Fantasy Tech Reviewer

Chapter 25

Day 33 32. Kill the Shadow Warrior

Almost instantly, Mu Feng picked up the dagger that fell on the ground and chopped it off. He saw the purple-black bloodline crawling from the neck of the mask to the face, like a group of thin snakes. The needle fell to the ground and shattered, and together with the funeral kimono on his body, the blue-gray evil spirit seemed to emerge from the cocoon.

It roared towards Mu Feng, and the speed was already beyond what Mu Feng could handle.

He is an adjuster, and he is the product of genetic adjustment between excellent and ordinary people, but this kind of excellence is only limited to ordinary people.

What he faced was a monster, an evil spirit, a walking mutation that could not be predicted by common sense.

The blue-colored evil ghost was approaching like lightning, and the knife in Mu Feng's hand had just been swung down, but the blue-white hand easily grabbed the blade, squeezed it hard, and then it shattered!

The monster's other hand hit like a punch, and Mu Feng was like a ball that was easily knocked into the air.

His physical condition was very bad. Even if he passed through the thick defense of the sky-penetrating cover just now, he had already suffered serious injuries. If nothing else, he would have broken two bones.

His calm thinking made him unaffected by fear at all, and he could judge the current situation rationally and quickly.

He is no match for this monster, in every way.

Before the transformation, it was an existence that completely crushed Mu Feng in terms of physical fitness and combat skills, and he could feel it.

The reason why the victory was so straightforward was simply because of Qing Qing's several pieces of equipment, which caught the opponent by surprise with poor information.

But now most of the cards have been lifted, and to put it uglier, there are only three cards left in Mu Feng's hand.

One is the 'Returning Cardinal's Light [Sparagmos]' with one-shot kill-level firepower. The two beam cannons attached to the back of both elbows can easily penetrate and obliterate all substances known to the earth, but the attack range is extremely wide. Small, the maximum penetration point is only the size of an adult fist, and the extended attack range of the beam does not even exceed the length of the arm. Rather than a long-range heavy firepower, this thing is more like a 'lightsaber', and the charging time Extremely long, it can be said that a battle can only be used twice.

The second hole card is the 'Thousands Wedge' attached to the inside of the 'Through the Sky Cover'. This kind of relic with hooks like a torture tool will be deeply inserted into Mufeng's back, and then give him the 'power of a thousand people'. 'But the power of a thousand people can only be described. The most conservative estimate is that one of them is only a blessing to give him the power of ten people, and the most troublesome thing is that the thousand people wedge attached to the canopy can be removed, but it will with great pain. The Qianren Wedge is just a blessing, and Mu Feng cannot make up for the lack of reaction speed.

The trump card of Chapter 3... is undoubtedly the spiritual slave machine. That is the ultimate trump card for life, and it can only be activated under the most dangerous and difficult conditions, but he needs time and enough 'space'

There are not many opportunities left for him, but the most reliable chance to try to kill the opponent is only once. If it fails, the probability of survival next time will drop wildly.

The most important thing is that he can't hold it anymore, the speed of this runaway tram is still soaring, and it will not be long before it completely loses control and hits the same tram.

The flow of thoughts was just a moment, and the calm thinking allowed Mu Feng to implement the plan immediately after he made the plan without any distractions.

Without hesitation, he grabbed Saki Yoshida, who was in a coma next to him, and ran towards the train cabin.

Yoshida Saki opened his eyes in confusion, and at the first sight he saw Mu Feng, who was dressed in an extremely 'Fantasy', and immediately screamed instinctively.

"Shut up, if you don't want to die, then do as I say."

Mu Feng's icy voice came from under the helmet, Yoshida Saki's body trembled, and he immediately covered his mouth obediently.

"I'm going to hold the monster in the back, you tear open all the flour sacks in this car, and sprinkle them all in the air! Pay attention to what I said, sprinkle in the air!"

Behind Mu Feng's head, the shrill roar of the cyan evil ghost was approaching. Without hesitation, Mu Feng threw Yoshida Saki into the car in front, and then slammed the door shut.

The moment he turned around, the heavy fist was already in front of him.

The heavy impact was like being hit by a madly speeding motorcycle when passing the road. The huge impact went down the star's helmet and trembled Mu Feng's skull, pressing against his head, and directly behind him at a distance of two The first section of the car door almost smashed!

The sturdy relic helmet was not deformed and shattered by this terrible circle, but the force transmitted through the solid made Mu Feng almost die.

His eyes went black, the heavy blow almost deformed the facial features under his helmet, the body fluids flowed out uncontrollably, and his consciousness instinctively wanted to fall into a coma.

But Qing Liming's cold and icy spirit combined with the will to eat those 'nuclear waste' exercises in the past few days made him forcibly stop the urge to pass out of a coma, and grabbed the strong blue arm with his backhand.


Under the helmet, Mu Feng couldn't help but let out a painful groan. On the back part, two thousand wedges slowly penetrated into his body along the armor that penetrated the sky.

The relic with heavy hooks like a torture tool pierced into his body, cutting the flesh and blood, causing severe pain, but at the same time, it also gave extremely strong power!

A huge force seemed to explode in his body, and endless power poured out from the body, Mu Feng grabbed the arm and twisted it hard.

The flesh and blood along with the bones let out bursts of screams, and the monster screamed and wanted to draw its hands, but was caught by Mu Feng.

"An arm, I took it!"

He roared in a low voice, the terrifying force under the blessing of the two thousand wedges made his hands like hydraulic tongs, and the terrifying force of the tonnage level twisted the arm of the monster in an instant, and the muscle and the gray bones were broken into one piece. and rip off!

The monster roared, but instinctively took a half step back, Mu Feng no longer hesitated, raised his hands high, the left hand was opposite the right hand, and the transmitter on the right elbow burst out with a dazzling glow

"FarCaress, return to Cardinal Light [Sparagmos]!!"

The black sticky giant net entangled the monster, and the dazzling light beam that swept through instantly penetrated the left half of the monster's head.

But it was at this same instant that the ancient and solemn chant came from the monster's mouth.

'No Dust'

The huge, far more terrifying invisible repulsion spread out with the monster as the center, and Mu Feng's body was instantly penetrated by this repulsion and fell into the carriage behind him.

And the carriage it was in was already devastated by the storm, and even the solid alloy carriage itself was deformed by this huge repulsive force.

"Yeah!! Lord Mu Feng, are you alright!"

Yoshida Saki, who finally finished throwing the last bag of flour, covered her mouth and nose, looked at Mu Feng who fell in front of her, and came over to help her after being startled.

"It's's him who's okay."

Mu Feng got up with some difficulty, and his whole body was beaten like falling apart. Coupled with the discomfort caused by the sudden increase in strength, he felt terrible now.

The cyan monster whose half of his head was blown off by the light of the cardinal was struggling to tear the black net of picking up the moon. The gray brains mixed with red blood flowed out of the wound on the half of his head. No matter how you looked at it, it was disgusting to death.

Being able to move freely without half a head is not as simple as being a little more powerful than the average person.

"Go, hurry up!"

Mu Feng grabbed the pale Yoshida Saki and rushed to the next carriage, holding her hand while panting.

"Don't you want to fight with me? Here's your chance. Now, empty your head, don't have any resistance, don't have any resistance, you know?"

"oh oh!"

Yoshida Saki stood up consciously in the slightly stern command voice, Mu Feng under the helmet took a deep breath, and the hand that took off the glove tightly grasped Yoshida Saki's wrist

The girl's cheeks were slightly red, but before she had time to be embarrassed, she felt conscious—


The roaring blue-white evil spirit broke free from the shackles of the black net, and rushed towards the carriage in front of him like crazy. Mu Feng, who was already prepared, looked at the monster in the dust and sneered.

"go to hell."

Fingers stroked the helmet, the ball of light suddenly appeared

"Climb to the Star [Gangway]"

The deep purple beams converged in front of him, jumped and refracted, and the ultra-high temperature beams were refracted in the dusty space.

Wheat flour is a highly combustible dust, which will burn rapidly under the action of high temperature, and a large amount of dust is located in a relatively closed space, and the formed dust-air mixture will burn rapidly, which will cause the temperature and pressure to rise sharply, and finally—

BOOM! ! !

First, there was a deafening explosion, and the huge air wave blew the monster and everything in the car away in an instant, and then in the highly negative pressure area of ​​the explosion center where the monster was located, a large amount of fresh air was sucked out of the blown glass window. .

'No Dust! ’

The monster that resisted the first shock and explosion unsurprisingly activated the repulsion ability again, but his approach instead became a cocoon.

The huge repulsive force resists the negative pressure generated by the explosion in the center, just like frantically exerting force on a rebounding spring, and the negative pressure in the center becomes more serious.

The speed of the atmospheric reaction is extremely fast, and the more force is applied, the greater the compensation of natural feedback.

At the moment when the field of repulsion could not be maintained, a huge amount of air rushed into the central negative pressure area like a wave at that moment, and the flame ignited by the high temperature once again caused a more serious secondary explosion!

Mu Feng had to threw Yoshida Saki to the ground to protect him, and the violent burst of flames rushed into several carriages under compression. Feeling the high temperature covering his body, Mu Feng could only silently protect Yoshida Saki. under the body.

A few seconds later, when the violent high-temperature flames dissipated, Mu Feng stood up with difficulty and turned around—the scenery suddenly opened up.

The huge explosion completely tore apart the entire carriage. One meter in front of Mu Feng was the charred black marks of the carriage being broken, black and full of terrifying tearing wounds, and the heat of the high temperature was diffused.

"Killing 'Ghost (Ryoma)' directly caused some fluctuations in the world line, and got 50 evaluation points!"

The system prompt in Mu Feng's mind told him that the monster was really dead, and the credit of 50 points was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise.

But I am afraid that rather than killing monsters, this evaluation point is more a reward for him after squeezing a brand-new tram into two pieces.

"Yes, yes, you did a really good job."

A gentle voice mixed with applause sounded from the back of Mu Feng's head, he turned his head, a man dressed as the monster just now, the only difference was that the man wearing a red ghost mask was holding a knife on top of it. On the neck of the unconscious Yoshida Saki.

"There are very few young hybrids who can defeat a shadow warrior so easily. That is a dangerous species that takes a cocktail."

"I don't know what you mean." Mu Feng replied indifferently.

"Are you pretending to be stupid? The alchemy weapon on your body is not something someone who doesn't know anything can hold." The red ghost mask smiled softly.

"Are you a spy sent by the Kassel headquarters to investigate the Eight Clan of Sheqi?"

Mu Feng's face wrinkled slightly under the mask, he seemed to have heard a similar ranking, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it." The red ghost mask shrugged and smiled needlessly.

"The Dragon King's order is to bring you back quietly, but now it seems that I can't do it. The movement is so big, and the people from the Executive Bureau are probably already waiting for us at the station."

The sharp sword was tightly attached to Yoshida Saki's neck, and the red ghost mask smiled maliciously.

"Is this girl familiar to you? But you seem to be just classmates. If you want her to live, just come with us."

"Of course, I don't think you will agree. In five seconds, remove all equipment and come here."

Chi Ghost Mask's tone was relaxed, as if he said it, he didn't hold the idea that a man like Mu Feng would accept such a proposal.

"I promise you."

Mu Feng replied lightly, he took off his helmet, took off his armor and walked towards the other side, the red ghost mask was also stunned for half a second, and slowly put down the sword

"You really amazed me—" Chi Ghost Mask admired, reaching out and grabbing Mu Feng directly

"You too." The unconscious Yoshida Saki in his arms suddenly laughed

When he realized the bad moment, Yoshida Saki's elbow that had been aimed at his head didn't know when Mu Feng's gauntlet had appeared on the ground, and there was a cardinal's light left, in the muzzle of the gun. bloom.

The red ghost's sword has already slashed towards Yoshida Saki in his arms, but the beam has already swept across the sky.

The beam of light completely shredded the head of the red ghost mask, annihilated it into powder, lost control of the brain, and the speed of the knife was extremely slow.

Mu Feng, who was already prepared, grabbed the knife and stopped at the place where the allowance was kept by Yoshida Saki's neck.

'Kill the 'Shadow Warrior (King General)', causing some fluctuations in the world line, and get 1000 evaluation points! ’

Mu Feng froze in place, his mouth grew slightly


ps: daily ticket request

Section 34 33. After Everything

One-time income evaluation points are 1000 points, such an exaggerated collection, Mu Feng really did not expect.

He looked at the corpse at the bottom of his feet in disbelief. Who the **** is this person, so 'valuable'?

However, he hadn't been happy for a long time, and the system in his mind said hauntedly.

"Congratulations on a great achievement! At the same time, I am pleased to inform you that your debts are now paid off."

I saw that on the light screen that jumped out in front of Mu Feng, his evaluation points dropped rapidly from 1050 to 150 points.

"Regarding the rental fee of Qing Qing's fantasy suit, the 20-day collection fee has been received, congratulations, Mr. Mu Feng, you have paid off all the loans, and you can be said to be safe and sound for a long time to come. already."

The system said happily and happily

The corners of Mu Feng's eyes twitched. He finally earned a large amount of evaluation points, but it just disappeared. His heart was a little uncomfortable.

But it's okay, he's free from debt, at least from today to the next 20 days, he won't have the pressure to repay the debt.

The only thing is that in a few days, the "assessment" of the One Piece evaluation world cannot be escaped, but compared to before, he at least has less debt pressure.

Thinking of this, he turned his head, and Yoshida Saki also turned his head, looking at each other, and both of them showed strange expressions.

Yes, Yoshida Saki has become Mufeng's 'prayer'

Taking advantage of the absence of the monster and the thing that was hiding in the carriage to induce hallucinations on him, Mu Feng seized the opportunity to implant the seeds of the spiritual slave machine into Yoshida Saki's brain, turning her into his own prayer hand.

The original purpose was just to add an extra layer of insurance in the worst case, but I didn't expect to be able to complete the counter-kill, and Yoshida Saki, who was implanted with his own spiritual seeds, was also judged as a part of himself by the system.

But now he is not a 'controlling' Yoshida Saki. To achieve the conditions of using the body of the prayer hand, he needs to be in a spiritual subordinate machine to build a wider 'spirit network'. However, the space for the tram is too small to fit at all. Spiritual slave machine.