Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1819: old conspirator

Kuang Tianzuo looked down at Zuo Shisan. This was his dream. In this dream, Kuang Tianzuo could do whatever he wanted. It only takes one thought to make Zuo Shisan disappear.

Kuang Tianzuo was not in a hurry at all, but Kuang Tianyou's remnant stared at Zuo Shisan, his eyes darkening.

"Zuo Thirteen, you can enter here, it should be the Fengdu Palace that asked you to come?"

"Then do you know why Fengdu Palace asked you to come?"

Kuang Tianzuo stretched out a finger, and everything in front of him was changing. In an instant, the mountains piled up, and the peaks rose from the ground like sharp swords.

Zuo Shisan stood in the valley, and Kuang Tianzuo continued to look down at Zuo Shisan.

The mountain is moving, circling around the left thirteen. Every mountain has the power to destroy the world.

Every mountain, within the mountain, seems to have treasures.

If these peaks are outside, they will definitely be scrambled by everyone.


Zuo Shisan was also depressed, Yinggou was right, none of these old guys was easy. To be able to cultivate a top-level fairyland and live for 10,000 years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, how can there be a simple one.

Even a rabbit can become a human essence after living for hundreds of thousands of years.

With so many calculations, Lin Guyu probably doesn't know that he is also being used. Kuang Tianzuo can even use the three gods, what is the existence of the former suzerain of Lingbao Tianzong?

No one on Zuo Shisan would know that the suzerain of Lingbao Tianzong is definitely a big grievance. Without doing anything, he was destroyed by the underworld, and because of Zuo Shisan.

Thirteen from the left is a variable that has changed the fate of many people.

"Don't you understand now? Fengdu Palace is also very careful. They want to know why this seat can't get out, and even they don't believe that Kuang Tianyou died so easily."

"Elder Tianzong, how can he be weak like this?"


Zuo Shisan nodded, then pointed to Kuang Tianyou's remnant soul again and said, "It's hard to be defeated by Lin Guyu, isn't it? It's hard to be killed by me, isn't it?"

"Being reduced to a remnant soul, do you think he can let you go?"

"After practicing for so many years, you know Kuang Tianzuo better."

Zuo Shisan also began to provoke him. He was a zombie, and he also understood that people's hearts were unpredictable.


Kuang Tianyou was stunned for a moment, then burst into a rage.

"Kill him, hurry up!"

"Don't worry!"

However, Kuang Tianzuo continued to laugh. He felt that Zuo Shisan was more and more interesting. If a zombie became like this, wouldn't he have nothing to fear?

"Zuo Thirteen, if you can come in, this seat also admires you."

"see it?"

Kuang Tianzuo looked around, in this world, he controls everything.

"This is a dream, not a dream!"

"I can control everything, and I can absolutely control your destiny."

"Perhaps, there is a way."

"You surrender to me and hand over the luck soldiers of your Jinjiazong. This seat is very interested in the fate of your Jinjiazong."

"You want luck?"

Zuo Shisan completely understood that Kuang Tianzuo's way of cultivation should be the way of luck. He has been hiding, just to absorb Lin Guyu's luck.

"You're raising Gu, planting demons?"

"Lin Guyu, do you know?"

"Haha, he thought he was the son of luck?"

"When he understands, he will die."

"What he was looking for was actually..."

Kuang Tianzuo shut up, but Zuo Shisan said lightly: "Actually, it's what you're looking for. You found Luo Feng Liutian, and you've been hiding it all the time."

"Perhaps, you are the biggest ghost!"

"Kang Tianzuo, what you want is also in Huangquan."

"You really have something to do with Huang Quan."

"It seems!"

Kuang Tianzuo wanted to say something, but Kuang Tianyou's remnant couldn't wait.


The mountain rises, and it is suppressed towards Zuo Shisan.

Unfortunately, the next second, Kuang Tianzuo looked at the remnant soul and suddenly took a deep breath.

"I said, I'm in control here!"


The remnant soul was terrified, he was blending in, and was swallowed by Kuang Tianzuo. He clearly cooperated with Kuang Tianzuo. They were first-class compatriots, but now they are like this.

"You are my brother!"

"so what?"

Kuang Tianzuo no longer needs to hide, Fengdu Palace has appeared, and their battle with Lin Guyu should begin. Lin Guyu wanted to use all the Shenzongs and Guzongs to offer sacrifices.

This is also what Kuang Tianzuo wants. Among them, Kuang Tianzuo wants to absorb Qi Luck.

Use air luck, and then enter the yellow spring.

"Do not!"

The remnant soul disappeared, Zuo Shisan stood under the mountain and smashed it out with one punch.

Today's Zuo Thirteen is the most fierce. No matter what Baoshan you are, one punch will turn into powder, and the surrounding mountains are still surrounding, Zuo Shisan snorted coldly and stepped out.

The dream is not Zuo Shisan's dream. Here, Zuo Shisan's violent aura was completely released.


Baoshan was all shattered, and the fragments were reduced to mirrors, which surrounded the left thirteen. In this mirror, Kuang Tianzuo finally came out.

In the mirror, a rope appeared in every Kuang Tianzuo's hand.

The rope was wrapped around Zuo Shisan, and countless ropes were wrapped around Zuo Shisan's body, trying to control Zuo Shisan. There was even a rope around Zuo Thirteen's neck.

Zuo Shisan looked at Kuang Tianzuo, but smiled.

"What are you laughing at? If you don't surrender, I will refine your body into a puppet."

"Although I'm not very skilled in the way of puppets, it's okay."

"Refining into a puppet?"

Zuo Shisan thought for a while and whispered, "Senior, do you need it?"

"You keep it, I feel sick."

Yinggou disliked Kuang Tianzuo, and the soul of Kuang Tianzuo did not like Yinggou either.

"Who are you talking to?"

"The Lord of Yellow Springs!"

"What?" Kuang Tianzuo was stunned.

"Where is the Lord of Yellow Springs?"

Kuang Tianzuo was in a daze again, but at this time, Zuo Shisan smiled even more happily.

"Is this a dream?"

"Senior, come out and do some activities, he still wants to occupy Huangquan."

"Is he a ghost?"

Zuo Shisan burst out laughing, and at the same time Jiuqu had already started. From these ropes, there was a suction force, which was directed at Kuang Tianzuo by Zuo Shisan.

"what happened?"

Kuang Tianzuo was stunned. On Zuo Shisan, streaks of golden light overflowed, and in this golden light, the winning hook manifested.

The Lord of Yellow Springs manifested in a dream.

The terrifying power is vented, and the winning hook is the master here.

"The Lord of Yellow Springs?"

"Why is it in your body?"

Kuang Tianzuo is completely stupid!