Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 811: Evil comes

When the harsh sound sounded.

The howling ghost ghost inside the old man has burst his chest.

When the blood is gushing.

Its outer skin has turned into blood mist and spread between the world.

It was replaced by a handsome man in a scarlet armor.

One after another bloodstains became prominent on his pale face.

It looks terrifying.


Accompanied by a sharp arc at the corner of his mouth.

The man turned a blood-red figure and rushed straight towards Ye Chen in front of him.


The straight fist fell on Ye Chen's arm.

Just a straight punch.

The entire room was blasted by this force.

The rolling wind spreads.

Then two streamers shot straight up from the ground.

Ye Chen's body had already flown out of it.

Feeling the power of this demon, Ye Chen's brows also shrank slightly.

This power has surpassed the seventh-order peak realm!


When Ye Chen exclaimed, another strong wind spread out from the inside.

The red figure clenched a straight fist.

After all, Zhizhi Ye Chen.

"The chief patriarch of the Fire Feather clan! Is this the only level?"

The chill fell.

It was another blow to condense.

Seeing the sudden heavy blow.

Ye Chen didn't dare to neglect anymore.

After a big wave of his hand, a golden red flame appeared out of thin air.


The flame condensed a large shield in an instant.

To keep the latter out,

However, the red figure only curved the corners of his mouth, without any hesitation.

The straight fist broke the defense of Ye Chen's shield at will.

Heavy fists focused on Ye Chen's abdomen again.

"My fist strength, the flame can't resist!"

The cold sound fell, and the ghostly evil spirit rose into the sky again.

The strong wind turbulence spread, and Ye Chen's body was blasted several meters away.


Hit the ground hard.

There was billowing smoke.

Seeing this, Hong Kai's mouth evoked a wicked sneer.



When I sneered, I felt the power rising from the ground.

The latter raised his brows again.


There was another loud noise.

The red light is intertwined with the golden flames.

In the flame flipping, a bright figure struck straight.


Ye Chen, who twisted his joints, grinned.

"It's been a long time since I moved my bones..."


When the cold sound fell, he stepped out.

The fire spread throughout the town.

There is not a single life in the town today.

Ye Chen has nothing to fear!

"Yan Jue!"

"Great Yan Emperor!"


The rushing flame dragged Ye Chen's body,

The slender red tail adorns the horizon like a galloping meteor.

There was another loud noise.

The two scarlet figures collided together.

Ye Chen's whole body condensed the scorching flames and made the man's heart freeze.

"Golden Crow...? No! Suzaku!"

"Two powers?"


The latter was shocked, but Ye Chen smiled coldly.

Compared with the latter's weird style of fist, the giant fist wrapped in Ye Chen Shenhuo is more powerful.

The Emperor Yan possesses more than just power,

Even the speed is several times faster than before.


The giant fist blasted at its front door.

Abruptly blasted it several meters away.

"So strong!"

The ghost evil man felt the power of Ye Chen's explosion, and he was surprised.

Lifting his eyes again, he found that Ye Chen had disappeared in place.

"Find me?"

An abrupt voice came from behind.

Looking back, the scarlet Ye Chen did not know when he appeared behind him.

In the scorching fire, a delicate fire lotus gleamed with extreme light on his hand.


Without the slightest hesitation.

The big hand directly pressed down.

Fire Lotus slammed the latter's door.

The fire lotus containing the ultimate power blasted at the front door.


The loud noise was mixed with the flames.

The flowing clouds on the horizon were burned into fiery red by the spreading flames.

And his body also turned into a strong wind and fell heavily on the ground.

With the ground scorched by the leaf dust flame, the moment the latter fell to the ground.

The crimson rock shattered.

Produce bursts of flames flipping.

The sea of ​​fire transformed the world into purgatory. Wrap the latter in it.

"Don't stay alive... I don't have to set up a tombstone for you!"


"Thunder penalty!"


The flame went out.

In the blink of an eye, the black flowing clouds on the horizon began to strike again.

Among the billowing black clouds, the blue-gold giant python arrived as scheduled.


There was another suffocation.

The light and shadow were held in his hands.

The light flickered like a broken spear.


A low murmur sounded, and the thunder spear in his hand was also thrown out by Ye Chen.

The light flickered and the electric light was arbitrary.

The village that was originally glowing with fire was the moment it fell.

Thunder is intertwined again.

"No time for you to be buried!"

"Let this chopstick wait for your funeral!"

He patted his hands, which is the final contribution to these suffering mortals.

Then he stretched his arms and wanted to fly towards the horizon.

And just when it was about to get up and fly away.

A terrifying wind rushed straight from under him again.

The Hongkai man was on the ground.

Being punched into the black hole of the earth, a ghostly spirit intertwined with a **** evil spirit.

Straight up.


Hearing the sound, Ye Chen turned his head again and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the black light and shadow, that Hongkai figure appeared again.

At this time, the armor of his body had been crushed by Ye Chen.

Outflows pale skin inside.

"Ha ha ha ha... Ye Chen! What a Ye Chen!"

"You! Worthy of my evil to use real power!"

"Evil comes?"


Ye Chen was still stunned.

And the man in the Black Qi Demon Pillar has gathered strong wind and rushed straight towards Ye Chen.

The white skin was wrapped in the blood evil spirit, and gradually began to twist.

The moment the mouth opened.

Thousands of stabbings all over the body.

Under the blessing of the evil spirits, the handsome man transformed into a huge strange monster.

Black needles covered the whole body, and dark colors appeared on the strange skin.

Even if Ye Chen had a lot of knowledge, he had never seen such a weird monster.

Has not responded yet.

I saw the monster beast wrapped in black energy rushing to his face.

"Swish swish!"

The barbs dominated by the evil spirits fly to Yechen like a rainstorm pear blossom.


Too late to think! Ye Chen knew the ice element demon core in the sea was spinning rapidly.

The white mist turned into a strong air current.

Blocked in front of himself.

The two forces merge.

I wanted to delay slowly with ice,

But when things failed, the strange monster actually ignored Ye Chen's defense.

Breaking through the barrier, the momentum came raging.

"I'm Gan!"

Can't help but explode a swearing Ye Chen just about to dodge.

But it was too late.

The speed of the transformed monster is too fast.

Soon Ye Chen couldn't react.


The barbs fell heavily on Ye Chen's shoulders.

The rancid ghost evil spirit flowed around the body along the meridians before Ye Chen could defend.

"What? Can't prevent it?"

Subconsciously exclaimed again.

Looking up, the ugly black face was only ten centimeters away from him.

"Just the peak of the seventh order..."

"Do you really think you won't succeed?"

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