Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1788: Birth of the Yellow Spring Crow


The altar of earth was about to lose its hold, and at this moment, a wave of air suddenly rushed out of the altar of earth. With this air wave, the three evil tribulations around were blasted away directly.

The scattered three evil tribulations formed a hurricane, sweeping everything. The Yellow River waterway was brought up and headed in one direction.


The voice came again, and in the altar of the earth, there seemed to be something to be conceived.

The Xuanhuang Pagoda seems to have felt it too, moving in a difficult direction, heading towards the altar of the earth, trying to protect the altar of the earth. In the midst of the hurricane, the Xuanhuang Pagoda sits.

Inside the altar of earth, the qi of Huangquan came out again.


A crow chirped, the sky was torn apart, and the hurricane dissipated.


Two crows chirped, and the river of time and space came out in an instant.


Three crows chirping, tracing back to the source, the soul returns to Huangquan!

The Yellow Spring Crow made a sound, and when it made a sound, it would bring a vision. What will this vision bring?

Tracing back to the source, in the air of Huangquan, Huangquan seems to be opening.

Just when Huang Quanya was born, the extreme north was where the **** was, where the **** was. In the place, Yama of the Ten Halls raised their heads at the same time, and in the underworld, all the souls felt it.


"In this life, Huang Quan was finally born?"

"Huangquan represents reincarnation, we have a chance."

The underworld creatures are all crazy. Even among the eighteen layers of hell, there are powerful ghosts who want to come out. Even the most mysterious 19th floor, 20th floor, and even the 21st floor that only Huang Quan can enter, the more energy erupted.

"Yellow Spring Crow!"

"How can it be resurrected?"

"Who did it?"

"Luo Feng for six days?"

Ten Hall Yama, each and everyone roared fiercely. They are not the Yama of the human race, they are the Yama of the Ten Temples under the Heavenly Court.

Above the underworld, the heaven!

Where the Tiangong is located, the Jade Emperor sits in the town and rules the gods and immortals. The third time the gods were conferred, the new Jade Emperor came out, and the new gods were rotated, making the heavenly court even more magnificent.

The Jade Emperor, looking down at the Three Thousand Great Realm, his eyes turned into golden light.

In this golden light, as long as it is related to Huang Quan, all are erased. No matter what creature, no matter what race, everything has to start anew.

"Huang Quan, why did you come back?"


After erasing everything in Huangquan, the Emperor of Heaven was furious.

Above the heavenly realm, Riyoushen descended to the ten realms, looking for the Yellow Spring Crow. The Yellow Spring Crow must be found and taken into the Heavenly Court.

Riyoushen, powerful in divine power, was swept over by divine power in the sky above Cangtian Realm, but Huang Quanya was not found.

The Yellow Spring Crow is in the middle of the Hebo Water House, within the central tree.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise, Huang Quanya, who just spoke up, would have been arrested.

In the altar of earth, the Yellow Spring Crow came out, similar to the Nether Crow. This is the newly born Yellow Spring Crow, slowly spreading its wings and flapping its wings, all energy is converging.

Huang Quan, let the dead slowly manifest.

There are two lines, one is Left Thirteen, and the other is Han Xian.

Han Xian's soul line just came out, and the Xuanhuang Pagoda shook.


Han Xian's soul line was completely broken, and even Samsara couldn't find it. In the prehistoric universe, this life belonging to Han Xian was completely annihilated.

Zuo Shisan is not the soul line, it is the line of yellow spring, which is outlined. Huang Quanya stared at the line, as if thinking it was a toy, and then took it directly.

With this mouthful, the Yellow Spring Crow suddenly spread its wings and flew high.

"Quack quack!"

The crow's voice, the penetrating force was so amazing, it swept across the river and disappeared.

Not only the Yellow Spring Crow disappeared, but the Xuanhuang Pagoda was also driven by the crow and disappeared. In the Hebo Water Mansion, a crow appeared, heading in one direction.

Then the yellow spring crow seemed to be tired from flying and gradually slowed down.


Entering the water, there is actually a palace in this water. The palace corresponding to the Dragon God Palace, Heboshuifu, and Poyang Lake are divided into yin and yang. Dragon God Palace is in Po Lake, but this mysterious palace is in Yang Lake.

Only the real ancients knew this.

The Yellow Spring Crow fell, and Zuo Shisan Huang Quansi also came out of his mouth. Huang Quanya shook his head, very interested in this silk thread, and then spit out Huangquan, contaminating it again.

The silk thread slowly spread out, outlining a human figure.

This human figure is very pale, but it has returned consciously.


"Reincarnated again?"

"Your uncle's, let me be a bug?"

"And then die in the mouth of the crow?"

"Isn't this a ghost crow?"

Zuo Shisan's consciousness returned, very angry and even aggrieved.


Huang Quanya seemed to have heard it too, and was even more excited to lick the Huangquan line. Following the Huangquan line, Zuo Shisan realized something again.

"Don't eat me, get out of here!"

The more this is the case, the more excited Huang Quanya is.

Just when Zuo Shisan was angry again, Zuo Shisan seemed to feel something, and then he was stunned.

"Xuanhuang Pagoda? I am not reincarnated, I am alive!"

"Tulong is also there, Ruyi is great?"

"Where am I?"

"I'm not a bug, I'm a thread?"

"Could this be? Yellow Spring Crow?" Zuo Shisan finally realized that this Yellow Spring Crow was cultivated in the Temple of Earth Space. So he didn't reincarnate, he lived again.

"It's better to be reincarnated. I have become like this, can I still cultivate?"

Zuo Shisan became depressed again, and was held by Huang Quanya again and again, and then Zuo Shisan felt the growth of the Huangquan line. At this moment, Zuo Shisan felt another energy again.


"Don't take it, hurry up, be obedient." Zuo Shisan swayed the line angrily, and the opposite Huang Quanya was still obedient and did not move.

"Huh? You listen to me?" Zuo Shisan asked again.

Huang Quanya nodded, Zuo Thirteen nurtured him, of course he listened to Zuo Thirteen. I wasn't playing just now, it was treating Zuo Shisan as a family member and just wanting to play.

"What's over there?"

Left Thirteen pointed to the palace, unable to see, only to feel.


The crow shouted, holding Zuo Thirteen in his mouth, and flew towards the palace.