Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1650: Zuo Thirteen is in a bad mood

Zuo Shisan breathed a sigh of relief when he buckled his ears, and right in the middle of the Tianhe water, a golden needle rod landed. As the needle rod fell, the Tianhe water roared and nailed it directly into the void.

"What, what's going on?"

Gan Lin was dumbfounded, why did the Tianhe water stop moving, and the demonic energy around him seemed to be annihilating.

"You have the water of the Tianhe River, and I have the Dinghai Shenzhen. The water of the Tianhe River is powerful, and there is no sea weight, right?"

"Sample, you are the real pig... handsome guy."

Zuo Shisan rolled his eyes and nodded again. In an instant, the wishful stick vibrated, and then the Tianhe water disappeared directly.


Gan Lin realized that it was not good, grabbed the nine-toothed rake, and put it under him.


Gan Lin soared to the sky, this action, looked at Zuo Shisan again in a daze.

"Flying on a nine-toothed nail rake? So fast?" Zuo Shisan encountered a guy who was faster than the line again.

Gan Lin disappeared in an instant, which made Zuo Shisan's face unsightly.

At this moment, Zuo Shisan suddenly cracked a gap in the ground, and a pig's trotter grew out of the ground. The pig's trotters are like bamboo shoots, grabbing the treasure-hunting piglet and disappearing.

"Let you run away, I'm still not messing around."

Zuo Shisan stepped down with one foot, the ground burst, and Gan Lin roared in the distance.

"If you have the ability, come with me!"

Gan Lin still wanted to hunt for the little pig, Zuo Shisan raised his hand and grabbed the pig's tail, and the little pig began to scream.

"Come back to me, otherwise, I'll stew him now, no, roast him, roast suckling pig."

Zuo Shisan exuded a fierceness, and this time, the treasure hunt piglet screamed, tears flowed, and kicked his legs in the air.

Above the void, Gan Lin appeared riding a nine-toothed rake, looking at Zuo Shisan, his eyes became fierce.

"If you dare to touch it, I will kill your whole family."

"My whole family is dead."

"What's the matter?"

Gan Lin was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to say something again, but saw Zuo Shisan directly shaking the piglet, and the piglet fainted.

"Get down."

"You! Don't hurt the baby, I'll come down." Gan Lin, who was still so fierce just now, directly cowarded, lowered his head, and fell down again.

"You came back because of this little pig? It seems that this pig is very important to you." Zuo Shisan smiled evilly, but he felt that Gan Lin was really interesting.


Gan Lin rolled his eyes and threw the nine-toothed nail rake directly.

"How? Give me the baby, I won't run away."

Zuo Shisan looked down at the nine-toothed nail rake. Although it was made of ancient wood, it was actually a magic weapon. Just this thing, if it is seen by other Shenzong people, they will definitely become greedy.

"magic weapon?"

Zuo Thirteen raised his hand and threw the treasure hunt pig on the ground. In an instant, the treasure hunt pig recovered and ran directly towards Gan Lin. Gan Lin hugged the little pig and put it directly into the space.

"Do you still have space?"

"I have things, and there are many more. Who are you?"

As Gan Lin said that, his eyes rolled, and the nine-toothed rake on the ground slowly lifted and pressed into Zuo Shisan's shadow.

"you guess?"

Zuo Shisan didn't realize it, but Gan Lin laughed grimly, waved his fists again, and rushed towards Zuo Shisan.

"I guess your uncle, you are dead!"

"Let you catch my baby."

Zuo Shisan's pupils shrank, and the pig demon in front of him turned his face when he turned his face. It seemed that he had to teach him a lesson.

Just when Zuo Shisan wanted to do something, his body was actually unable to move. A huge force suppressed Zuo Shisan, making Zuo Shisan unable to move at all.

"what happened?"


Zuo Shisan stood in place and was attacked by Gan Lin.

Gan Lin's strength is very strong, Zuo Shisan raised his head with a punch, and a knee hit the key part of Zuo Shisan. Zuo Shisan gritted his teeth and covered his stomach. Just as he was about to do this, Gan Lin slammed into it.


Continuing to attack, even Gan Lin raised his hand and summoned wild boars. Countless wild boars turned into torrents and rammed towards Zuo Shisan.

"I'm going to turn you into ashes."


The demon qi drifted away, and behind Gan Lin, there was a phantom. It was a pig with a size of 10,000 meters.

Above the pig's nose, there are two pig teeth the same size as Buzhou Mountain, which are inserted into the sky.

This pig came out of a vision, and the power of the wild boar group became more violent, impacting the left thirteen.

At this moment, Zuo Shisan's clothes were also shattered, and the whole person was knocked out. The nine-toothed nail rake no longer needs to suppress Zuo Shisan's shadow. Zuo Shisan was continuously hit by wild boars, and the undead forest directly opened a passage.

The aura of destruction also slammed into Zuo Thirteen's body.

Gan Lin is still grinning, this move, unless the fairyland, ordinary people can't bear it.

Zuo Shisan fell to the ground, and the wild boar stepped on Zuo Shisan and jumped continuously.

Gan Lin was about to die of laughter, and finally killed Zuo Shisan.

Zuo Thirteen's ground cracked open, and Zuo Thirteen's "corpse" had fallen into it.

"Why didn't he become a fan, this guy's body is really weird."

"It's dead anyway, don't care."

Gan Lin picked up the nine-toothed rake. Today, the nine-toothed rake could not be used. Gan Lin transformed again and scratched his back with the reduced nine-toothed rake.

"Who dares to compare with me?"

"Even if Lao Tzu is a loose demon, it's not something that ordinary people can bully. It's even more impossible to move the baby." Gan Lin was still a little dissatisfied, and wanted to summon the baby and search for the baby again.

At this moment, a hand came out from the ground and directly grabbed Gan Lin's ankle.


Gan Lin was stunned for a moment, and then a force made Gan Lin crash into the ground.

In the underground, Gan Lin saw Zuo Shisan's red eyes.

"Your uncle, you pig, dare to let the wild boar jump on me."

"I made you dance!"

Zuo Shisan stepped on Gan Lin with one foot, and Gan Lin screamed, and rays of light rushed out from the color robe, forming a protective cover. Zuo Thirteen, the zombie, who cares about this.

Still stepping on Gan Lin's body, the huge force made Gan Lin smash into the ley lines.

Just as the leylines were restored below the undead forest, they were destroyed by the two.

Zuo Shisan grabbed Gan Lin again, rushed out of the undead forest, and crashed into the deep mountains in the distance. The mountain burst apart, Zuo Shisan grabbed Gan Lin and still smashed it.

"Let you squeak, let you be fierce to me."

"Come on, continue."

Zuo Shisan is the most fierce. This time, no matter what color robe shield you have, the shield will be directly reduced to pieces. The color robe dimmed, and there were thirteen left footprints on it.

Gan Lin was already dumbfounded, Zuo Shisan was not dead, and he was still running wild.

Even if Gan Lin had the body of an ancient demon, he was beaten by Zuo Shisan and screamed.

"Let go of me, I was wrong."

"You're wrong."

Zuo Shisan had just come out of Qin Village, and his complacent and good mood was ruined by Gan Lin.

Zuo Shisan showed his little white teeth and laughed cruelly.

"You, you are a zombie!"