Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1588: Combined waste iron

Zuo Shisan finally took out the barren iron, and the surrounding heat made Zuo Shisan completely adapt to it. After all, Zuo Shisan had messed with Shengxi, and compared to the drought, all this was nothing.

Qin Chuanyue's body gradually became sweaty, but her body was very fragrant.

Huang Tie has been put in his hand, Qin Chuanyue has been observing Huang Tie, and then looked at Zuo Shisan again.

Qin Chuanyue's cheeks flushed, and she seemed to realize that she had a little less clothes now, and she even started to sweat, and the clothes were sticking to her body.

"How did you kill the dragon before?"

Zuo Thirteen raised his hand, and the stiff energy transformed into a dragon-slaying look. Stiffness came out, the five elements fire burst out, Qin Chuanyue screamed, and the barren iron was thrown into the furnace.

"What happened to the Five Elements Furnace?"

"I know, now the Five Elements Furnace is going to refine the barren iron, and the dragon will not be damaged in the future."

"Slaying the dragon is a magic weapon, a magic weapon that can be promoted."

"As long as you step into the acquired magic weapon, you will be able to see the real dragon slaying."

"It likes you very much."

Qin Chuanyue spoke softly, looking at the light and shadow slowly circling above the void. It was a dragon, a little dragon with a milky voice, hovering above Qin Chuanyue's head.

Of course, the dragon gradually became fatter and turned into a chubby child. He sat on Qin Chuanyue's shoulder and giggled.

"Am I your master?"

Zuo Shisan squinted and glanced at Dragon Saber Spirit. It's a pity that Dao Ling didn't seem to see Zuo Thirteen, and the angry Zuo Thirteen was about to start.

"It can't see you now, I've used the realm of vitality."

"We Qin Village can't cultivate, but we can study Yuan Qi. Do you know why Yuan Qi is in your body and turned into immortal Qi?"


The Five Elements fire was burning, Zuo Shisan was taken aback by this question.

Qin Chuanyue stroked the sword spirit and said proudly: "Because the human body has seven levels, the human body is a secret treasure, and only the human race can cultivate the first ray of immortal energy."

"All spirits in the world imitate our human race."

"Even the immortals of the fairy world depend on our human race to be able to cultivate."

"In the past, their cultivation was just vitality, and the immortal energy was initiated from our human race."

Zuo Shisan listened for a while, then lowered his head and began to ask about the winning hook.

"She's right, but she shouldn't know about it. Even in the ancient times, no one might know about it."

"how come?"

"How did the senior know?"

"I'm sitting in Huangquan, some big people are reincarnated, I stole..." Yinggou shut up, obviously peeping at the memory, if you really want to let big people know, Yinggou has no good end.

Zuo Shisan smiled. It turned out that Yinggou also had the heart of gossip, and used Huangquan to do some deeds.


Just when Zuo Shisan was chatting with Yinggou, Qin Chuanyue looked at Huang Tie.

"Why hasn't the barren iron melted? That's not right."

"The fire of the five elements can burn everything, as long as it is contaminated with the five elements."

"You barren iron, it seems that there are some other things on it."

"Netherworld Fire!"

Zuo Shisan's pupils shrank, finally realizing something. The Five Elements Fire seems to hate the ghost fire, and it feels that the ghost fire remains on the barren iron, and it has been unable to melt the barren iron.

"Wait a minute, take out the waste iron."

"What the **** happened?"

"You can't take out the waste iron now, what have you done to the waste iron?"

"My flame has something to do with it!"

Zuo Shisan had no choice but to stretch out his fingers and release the ghost fire. Netherworld fire came out, and the fire of the five elements burned even more, and even began to spurn Huang Tie, Huang Tie was already in a corner, and it was almost invisible.

The fire was so strong that the other ingredients for Dragon Slayer could no longer stand it, and they had already begun to melt.

"what to do?"

"Zuo Thirteen, can you let Huang Tie face this place?"

"I have no fairy spirit!"

Qin Chuanyue said in a hurry, she had already figured out a way.


Zuo Shisan couldn't use the Nether Fire, and he also felt that the Five Elements Fire disgusted him. Zuo Thirteen could only take out the wishful stick and put it into the five-element furnace.


The Ruyi Stick is also screaming. You must know that the Ruyi Stick, the Sea Ding Shenzhen, was also refined in the Five Elements Furnace. The wishful stick felt the firepower and flinched.

Zuo Shisan seized this opportunity, and Ruyi Bang finally moved Huang Tie here.

"Is it alright?"


After Qin Chuanyue finished speaking, he suddenly took out the dagger from his waist. This time, Zuo Shisan looked at him in surprise.

"The barren iron must be washed!"

"Your flame is contaminated, and the five elements of fire cannot be merged."

"Qin Chuanyue, stop me!"

Zuo San grabbed Qin Chuanyue's hand, and Qin Chuanyue wanted to cut his wrist.


"I won't let go, use blood, use mine."

"Do you think it's possible? The Five Elements Furnace hates you."

Qin Chuanyue is not stupid, she glared at Zuo Shisan, Zuo Shisan was stunned again, Qin Chuanyue was able to discover his secret, but he never said it.

"Zuo Thirteen, I promised you, I will definitely do it."

"We Qin Village people, what we say counts."

"Tulong, I will help you refine it, don't you want my blood, I will give it to you as well."

"I hope that you will do what you promised me."

Qin Chuanyue glanced at Zuo Thirteen again, the dagger slashed on his wrist, and every drop of blood splattered, Qin Chuanyue took out a vessel, took the blood, and handed it to Zuo Shisan.

At the same time, Qin Chuanyue sprinkled blood on the barren iron and washed the barren iron with his own blood.

"Her blood has divine power, indeed divine blood."

"Their former **** king really became a god, but gave up flying?"

"Zuo Thirteen, what do you think?"

Ying Hook reminded Zuo Shisan, Zuo Shisan kept looking at Qin Chuanyue's back. Qin Chuanyue even put her hand in in order to wash the waste iron.

Five Elements Fire is burning Qin Chuanyue's hand, even if she has divine blood, Qin Chuanyue's delicate body is trembling.

The palms were not burnt, after all, they were wearing gloves.

"People from Qin Village, what you say counts!"

"This Qin Chuanyue!"

Zuo Shisan nodded, seeing that Qin Chuanyue was still insisting, he used the Ruyi stick again to turn the barren iron in one direction.

"I am with you!"

Zuo Shisan stood side by side with Qin Chuanyue, how could a big man bear this kind of pain alone with Qin Chuanyue.


Qin Chuanyue was washing the barren iron, and she was not willing to say anything more. The blood was still splattering.

Finally, on the barren iron, the residual ghostly aura was washed down.

The Five Elements Fire finally accepted the barren iron, and the barren iron was slowly melting.