Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1029: Try my grandma?

Chapter 1029 Try My Grandma's Hair?

The other person's facial features are correct, but those eyes are particularly annoying. High above him, there is a contempt, as if he were superior.

Mrs. Liu looked down at her dress again, and immediately knew where that puppet superiority came from.

Because she stayed in the village, she was wearing coarse clothes for the convenience of work.

And she doesn't like being too explicit in Japan, lest she be incompatible with the village. So she rarely wore those expensive clothes that her grandchildren bought for her, and today she wore a set of coarse gray clothes.

I did not expect to make myself the object of scorn.

The wife laughed angrily, and glanced at the middle-aged lady standing behind her grandmother, her face full of pride and arrogance, "Dog stuff? Why, only you guys in Jinhua suits can be called people. It ’s a dog thing? It ’s great if you have two money? You can look down on the poor if you have two money? You guys are called dogs! ”

"Dalit, dare you talk back ?!"

"Why don't I dare to talk back? A bite of a dog, a bit of a pariah. Just like your stinking mouth. I only scold you for being light!" Madam Liu came out with temperament, eyes widened.

Thanks to the two people in front of them who are dog-like, they are not as good as their three-year-old baby in their village. If she didn't show their might, they would really be a character!

The quarrel here almost immediately caught everyone's attention.

The people around stopped and watched, pointed and talked.

Both the words and the words allude to the wrong with the master and servant, but sympathize with wife Liu.

At first glance, the pair of masters and servants came out of the rich and noble people, and the old woman who had just got up with them had to suffer. In their opinion, Mrs. Liu's coarse gray coat is a very ordinary dress. It should be of ordinary civilian origin. How can civilians fight against wealthy people?

The old woman's fate might not be better.

Xu was because of being watched, which aroused the impatience of the lady, and said coldly, "Slap."

Such reckless behavior, the wife's temper was thrown down.

To be noble, the queen queen is better than the lady in front of her. So a noble person has never looked down on her old lady in the country. What is this noble lady in front of? Relying on the family to oppress the people, their faces are extremely ugly!

The old man got the command of the master, raised his chin, and walked towards the wife Liu, who was so aggressive, that he raised his hand and hit the wife.

When the surrounding people were cooling down, a small stone flying from nowhere came straight through the palm of the old man. After half a beat, the uncle suddenly held his palm and mourned, and at the same time looked angrily at the young man who walked away from the crowd.

"Dog, dare to try my grandma with a sweat?" The young man's eyes were extremely cold, and the momentum revealed through his body was sharp and sharp.

When he saw the scene in the restaurant window, he was already suffocating to kill.

He came with his grandson in his arms, and also returned the words "dog stuff". Wife Liu looked pale and stood next to the little grandson.

"Who are you? Dare to hurt the old lady next to me, it's almost death!" The lady came to Liu Zhiqiu secretly, drinking cold and angry.

Liu Zhiqiu sneered, "No matter who I am, I'm standing here now. Would you let me see what it means to die?"

Such arrogant provocations made the surrounding people take another breath.

Seeing that Liu Zhiqiu and the bullied old woman are also dressed as ordinary people, there is absolutely no background in such a family. Even if the young man seems to have a little hand work, he can beckon to the wealthy people. How can dozens of nursing homes survive?

Two fists make it difficult for four hands. The young man was young and vigorous, and didn't know how to endure, but never thought that the consequences could not bear it.

Is it young?

Filial piety is commendable, but such behavior in this case will only bring disaster to the entire family.

The sympathy of the people was even more sympathetic, and some of them had begun to shake their heads secretly.

"Ma'am, these two pariahs don't take you seriously at all! They both say that beating dogs also depends on the owner. You see that they hurt my hand! Please be a lady to be the master of slavery!" Hand, the uncle stumbled to the lady, looking at Liu Zhiqiu's eyes, vicious and overcast, "Tell you, my wife, you don't want to have a good life! My mother and wife of Ding ’s house make a good relationship with Mrs. Yunzhou Zhifu There is also an elder brother who worships the servant of the Ministry above, how can you allow such dalits to be humiliated! "

I heard that my wife's face sank and she made a good relationship with the wife of the prefecture. Isn't that Yuzheng? Who are these people! Walking outside actually swaggered the market with the name of their granddaughter Sun Yat-sen, it was simply destroying the reputation of Zhixia and Yuzheng!

It's so welcoming!

"You ..." Liu Zhiqiu was cursed at the convenience and was stopped by Liu Zhiqiu.

Chin lifted slightly, looking at the lady opposite, Liu Zhiqiu chuckled her lips coldly. "With such a background, I really want to see it, look at the broad daylight, because of a bit of conflict, what do you want me to do? Recall to go up Is the torture or killing in place? Here, my little brother is waiting. "

The more provocative, the less convergent.

At the beginning of Liu Zhiqiu's appearance, she shot through the palm of her hand with a stone, and the lady had a moment of hesitation in her heart.

If it were an ordinary people, it would never be possible to raise a person with such good kung fu, but look at their clothes and the old woman's words and deeds temperament. The moment of hesitation was gone immediately.

At this point, Liu Zhiqiu heard another provocation. The lady could not bear it anymore, and looked at the eyes of the two dumbfounded. "Insulting the family members of the imperial court and threatening them, it is considered a felon! Come on, take me down these two pariahs. If you resist, kill them on the spot! "

From behind the lady, Hula La rushed over to a group of people and surrounded Liu Zhiqiu with his wife. The movements are clean and well-organized, and they are obviously trained. They are not ordinary home nursing homes, but trained guards.

There are as many as twenty sweeping eyes.

Seeing such a battle, the people around them were afraid to be stabbed and pond fish, and backed away.

Although I sympathized with the young and old woman, I couldn't make a joke about my life. They are ordinary people, how dare to offend rich people.

It was just that the people avoided, but did not leave, stood far away, and continued to watch the excitement. See if the noble lady really wants to kill the two men.

In the eyes of wealthy people, the lives of the people at the bottom are as cheap as grass and are worthless. They beat and kill at will.

The people have suffered such grievances but have no complaints. In the high circle, they protect each other, and there has never been a survival gate for the people.

(End of this chapter)