Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1026: Spring sowing is over

Chapter 1026: Spring Broadcasting Is Over

Walked to the Queen Mother, washed her hands with water in the ditch on the side, and then helped the Queen Mother to the Qinghe side, "I ’ll take you to wash, wash the mud on the shoes first, turn back Change back to clean when you get home. "

The queen queen was very moved to wash the mud on her feet, but she couldn't pull down her face. "The house of grief is not so precious. You can finish your work first, and it will be the same later."

"Do you think that some of our female relatives are really here to work for a long time? Just come here to make fun and help out. We have to go home in a while," Mrs. Liu gave the empress a funny look and explained, "Yuzhen and Muqiu at home have to bring their children to cook again. They may not be too busy. Besides, their cooking skills are not as good as mine. People in this family are not used to their cooking."

"That being the case, let's go." The queen mother straightened her back, which was a natural order.

Mrs. Liu heard the soreness, aren't they walking now? It really has to be on display anytime.

Standing on Tian Zhuan, who can take this place as a temple for raising hearts, it is estimated that the Queen Mother is alone.

Take the queen queen to the stone steps where the village lady washes clothes and chose a dry stone step for her to sit down, put her feet into the river, and help her wash off a thick layer of mud on her shoes.

It's not long before spring, and although the weather has begun to warm, the river is still cool.

The queen mother couldn't help but wince when her feet were dipped into the river. It was cold, but I could clearly feel the river flowing slowly.

Through a pair of shoes, you can feel the feeling of water washing the instep.

The empress queen felt novel as she watched the river wash over and the waves of dirt taken away from her shoes. And after adapting to the temperature of the river, the initial coldness has dissipated, followed by a comfortable feeling of relaxation.

When Mrs. Liu asked her to get up, she felt some nostalgia.

"Comfortable." Wife Liu understood her slight expression. "The water temperature is still a bit cold now. You will be comfortable when you come to wash your feet in summer. And you are wearing shoes on your feet and washing your feet in the river." It's like scratching an irritated boot, and you can't feel anything. Playing in the water, you'll be happy with your bare feet. "

"It's nonsense again. The feet of a woman can only be seen by a husband. You barefooted outside, and the daylight is what it is."

"Look at what you said. Although we are from a rural household, we are also obedient. Who would show my feet in front of outsiders at will, don't you see that my socks are still wrapped in my feet?" After flowing freely in the river water twice, after washing away the surface sludge, the feet revealed the white socks that had been stained with muddy water by yellow.

Seeing the empress queen's dark face again, Mrs. Liu deliberately moved her toes in the socks twice to demonstrate.

The queen mother put aside her face and was naive.

"Mother, queen mother, let ’s go straight home after washing. We do n’t need to help with things in the field. Dad let us go home to cook." Later, Chen Xiulan and Dujuan carried a few pairs of shoes, and among them Wife's.

"Zhixia Zhiqiu has finished picking seedlings?" Asked Mrs. Liu.

"It's finished, and I'm already helping planting."

"That's OK," Madam Liu nodded. "Let's go back then."

All three female dependents know that the masters told them to go home and cook now, but it was a pain that they were tired and exhausted in the fields, so that they went home early. Over the years in the field, several old men in the family have rarely let them interfere.

After returning to the Liu Family Courtyard, the first thing I saw was the three beans playing on the straw mat in the middle of the courtyard.

Crawling and rolling hot.

There was a gurgling noise in the kitchen, and when I heard it, it must be that Wei Hong was chopping wood.

Fu Yuzheng and Liu Muqiu sat at the kitchen door, chatting while picking vegetables, and took care of the three baby boys.

Seeing several people returning, Liu Muqiu immediately put down her hands and put clean water in the kitchen to let them wash their hands and feet. Clean your hands and feet, put on clean clothes, and you're ready to cook later.

When washing her hands, Mrs. Liu noticed the unsmiling smiles on the faces of the two grandsons and daughters-in-law, and said cheerfully, "What were you talking about just now? They laughed so happily."

"Look at the scary things before Zhiqiu." When talking about this topic, Fu Yuzheng was endless. "I used to know that Qiu was scary. He said that to be his wife-in-law, he had to work in the field instead of being a grandma at home. His face was all white, and he never came to the door again. Look at him now that he has Twilight Baby, even Tanabe will not let her go. Thinking of what he said before, he felt funny. "

Muqiu blushed, "Just say me, brother is not baby."

"Neither of you laugh at anyone. Which of our masters, the Liu family, doesn't hurt my daughter-in-law? When I'm old, when I get up in the morning to do business, the old man gets up to set fire for me." Back to the room to change clothes.

The two grandchildren are at the kitchen door. Look at me, look at you, and cover your mouth and laugh.

Everyone hid their own, quiet happiness.

The pot in the kitchen was boiling hot water. When the old lady brought water to the bathing room to wait for the empress to bathe, the queen said gently, "Well, isn't it nice here?"

The old man laughed and said, "It's excellent."

Listening to the laughter, listening to the milk sounds of babbling babbling, and even the sound of chopping wood from the kitchen can make people feel at ease and relax.

There is no treacherous cloud in the palace, and there is no dull oppression in the palace. Everything can feel warm.

For people like them, this is a place where people can easily become attached.

The queen mother stopped talking, and the old lady didn't dare to say too much.

After spring sowing, they will return to Beijing, and there are not many days to be so relaxed.

She knew that the queen mother was reluctant, otherwise she would not suddenly ask that sentence. Unfortunately, such a good place does not belong to them. They are even less likely to stay for a long time and always have to go.

The Liu Family Courtyard spent three full days of work before planting more than a dozen acres of land.

For three days, all the old men in the family were tired and paralyzed. After resting, they couldn't even move their fingers.

Liu Zhixia, a useless scholar, was laughed at again by Liu Zhiqiu. Then Liu Zhiqiu was lifted by the energetic wife with a fire tong, and chased several times in the yard, successfully beating the cheap people.

And every time Liu Zhiqiu was taught, it was also the loudest and happiest time in the courtyard of the Liu family.

Even the three little dolls who didn't know anything, laughed at the funny look of him being chased all over the hospital.

Spring sowing is over.

(End of this chapter)