Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1700: The Spirit of Yellow Springs

Zuo Shisan first looked at the front hall, as if Zhu Xiaoe could still persevere. Zuo Thirteen headed towards the valley in front of him, and in this valley, the spiritual spring spewed.


Zuo Shisan slammed down with a punch, and a tunnel appeared where Lingquan was located. In this corridor, the residual ghostly energy in it made Zuo Shisan laugh wickedly.

"All absorbed!"

Jiuqu was activated again, and the ghostly energy rolled into the body of Zuo Thirteen.

Zuo Thirteen seemed to be walking among the Yellow Springs, and on the walls of the corridor, there was Luo Feng's six-day ghost pattern.

Zuo Shisan walked towards the ground, and in the ground, there was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.

These are the remnants of those who were swallowed by Zuo Thirteen. These remnants, in the middle of the ground, are flying around a tile. Above the tiles, threads appeared one by one.

These threads connect the remnant souls.

"Meng Po hair!"

"These guys actually keep Mommy Meng's hair!"

"The hair of the ancient woman, the human race, right? The first generation?"

Zuo Shisan finally came to the ground, and the air of yellow spring erupted on the tiles. This Huangquan Qi made Zuo Shisan lick the corners of his lips, absorbing these Huangquan Qi, and he could resist the three evil calamities with all his strength.

This place seems to be the Yellow Spring. On the walls, the accumulated soil of the Yellow Spring is also being distributed.

"Meng's hair can make people forget the past and present."

"Meng Po soup is made from hair."

"It's disgusting!"

Zuo Shisan touched his mouth. Fortunately, he was a zombie and didn't need Meng Po soup.

"That was in the past, the first generation, unfortunately, Meng Po has fallen." Yinggou became depressed.

"How do I feel, senior, you have a story with Madam Meng."

"Cough cough!"

Yinggou was embarrassed. As the master of Huangquan, he and Po Meng were both people of the same period, and they both belonged to the emperor, so of course they knew each other.

"Is there really a story?"

"Don't ask."

"Hurry up and stop the spirit of Huangquan!"

"At the same time, with the power of Huang Quan, we also have to see, where is Huang Quan?"


Zuo Shisan also knew what to do, and stretched out his hand, trying to grab the tile. At this moment, the surrounding souls screamed, and they instantly turned into a ghostly energy.

"What's up?"

Zuo Shisan was stunned for a moment, but with this stunned effort, Meng Pofa was on fire and quickly turned to ashes. The ghostly energy also turned to ashes.

It fell to the ground, forming a peculiar pattern.

It's similar to the Biluo Array, except that there is a bridge above it.

"not good!"

Yinggou roared, the spirit of Huangquan was about to appear.

"hurry up!"

Zuo Shisan walked towards the tile again, and the tile vibrated. With the vibration, the surrounding space is distorted. Zuo Thirteen's hand just grabbed the tile, and then the tile turned into a vortex, turned into a black hole, and wrapped Zuo Thirteen's hand.


Zuo Shisan roared in the sky, and he felt a coldness, the coldness in Huangquan. This hand seems to really enter the yellow spring.

Zuo Shisan owns the gate of Huangquan, he has also opened the door of Huangquan, and he also sends his soul into the underworld and reincarnation.

But when he really touched Huangquan, Zuo Shisan realized that the real Huangquan was too cold and terrifying.

His flesh could not bear it.

"Real Huangquan, they really did it?"

"They can do it, and so can Lin Guyu."

"They are going to enter Huangquan, what are they looking for?"

"Maybe this Yellow Spring Spirit..."

Ying Hook couldn't say any more, Zuo Shisan roared again and completely turned into a zombie, with silver eyes and blond hair, fangs, bones and wings, all excited.

The outburst of stiffness caused everything around him to be destroyed.

This stiff air has even reached the pinnacle of the Stupid Spirit Realm, which is stronger than when Zuo Shisan crossed the Heavenly Tribulation.

"hold onto!"

"Thirteen, what is it?"


Just after Yinggou finished speaking, Zuo Shisan seemed to take out something from the black hole. The black hole disappeared in an instant, and the tiles disappeared. Zuo Shisan's entire body was hit by inertia against the wall.

The surroundings are collapsing, and the leylines are bursting.

Under the ancient sect of Zongling, there was a mess.

In addition to the ancient sect, the stone statue also collapsed, and those old Taoists who wanted to join the ancient sect turned into powder in an instant.

From the ancient sect as the center, all of them are turned into powder.

Zuo Shisan had no idea that these creatures had just fallen.

The spirit of Huangquan, who left Huangquan, came to destroy the world, and sent these creatures to the next reincarnation.

After a long time, Zuo Shisan got up from the powder and looked at his palm.

In this palm, is actually an egg.

A black egg with a yellow spring on it. This egg made Zuo Shisan grit his teeth and say, "Senior, I pulled out an egg."

"This is not an egg, this is the spirit of Huangquan."

"What the **** is going on?"

Ying Hook is still unclear, what is in this egg?

"The Spirit of Yellow Springs, is there a lot?"

"There used to be a lot. Since that person came, there is Truth Listening, the spirit of Huangquan, and a part of it has been swallowed up."

"At the beginning, in order to protect the spirit of Huangquan, I sealed a part of it."

"Listen? Who is that person?"

"To shut up!"

Ying Hook reminded Zuo Thirteen, Zuo Thirteen reacted immediately, it seems that this is a big man. If you really want to name them, they will all be discovered, and there will be danger.

"But this egg can destroy the world?"

"It didn't conceive."

"Looks like there's still a chance!"

"Thirteen, keep it, it may be useful."

"it works?"

Zuo Shisan felt that this egg was quite heavy, and there was even a heartbeat in it. Zuo Thirteen stuck on the eggshell and listened again.

In the end, there was nothing, and it seemed like a hallucination just now.

"Of course it works. Luo Feng finally found Huang Quan after six days."

"I know from Kuang Tianyou that Lin Guyu is going to enter the Yellow Spring. Thirteen, did you feel the horror of the real Yellow Spring?"

"If you want to enter Huangquan, you must endure this power."

"The underworld is in front, Huang Quan is in the back, reincarnation is in the middle, great terror!"

"Then I turned it on before?"

"That's just the periphery of Huangquan!"

"If you can't even open the periphery, you are not the son of Huang Quan."

"Dong dong dong!"

Just after finishing speaking, the egg in Zuo Shisan's hand roared again. With this sound, Zuo Shisan's heart was about to come out, and the Huangquan Netherfire on his body also rose again.

"Huh?" Yinggou seemed to have found something, looking at Huangquan Netherfire.

"Could it be?"