Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1008: The world is quiet

Chapter 1008: The World Is Quiet

This is a completely unconscious reflex after being deterred.

After watching the man go in that direction, he didn't react to what he did.

Qianliu stomped his feet fiercely and followed.

Walking in that direction, before he entered the innermost, he began to hear a hissing sound from the depths of the cave.

Hissing was dense and echoed everywhere in the narrow space. Listen to make your scalp tingle.

Rao is Qianliu, who grew up here since he was a child. To these extremely familiar people, when he heard the neighing sound of the snake group, his legs and feet were soft, and he had the urge to turn to escape. But the man holding the torch in front didn't respond at all, and didn't even mess up breathing.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the bottom of the cave, Qianliu couldn't hold it, and stopped, "Xue Honglian, don't go in, it's really dangerous. If anything goes in there, I won't save you Because I do n’t have that ability. I will run away immediately. You better think clearly. "

"You can leave now." This was the last word left by the man before he went into the bottom of the cave.

Then the man inserted a torch in his hand on the side of the stone wall and went inside alone. In a blink of an eye, he was blocked by the raised stone wall.

You can't see the situation inside, but you can hear that the hissing of the western Xinjiang snake suddenly became sharper and more agitated, apparently already meeting Xue Honglian.

Clenching his fist, Qian Liu wanted to immediately turn around and walk away, but he couldn't move any further, and finally stomped his foot fiercely, pulling the waist belt carefully inward.

If Xue Honglian really did happen, he rolled him out with a belt and immediately took it away. As for whether he could live, he could not guarantee.

There is only so much he can do.

Adhering to a raised stone wall, he carefully leaned his head and looked inside. When looking at the situation inside, Qian Liushou was about to release, but the next moment he suddenly widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

Countless snake shadows attacked the man standing in the center from all sides.

When he thought that the man had nowhere to run, he saw that he took off his robe without panic, and a large rotation brought the shadows of snakes in all directions into the robe.

There is no fish that missed the net,

The robe was twisted into a parcel at this time. The snake group couldn't stand out from the conflict in the left and right, and all were captured.

Until the man carried the parcel and walked in front of him, his chin was still not picked up.

The thing he was afraid of was like a game in the eyes of a man, as if he hadn't had a deadly contest with the snake group just now, but went in to find his toys and played around.

"Where is the red medicine stone?" The man asked, looking sideways as he passed by.

Qianliu Machinery raised his hand and shook his finger and pointed it in the other direction. Then he raised his footsteps mechanically behind the man, and stayed away. Walking in this cave is nowhere safer than a man's side. He suddenly had this recognition. It was also at this time that he began to discover, but wherever the man walked, it was unobstructed, and there was no obstacle.

None of the poisons that caused headaches in their villages appeared.

Even if their shadows are occasionally found around the stone wall, they will immediately hide and avoid them, and will never surge towards them.

After gradually calming down, Qianliu's eyes looked thoughtful.

"Xue Honglian, who the **** are you?" Qianli could not help but ask when he and a man picked up a red medicine stone and walked out in the deepest part of the cave.

"Not an ordinary person."

"..." The answer was speechless.

The two walked out of the black witch hole all the way, without encountering any threats during the period, making Qianliu suspect that when he came in before, it was probably his illusion that he encountered the mess.

Seeing the man all the way, he wrapped the robe stably, but it was more precious than the red medicine stone. After trying hard, he still could not hold back, "What are you doing to catch those snakes?"

"Send a friend," the man said lightly.

Although the tone was still straight and unemotional, Qian Liu keenly noticed that when he said the word "friend", those unemotional eyes seemed to soften.

Let someone like Xue Honglian keep in mind, that friend is afraid of Xue Honglian.

Qian Liu turned his eyes away, "You are already the guardian of Qian Yi, and you need to pay attention to her in the future. Don't fool her into cheating her, otherwise my holy witch tribe will not let you go."

He warned the man that he wasn't listening at all. From time to time, he looked at the baggage twisted by the outer robe, walking lightly, and although there was no expression on his face, he could feel that he was in a very good mood from his expression.

With a punch on cotton, Qian Liu's face turned green.

It is estimated that there are hundreds of black snakes in the bag, and it needs an adult to hug the package to hold it.

Man this is the end of the Xijiang Snake Nest in the Black Witch Cave.

So many snakes struggled in the parcel, rushing left and right. Carrying the thin cloth of the robe, Qianliu was a little worried that the robe might be broken at any time.

By the time all the snakes came out, that was a terrible thing.

"You will scare the children in the walled village if you go out like this." He frowned, he reminded.

Fortunately, the man finally listened to this sentence, looked down at the package, and the next moment his arm was slumped, and the whole package was slammed on the ground.


The contents are not moving.

The world is quiet.

The man carried the parcel and went on.

Qianliu "..." silly.

Outside the forest, the villagers are still waiting anxiously, and the atmosphere is solemn and depressed.

As time went by, that dignity grew stronger.

Qianyi has walked back and forth around the forest no less than a hundred times, from time to time, she led her neck and pierced her ears, and her ears kept standing upright, so she was afraid of missing the whistle that might come from the depths of the forest. But never saw anything in the woods.

She was more worried and anxious than anyone else.

For more than half an hour, I have thought of countless results and possibilities.

Several times I could not help but begged passers-by to look for it, and finally restrained it.

Although the black witch forest is not a forbidden ground in their village, its danger is self-evident.

The dolls in the village were never allowed to come here to play, for fear that something would not return.

She couldn't find Xue Honglian and take the lives of more people in the village.

Seeing that it was going to be an hour, Qian Yi settled down and said to the villagers, "I'll go and see. If there is any problem, send a signal, and then everyone will go in for rescue."

"No, it's so dangerous inside. If anything goes in by yourself, how can we explain to the elder?" The old man in charge of the referee rejected it first. His seniority in the village was second only to the elders, so what he said was also very important.

(End of this chapter)