Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1571: get together

With a gloomy face, Cao walked towards Zuo Shisan. In the sky and on the ground, many people also looked at Cao Manling.

Now that the Son of God has lost his original halo, the people of Yulong Village are looking at Cao Manling angrily. If Juelin hadn't been killed, this matter would not be over.

"Zuo Thirteen, I'm waiting for you!"

"I believe that the next time we meet, it will be a battle."

"Now is also okay."

Zuo Shisan raised his hand and grabbed it directly towards Cao Manling. This time, everyone was shocked, Zuo Shisan was even crazier than they thought.


Yun Luo hurriedly shouted to stop Zuo Shisan.

Cao Manling stepped back, and when Zuo Shisan made his move, he took a step back.

Zuo Shisan's hand touched his hair, and then smiled disdainfully: "Are you afraid?"


Cao Manling's face flushed, Zuo Shisan deliberately pitted him. At this time, the golden wheel rose from behind Cao Manling's brain, and the exotic star once again gathered light.

"Cao Manling!"

This time, it was the Great Elder who spoke, and above the void, countless Divine Kingdoms suddenly appeared. In the kingdom of gods, a famous king rose up into the sky and illuminated the world.

"The King of Hundreds!"

Xuan Yuan and others also exclaimed, this is the vision of the great elder of the Shenzong, the king of the hundred, the invincible image.

Cao Manling closed his eyes, clenched his fists hard, and walked towards the teleportation formation.

"Wait and see!"

There is no need to say more, Cao Manling will kill Zuo Shisan.

The next encounter is a life-and-death battle.

Cao Manling teleported away, and Yun Luo also came to Zuo Shisan and hammered Zuo Shisan.

"This matter is too much trouble. Don't worry, we will handle the matter of Yulong Village."

"Juelin, **** it!"

"Senior Brother Yunluo, it seems that you are in the Shenzong, and you are also very divided."

Yun Luo sneered, looked at the sky, and said faintly: "Cultivation of immortals is really dangerous, but in any case, when we embark on this road, we should move forward bravely. After living for so long, we should look away."

"Haha, that's right!"

Zuo Shisan also took a picture of Afraid of Yun Luo, no nonsense at all. Behind Yun Luo, a famous Kui Niu soldier came out again, and these soldiers took over Yulong Village again.

The six patriarchs were also invited to the front of the first elder. The spirit of the first elder did not know what to say, and these patriarchs knelt down in gratitude.

"It's all the same!"

Zuo Shisan didn't want to read it, so he looked back at Wang Tong and Taobenmu.

"Tomorrow, take Fang Dongzi and others away!"


Fang Dongzi, Gao Ming, and others also came, and there were more than 20 people behind them. None of these people wanted to join the Zongheng Shenzong, but wanted to enter the Golden Armored Sect.

After Zuo Shisan arranged this, Xuan Yuan and the others also came over.

"Thank you!"

"Little guy, don't say those useless things, we just ask you one thing."

"Where is Xie Jiuxiao?"

These fairylands care about this, after all, Xie Jiuxiao is integrated into the evil god.


"Really dead?"

"How did you die?"

Xuan Yuan and others exclaimed, they had evil marks on their bodies, and they were always worried.

"Killed by her."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and all looked in the direction of Zhu Xiaoe. Zhu Xiaoe's pupils flickered, she took a few steps back and looked at everyone on alert.

"The disciple of the Jialan Shenzong, destroyed the evil Jiuxiao?"

"Huh? This disciple is already a fairyland? The blood in his body is so strong."

Everyone exclaimed again, Zuo Shisan blinked quickly at Zhu Xiaoe, completely holding Zhu Xiaoe to the thunder.

Zhu Xiaoe's face was sullen, her hair appeared again, and three thousand strands of hair appeared. It caused Yun Luo to rise into the air, and no one wanted to forge a cause and effect with Zhu Xiaoe.

The direction in which the three thousand hairs fluttered was the direction of the thirteenth left.

Zuo Shisan also began to sneer, flickering these Earth Immortals anyway. Who made Jialan Shenzong, similar to Buddhism, born to suppress sorcery.

"The younger generation has really risen."

"Zuo Thirteen, see you again if you have a chance!"

When an Earth Immortal left, they were also very excited. Among the young people of this generation, there was a ruthless person again. The left thirteen of the Jinjiazong dared to take a shot at the **** son of the vertical and horizontal Shenzong, and gradually the Jinjiazong was also on the rise.

"Fang Yan, get in touch with Zuo Shisan more, this kid is not bad."

"You all study hard."

Xuan Yuan taught the disciples, these disciples are all very talented, but unfortunately compared with Zuo Shisan, they are far worse.

What's more, there is such an existence as Zhu Xiaoe.

"Let's all stay in Yulong Village. Tonight, we will have a bonfire."

The six patriarchs also came over to solve the problem of Yulong Village, and everyone had to thank Zuo Shisan. This time, every family's tablet can be thrown away.

At least they don't need to live under surveillance, they can also choose different sects.

Some villagers have even begun to join the ancient sect.

The villagers in Guixu, the power of blood, are quite good. Not only did Gu Zong start accepting apprentices, but there were also strong people who wanted to accept apprentices on the loose cultivator side.

Yulong Village is lively again.

Zuo Shisan was also settled down, listening to Fang Dongzi continuing to talk about the interesting stories of Yulong Village.

The night was shrouded in darkness, and in the central square of Yulong Village, a huge bonfire was already burning. Many villagers, many talented men and women gather here, they drink the strongest wine, they dance the most cheerful dance.

These dances are very primitive, and even contain divine steps.

"Senior Brother Zuo, do you see it? Legend has it that Yulong Village mastered a kind of magic, all from these primitive actions."

"Unfortunately, no one knows about Yulong Village now."

"Is it the fish and dragon gods? From the fish and dragon gods!"

Zuo Shisan was drinking wine and looking at the bonfire, as if he had come to the world.

Fang Yan was sitting beside Zuo Thirteen, her long legs were bent, and a white light flashed in the firelight. Fang Yan has been peeking at Zuo Shisan all the time, but just after a few glances, she heard the Buddha's voice on the opposite side.

Zhu Xiao'e regained her bald head again, dressed in white, and sat opposite, praying devoutly.

Behind Zhu Xiaoe, there are many people kneeling on the ground, who have been converted by the spell of the Jialan Shenzong.

"You and her?"

Fang Yan lowered her voice and asked Zuo Thirteen again.


"Really?" Fang Yan couldn't believe it. Every time she peeked at Zuo Shisan, Fang Yan always felt an extra strand of hair on the back of her neck, itchy and gloomy.

"What can I do?"

"Your legs are so long!"

Zuo Shisan really couldn't hold back, and made fun of Fang Yan.

Fang Yan's neck turned red instantly, and Zuo Thirteen felt an extra circle of hair on her neck, which was slowly tightening.

"Zhu Xiao'e, you are going too far!"

Zuo Shisan glared angrily, Zhu Xiaoe was still praying, but in a rather strange posture.

"Brother Zuo, what's wrong with you? Why are your eyes bulging?"

"Hey, you seem to have a nosebleed?"

Fang Yan quickly stood up and took the initiative to wipe Zuo Shisan's nosebleed.

"Do not touch me!"

"What's this called?"

Zuo Shisan rolled his eyes in depression, and the karmic silk on his neck wanted to strangle Zuo Shisan to death.

At this moment, Zuo Shisan suddenly felt the murderous intent from the air.