Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1015: That's the look of Silly X

Chapter 1015: That Silly X's Eye

Hug came out of several big shops, and they were already full of big bags.

"I said that I have money. I want to buy these things. I'll pay the bill myself. You want to grab ..."

When going out, the woman still complained in her mouth.

Xue Honglian didn't say a word, her brows frowned so that she could knot several knots.

Carrying a dozen packages wrapped in both hands, I just felt that my Tibetan Mastiff looked stupid.

At this time, Xue Qinglian should be let out.

He couldn't stand the image he was ruining.

Turn around and walk to the tea house next to it.

"Hey, where are you going? Drink tea? You wait for me!" Qian Yi hurriedly clutched the big bag in her arms, and "hurriedly chased it up." Run for tea? Are you tired? "

How many shops haven't visited yet? Xue Honglian's forehead and blue tendons began to jump and grit her teeth. "These things are enough, enough!"

Does she really want to be married?

Feel free to make an excuse to postpone the date of marriage with the elders. When he finds out what he wants to know, he will leave immediately.

With the woman, every day is challenging his endurance.

After entering the tea house, Xue Honglian directly asked for a private room, and when she entered the door, she threw down all the things hanging on her hands.

"There are cakes in it, and you will break if you throw them ..."

"Come here." The man sat on his chair and raised his eyes, both words were strong.

Qian Yi froze. With the deep, dark eyes of the man above, the inexplicable criminal counseled, put down his arms and wrapped it, and obediently walked over to sit opposite the man.

"Why were you hunted down that day?"

Qian Yi's buttocks weren't settled yet. Leng Buding heard the man's question, his heart beat down, and his eyes grunted and he was ready to speak.

"If you tell a lie, I will kill a western Xinjiang snake."

"..." threatened her with her baby, despicable.

In his heart, Qian Yi scolded the man with a dog's blood, and a flattering smile on his face, "How can we be partners, we must be honest with each other and know everything, how can I lie to you hahaha!"


He rolled his eyes secretly, and Qian Yi murmured openly, "In fact, it is not a big deal, those people, oh, yes, it is the guard around the special envoy."

"Special Envoy of the Xiliang Royal Family?" Xue Honglian's eyes darkened. "The envoy did not arrive at the Holy Witch Village as scheduled. What did you do? What did you do?"

"It didn't do anything, just stole him something, and before he found that thing, he probably couldn't go to the Holy Witch House." Speaking of this, the woman was no longer embarrassed, shaking her head and shaking her head very proudly.

She was able to steal that thing from the envoy. She was clever and resourceful.

"Since he is a special envoy, he should go to Holy Witch Village every year. If you don't get veiled and run to steal things from him, don't worry that he will recognize you and finally sin the entire Holy Witch family?"

"Am I going to be so stupid? I dare to go naturally because he didn't know me. When he went to the village in the past, he met all women of the right age. I didn't have to meet him when I was young, so he didn't see him at all. Passed me, but I recognized him. "Raising his chin, Qian Yi sorrow," And because he is very familiar with my holy witch family, so I want to mix with him, not to be veiled, so It was really exposed. But when I mixed in to steal things, although I didn't cover the gauze, I also made a little camouflage, so even if I saw him again, he would never recognize me. "

In order to make herself appear tall in front of the man, she did not say that when she went to steal, the special eunuch's envoy did not see her face at all.

Very safe.

The situation at the time must be said to be tense and dangerous in order to highlight her talents.

Allowing the woman to brag about the sky, Xue Honglian slowly teased her eyes, hiding her thoughtfulness.

"Why don't you ask me what I stole?"

"What did you steal?" The man followed the good.

"I stole the sacred blood golden silkworm." Speaking of which, the woman is even more proud. "The royal family used that thing to check the purity of the blood of our holy witch women. Get a drop of blood to feed the golden silkworm to eat, and the bloodline becomes more correct, The color of the golden silkworm will become deeper, and the whole body will be red. Without the golden silkworm, you can't check the bloodline, and the **** can't make up with him. Huh, I guess he's burning his eyebrows these days. "

"Where is the silkworm? Where did you hide it?"

"Let ’s tear it up last night, and feed the Xinjiang snake."


After that, Xue Honglian didn't speak anymore. The woman was alone beside her, and she spoke cheerfully, and the whole room was full of women's crisp and cheerful voice.

Yu Xuelian is a bit noisy, but it is more comfortable than sitting alone, because those lonely and deserted, will not strike in this atmosphere.

At the same time, a passenger ship berthed at the border between the two countries, at the border wharf, dozens of miles away from Mocheng.

A group of four people stepped out of the boat, set foot on the border land, and slowly approached Mocheng.

"This is the northwest?" Looking around, his eyes were extremely depressed. Even at the border wharf, there were few people, which made Liu Yusheng very surprised.

In the docks I've seen before, where aren't people coming and going?

But here, the border area, is supposed to be the place with the most people. Even the docker saw only four or five, sitting at the corner of the dock, lazily chatting.

When I saw someone going ashore, the dockers glanced here and found that a few people didn't come over after salute, but their eyes were full of curiosity and surprise.

Liu Yusheng's self-determination was the look of Silly X.

People who seem to be here are stupid.

Holding the woman ’s hand and taking her to the dock station, Feng Qingbai slowly explained to her, “This is the Northwest, but because of the exclusion of Xiliang, almost all other people are not allowed to go to Xiliangbian City, business travel and the like. If you do n’t find any benefits here, you wo n’t run for nothing. This place is slowly desolate. ”

"Should the border town be controlled by all nations? Why is the northwest border town the Xiliang?" Like the southeast border, there are post offices in various border towns open to welcome business trips from all countries. Of course, the entire border town is extremely lively and prosperous. Snakes are mixed.

Because it is a border town, anyone from any country can enter, so some of the most wanted criminals who have violated the law in their own country will also hide in the border town for a place of sacrifice.

Such as Jiang Yang Bandit, etc., make the security of border towns have great hidden dangers.

"Because it crossed the dock, it was the Xiliang national border. Xiliang did not agree with other countries to enter their borders to conduct business exchanges. Other countries could not force it." A horse-drawn carriage was hired, and Feng Qingbai helped the woman to get on the car, waiting for Wei Zi and Liu When Bud sat up together, he ordered, "Go to Mocheng."

(End of this chapter)