Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1808: The ninth good man

Gan Si was already standing in the hall, on both sides of the Tiangong Palace, with a dark atmosphere, and there were even beasts of truth listening, squatting on both sides. Looking at the listening hand, Gansi laughed again.

"I was killed by someone."

"Since I got out of Huangquan, I entered the cycle of reincarnation through the power of listening."

"I am not a ghost, I am truly reincarnated."

"Every life, I've been a good person."

"In the first life, I was a teacher. I preached and received karma to solve puzzles. My peach and plum are all over the world. My selfless devotion, wax torches turned to ashes, and tears started to dry. In the end, I was actually betrayed by students who said that I wrote a forbidden book, and I was punished. killed."

"Second life, when I became an official, I was dedicated to the people, and even I made the kingdom rise. When I was framed and imprisoned and beheaded, all the people scolded me. They didn't care how many good things I did, they only cared about who I was. official."

"The third generation..."

Gan Si spoke slowly, the air was filled with gloomy cold, and it turned into a book. In this book, there is also light and shadow, which is the reincarnation of Gansi again and again.

"The ninth generation, I have practiced!"

"In order to protect a world, I was beheaded by the demons. After I died, I found out that the demons were me."

"The ninth generation of reincarnation, the ninth generation of good people, all died tragically in the end."

"You know why this is?"

Gansi leaned against the statue of Listening to the Truth, and behind him, there was a dark ray of light from the Temple of Heaven, and the book of life and death suspended in the air began to slowly turn.

The Book of Life and Death, the Great Dream Technique, and the Spirit of the Nether, all fused together.

The real aura of Huangquan was condensed in Gansi.

"You feel very aggrieved!"

"Yes, my life is controlled."

"Luo Feng was also under control for six days."

"This is life!"

After Gansi finished speaking, he pointed to the left thirteen and said: "Huangquan Netherfire, you are also related to Huangquan, this is also fate."

"Zuo Shisan, I can admit defeat and make you the number one person in Xianmen."


Zuo Shisan looked at Gansi again, and Gansi said seriously: "Cooperation with me, everything will open up Huangquan, and your Huangquan Netherfire will definitely be able to enter the depths of Huangquan."

"We change our destiny, we let Huangquan reincarnate and disappear completely."

"Are you crazy?"

Zuo Shisan looked at Gansi and shook his head directly. This guy, Gansi, has been twisted in reincarnation.

What Gansi wants to do is to destroy Huangquan. He is different from Lin Guyu, who wants to get something or power from Huangquan.

"Crazy? What kind of madness is this? Why does reincarnation exist?"

"In this lifetime, Luo Feng guards Samsara for six days? No, it is Samsara that controls our Luo Feng for six days."

"Not in control!"

Zuo Shisan shook his head again, and said with awe: "Samsara didn't control you, it was you who lost your memory."

"What memory?"

Gan Si was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Zuo Shisan said.

Zuo Shisan has a winning hook in his body, and Zuo Shisan also told Gansi what the winning hook told Zuo Shisan.

"Luo Feng six days, you are the only one who entered reincarnation. You know, what did you do in the first place?"

"What have you done?"

"What can I do? I'm just Luo Feng Liutian's Netherworld!" Gansi said loudly, his yin roared out, and even the listening beast behind him began to roar.

Repeated Heaven Palace seems to be alive.

"You can't enter the reincarnation, you have to give something to enter the reincarnation."

"So, the ninth generation of good people, the ninth generation was killed, it was all done by you."

"Me? It's all because of me, what do you know?"

Gansi didn't believe it, his memory was correct, everything was because of reincarnation.

Zuo Shisan looked at Gansi with a little pity. Unlike other ghosts, Gansi had completely left the Temple of Heaven, and even changed his fate with the help of Fengdu Palace.

But in the end, he still condensed the Heavenly Palace and wanted to enter the Yellow Spring.

Zuo Shisan also didn't know that the awakening of Gansi was also because of Lin Guyu. The cooperation between the two is that Lin Guyu arranged for Gansi to take the opportunity to make sacrifices from the Fengdu Hall.

"Gansi, think clearly, you have been reincarnated, and in this life, you can live well."

"You have a master, you have a senior sister, and Fengdu Palace is good to you."

"You do this, don't you regret it?"

"In this life, there is no betrayal, no benefit, can't you?"

"You have awakened Gansi. You should understand that Luo Feng belongs to Huang Quan for six days."

Zuo Shisan really wanted to persuade Gansi to turn back and not be with Lin Guyu.

"Belonging to Huangquan? Why belong to Huangquan?"

"Destroy it, and destroy it all together. Only by destroying all of this can I truly control my destiny."

"Thirteen Zuo, help me!"

Gansi stretched out his hand, and in the dim sky, a sad rain fell. These rains are also illusions, this is a big dream, only two people dream.

"I can not help you!"

"I will stop you from entering Huangquan!"

Zuo Shisan shook his head, while Gansi on the opposite side twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Looks like we all misunderstood you."

"You and Lin Guyu?"

"Zuo Shisan, Fengdu Palace has been deceived by me, they don't know at all, what are we going to do?"

"And you, stay here."

Gansi raised his hand at Zuo Shisan, Yin Qi burst out, and the book of life and death opened instantly, and Zuo Shisan was also substituted into Samsara.

The Whispering Beast rose into the sky, and pieces of stone fell from it.

"You don't know at all, Gansi, you really did something wrong."

"Why do you listen carefully at the door of Repeating Heaven Palace?"

Zuo Shisan said softly, letting the yin qi erupt and wrap around himself. Zuo Thirteen still didn't move, even Zuo Thirteen was a kind of ignorance.

"Even if you have a godhead, it's useless."

"This is the Temple of Heaven, this is our dreamland. Dreams are illusory, but everything you endure here is real."

"Thirteen from the left, go in."

Gansi wants to attack Zuo Shisan and open the Temple of Heaven.


The Truth Listening Beast also used its power to swallow the Huangquan Nether Fire.

Zuo Shisan didn't move, he still stood, looking at Gansi.

"what happened?"

"You have a godhead, you can't resist when you enter here."

"The godhead is indeed unable to resist."

Zuo Shisan nodded, and a stiff air slowly spread out. At this moment, everything in the Tiangong Palace seems to be collapsing.