Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 401: Grumpy senior, online to line

The keywords displayed on Fang Yun's mobile phone page at this time are exactly '173' and 'Qiancheng'. When he heard the conversation with the students behind him, he vaguely realized that the other party might be talking about himself, so he planned to use Qiancheng. City search for keywords to see if you can find anything.

But what he didn't expect was that he didn't find any useful information on his side. Instead, Liu Ximeng, who was sitting next to him eating silently a second ago, suddenly became interested when he saw the name of the person he was searching for.

"Qiancheng? Do you know Qiancheng?"

Looking at his mobile phone, Liu Ximeng, who reacted, didn't even eat at the moment, and asked him excitedly.


Faced with this question, Fang Yun hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer for a while.

However, he quickly realized that he was Qiancheng, and it was a sure thing, but what happened to this Senior Sister Liu, judging from her attitude, she seemed to know him?

After thinking for a while, he did not answer directly, but instead asked: "Do you know?"

"Of course!"

Hearing this, Liu Ximeng raised her chin and said proudly: "Qiancheng is not only in the same district as me, but also the leader of our gang, a particularly powerful character!"


Hearing Liu Ximeng's answer, Fang Yun frowned and looked carefully at this beautiful senior who met by chance with his chin, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind!

"Liu Ximeng... Ximeng... Spring evening is like... a dream?!"

As Chunxi Rumeng and the name of Liu Ximeng in front of him slowly overlapped, Fang Yun was shocked, and finally understood why the name Liu Ximeng felt so familiar when he heard it for the first time!

"...Why are you looking at me like that?"

Being stared at by Fang Yun with a look of surprise, Liu Ximeng suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and asked after a light cough.


After being interrupted by the other party, Fang Yun finally reacted and looked back quickly, "I just heard a few classmates at the back table talking about this person, he seems to be very powerful, so I wanted to search for it, but it seems to be about 173 There's not much news about this guy..."

"173? The boss is on 173?!"

At this time, Liu Ximeng didn't know that Fang Yun had recognized her, and when she heard that her boss had actually boarded the famous 173 forum, she became even more excited!

"Eat, eat quickly, and come with me after eating!"

Without asking any more questions, she saw that after urging her, she finished her lunch as quickly as possible, and then dragged Fang Yun, who was bewildered, to the back street of the school.

Following the excited Liu Ximeng to the backstreet, Fang Yun didn't have time to glance, but he was pulled directly into an Internet cafe called 'Blue Sky', and after the registration was completed, he went straight to the two computers.

When she came to the computer and sat down, Liu Ximeng couldn't take care of Fang Yun. She logged into the computer and opened 173 to search for it.

Glancing at Liu Ximeng, who was focused on finding the video area, Fang Yun shook his head helplessly, ignoring her.

The video recording function of Fantasy Westward Journey was just launched more than a month ago, and it has received a good response from the player community as soon as it was launched.

After all, there are so few ways for players to receive game information these days, and there was basically nothing other than magazine forums before.

The emergence of the video recording function is the first time that players can directly watch the battle process of the masters in each zone server on their computer. Even if they don't understand it well, the eye-opening feeling is still very fascinating.

With such a function with its own huge traffic, it is naturally impossible for 173 and Ye Z pigs to eat this bowl of rice.

Shortly after the video recording function of Fantasy Westward Journey was launched, these forums followed the launch of the corresponding special area. Players only need to enter the special area to watch any battle, and they can also upload it themselves.

Entering the video area, Fang Yun glanced up and found the video he was looking for without much effort.

"The first Tang Dynasty in Bianliang City..."

Looking at the title of this video, Fang Yun almost couldn't help laughing, thinking that the people who uploaded the video were really doing it, and even opened the champagne for him that he didn't dare to open himself.

Quickly downloading the video, he found the software for playing the video from the folder of Fantasy Westward Journey, dragged the downloaded file into it, and directly selected to play it.

As the video started, he was suddenly relieved after seeing several players from the main perspective of the battle.

He originally thought that what he was uploading was the video of yesterday's match against Tianxia Wushuang. After all, in terms of violence and visibility, that was the real pinnacle.

But because of this, once the brutal video was uploaded and spread among the players, his name would definitely come out, but trouble would probably follow.

Fortunately, Wushuang in the world does not seem to have the idea of ​​making him famous. The video in front of him is the one before the match against Wushuang in the world. Although it is also very crushing, it is far worse in terms of violence.

But even so, after the short video was played, Fang Yun still saw several comments from netizens when he flipped through the comment area below the video.

"What a fierce Tang, but this square inch is too bad. It was cut off by two swords from Tang to five or six thousand blood. Is there no point in first-level defense?"

"The first Tang Dynasty in Bianliang City? This is it?"

"It's boring, I thought this fight would last for how long, and it's over in just a few rounds..."

"I think this big Tang baby is very powerful. It's more than 5,000 bites. To be honest, I can't believe it unless I watch this video!"

"Actually, it's still quite fierce. Didn't you see that he exploded more than 6,000 monks with his last knife? Even if this monk's defense is average, not everyone can explode so much, right?"


I glanced at the comments at the bottom of the video, and found that these comments were generally harmonious. Although there were some scolding, but not many, I couldn't help grinning, thinking that the quality of netizens at this time seems to be much higher than after more than ten years~ He didn't read any further, just when he was about to close the forum, he heard Liu Ximeng snort suddenly, put her hand on the keyboard, and began to fight.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing her crackling on the keyboard, Fang Yun was stunned and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Liu Ximeng didn't turn her head back, and replied while typing: "Someone scolds the boss, I want to scold him back!"


Hearing her words, Fang Yun immediately raised his eyebrows, thinking when did Sister Liu learn to match online?

Feeling a little funny, he couldn't help but persuade: "Forget it, what kind of anger do you have with these people on the Internet? Besides, I just watched the video, and few people scold it?"

"Our boss is amazing!"

Hearing this, Liu Ximeng suddenly turned her head and said with a serious face: "This video doesn't capture the essence at all. These people don't know anything and say our boss is very good. I think they are the real good!"