths of his eyebrows.

"Hahaha... Come on, come on, if the sky stops me today! I will go against the sky!"


After Ye Chen's laughter slowly fell.

Thunder has hit Ye Chen's face door.

The transparent flames began to resist the thunder on the horizon.

There is also a thought in the trance.

Shifting the spiritual power of his own satisfaction, he launched the idol Tiangangli.

The moment when the Wuxiang Tiangang force is being turned.

Directly leading the golden sky, Thunder fell into Ye Chen's blue thunder elemental demon core.

Within the demon core, thunder flickered, and was introduced with that golden thunder.

Ye Chen's thunder element demon core is about to reach satisfaction.

I didn't expect that I would be able to receive unexpected gains when I break through.

"It seems that God is helping me this time!"

"War King Realm break for me"

"Today I am the real king!"


Following Ye Chen's low growl.

The flames burst into the sky.

Then Ye Chen turned into a golden bird demon.

No, it can be said to be a **** bird now.

Or the Golden Crow.

When the last thunder fell on Ye Chen and was completely absorbed by him.

The whole golden thunder began to wrap.

Since then, with the help of Tianlei, Ye Chen's two elements resolutely broke through to the extreme.

Slowly enter the sea of ​​knowledge.