Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1699: Resurrection

Zuo Shisan devoured Zishan, and asked Yinggou in a low voice again: "Did you find anything?"

"Their souls are incomplete."

"Zongling Qifei Tiangong, some people have sealed some of these people's souls."

"That's right!"

Zuo Thirteen also nodded, and under Jiuqu, the existence in the Netherworld of Wrath has been discovered by Zuo Thirteen.

"What are they going to do?"

"Thirteen, this Zonglingzong is not simple."

Zuo Shisan walked towards the next Taoist temple. In this Taoist temple, other disciples of the ancient sect were stunned before they found Zuo Thirteen.

The Taoist temple was closed by Zuo Shisan, and looking inside the hall, a laughing old Taoist appeared.

"Who are you?"

"Happy, sad and happy fans, you are happy!"

Zuo Shisan looked at Lao Dao, and Lao Dao also stared at Zuo Shisan at the same time, and the breath on his body gradually became darker.

"Who are you?"

The same question appeared gloomy, and the wisps of ghostly energy gathered again. At the same time as this gathering, the smile on the other side became even more bizarre.

Unfortunately, it is of no use to Zuo Thirteen.

"No, you're not human!"


The wishful stick was held in his hand, and the stick smashed on the person's forehead. The flesh shattered on the spot, and the ghostly soul flew out from it. This soul has chains wrapped around its body.

Huangquan chains, non-Heavenly Palace, came laughter. This laughter made everything around him twist.

"Your soul is not a seal, but a peeling off."

"Senior, their souls have been stripped away, not on them."

"What exactly are you going to do?"

Yinggou was also muttering, and this ghostly soul laughed more and more happily. In the rolling ghost, a giant actually appeared. The giant held a crescent blade and rushed towards the left thirteen frantically.

Waving the crescent blade can cut out the soul.

But now, the wishful stick was raised again and bombarded the giant.


The giant shattered and turned into pieces. Among the pieces, Zuo Shisan stretched out his hand, and Jiuqu had already begun to plunder.

"do not want!"

"I want to become a god!"

"Be good at Huangquan, you must become a god!"

Zuo Shisan's face was full of contempt. Isn't Huang Quan bad, he can still live forever and not enter reincarnation.

With the swallowing, Zuo Shisan's face became solemn.

"Those who are actively stripped, they have to do something in the ancient sect, and Fan Shuhai is the sect spirit, he is going to the Tianzong, no, this Fan Shuhai wants to kill those sects on the way."


Zuo Shisan finally reacted, and the ancient sect of Zongling wanted to take action against other sects. He wanted to take this opportunity to take advantage of the chaos in the sky and devour the soul.

"Get them as soon as possible."

"What about Zhu Xiao'e?"

Yinggou also reminded that after so long, Zhu Xiaoe had not moved at all after entering the sect.

Staying here now is the Great Elder Yuwen Shangshui. This guy, but the old fairyland, Zongling's Taoism, is quite strong.

"Deal with the outside first. With the Han blood sword, she should be able to persevere."

"She has to learn a lesson. Even if she wants to protect the human race, she has to do what she can."

Zuo Shisan disappeared again, and the ghosts left behind by Taoist temples were all swallowed by Zuo Shisan.

Absorbing these, Zuo Shisan Huangquan's Qi is more full. Even the winning hook, the residual soul has stabilized, which is also a great supplement to the winning hook.

"They want to revive their souls, and they want to get the spirit of Huangquan."

"Damn, Luo Feng Liutian, you people, you all betrayed Huang Quan."

Yinggou was also angry. These guys stripped their souls and prepared to sacrifice the spirit of Huangquan within the sect. To know the spirit of Huangquan, it is an existence that defies the sky.

If it really comes, it will perish.

"Can't let them summon successfully!"

"Let's go!"

Zuo Shisan looked at the Taoist temple in front of him, and in this Taoist temple, everyone stood still. These people all look to the left thirteen.

"Has it been discovered?"

Zuo Shisan also saw it, and three of them were all furious, one by one.

Also, it is silence, between heaven and earth, the gray gas is entangled in it.

"Who the **** are you?" These people are asking, what exactly is Zuo Shisan.

Zuo Shisan flipped his wishful stick and slowly pointed to these people.

"Luo Feng for six days!"


These people were stunned. Some disciples did not understand, but they felt a fierce force. Under this fierce power, the disciples of the real fairyland and the human fairyland trembled.

The ghosts contaminated by their bodies came out in an instant.

Behind Zuo Shisan, Biluo Huangquan rose up.

"No, it's impossible!"

These people were sluggish, they saw a person who actually controlled Huang Quan. They have been looking for Huangquan, and even want to use their soul power to summon the spirit of Huangquan.

But now, there are people in the Cangtian Realm who can own Huangquan.

The Gate of Yellow Springs has been opened, what does this mean?

"who are you?"

They are going crazy, facing Zuo Shisan and feeling the aura of Huangquan.

"You want to become gods? No one disagrees. You should leave Huangquan and live a good life. There is no problem."

"But you shouldn't betray with Huang Quan's things."

"You guys, what is this? Are you eating inside and out?"

"Come out from Huangquan, then I will send you to Huangquan."

"kill him!"

These people are crazy, they are frightened by Zuo Shisan's words.

A figure punched out, and the Taoist robe burst open. Under this robe, is the body of gold. This punch is actually a fairyland.


Zuo Shisan didn't even dodge, he smiled contemptuously, grabbed the man's fist, and squeezed it directly.

"Do not!"

Everyone was shocked again. Under the nine songs, Bi Luo Huangquan waved like nine tentacles.

Every yellow spring slammed into the Taoist temple and was smashed on the spot. What creature was plundered by Jiuqu. The Gate of Yellow Springs behind Zuo Shisan became more and more solid.

Even the impermanence clothes on his body also glowed with dim light.

Huang Quan's son, on behalf of Huang Quan, and punished.

"In any era, the second and fifth boys are cast aside by others."

"Luo Feng for six days, if you dare to do this, then from now on, deprive Luo Feng for six days."

"Huang Quan, no more Luo Feng!"


In the dark, there is a feeling in heaven and earth. Behind him, the Gate of Yellow Springs roared again.

The power of the underworld was also shocked by this power. Originally, the underworld had been in chaos recently, but now Zuo Shisan made such an oath, which led to terrible things.

Of course, Zuo Thirteen doesn't know yet.

The people in front of these Zongling Qifei Tiangong were all suppressed by Zuo Shisan.

Under the yellow spring, they screamed in pain.

"help me!"

Some people wanted to roar at Yuwen Shangshui's main hall, but unfortunately this hall has been sealed and no one can hear it.


For the rest, return to annihilation.

Zuo Shisan said to send Huangquan, the representative is the ultimate.

Absorbing the souls of these people, Zuo Shisan looked underground.

"Borrowing the corpse to bring back the soul!"