Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1032: Wrote down Ding's family

Chapter 1032: Remembering Ding's Family

It is a great blessing for them to be able to see the Empress Dowager with their own eyes and the General Qin Xiao with their own eyes.

And this blessing is brought by the Liu family.

Unexpectedly, some people think of the trail rumor heard years ago. Liu Yusheng, a daughter of the Liu family, has a certain name, Fu Wa Wa, born with a thick blessing. Anyone who talks with her has heard that she can always be affected by her blessing.

Today, the blessing of the blessed doll has benefited the entire Yunzhou city, which is a blessing for the people in Yunzhou.

On the street of Yunzhou City, the people talked to each other, talking about the Empress Dowager, General Qin, and the lucky doll Liu Yusheng.

As for the Ding family who caused the accident, no one noticed it for a while, and they didn't even know when they left.

But I can imagine the end of Ding's family, I'm afraid it won't be better.

The Ding family was originally one of the four major families in their Yunzhou city, and had an excellent reputation.

The daughter of the family of the Ding family, Miss Qian Jin, also made good friends with the wife of the prefecture, and also raised materials for the victims of the Yunzhou disaster, which made the Ding family's reputation once high.

If nothing else, Miss Ding's friendship with the wife of the prefecture will know the photo of the prefecture, and there is also a Beijing official in the family, the official worships the waiter. Ding's prospects are bright.

Who knew it would end up in the hands of a housewife. Ding's mother-in-law is typically a mouse **** that broke a pot of soup.

In the end, the mother-in-law couldn't talk about it, but Ding's family had to follow up, even if the servant of Ding's house was still sitting still.

Dare to bully the old Mrs. Liu family, isn't that in the face of Liu Zhifu and Nanling King?

Can they uncover it easily? Absolutely impossible.

When I mention Ding's family in the future, I am afraid that it is not the prominent aristocracy that everyone admires, but the laughter of people of all classes.

After the queen mother emerged from the turmoil in Yunzhou, everyone's attention was put on Ding's family.

At this time, the Empress Dowager, Qin Xiao and Laoyu had already taken Croton and Red Bean on board a passenger ship back to Beijing.

Before leaving, the queen queen did not forget to raise her face, and asked the reckless woman to bully others.

She is too easy-going. Whenever she encounters something, she always likes to change things into small things, so that she will only be bullied.

The queen mother couldn't rest assured when she got on the boat, so she was worried that when no one looked at it, the reckless woman lost money in a place she didn't know.

Mrs. Liu had almost no hands to guarantee a dozen. She didn't know how the queen mother would worry about so many things.

She is a terrible old lady. When she is fine, she stays in Xinghua Village without going out. Where can she be bullied? Does anyone dare to come and bully her? Unless the man made up his mind to walk out of Xinghua Village.

The villagers of Xinghua Village are not vegetarian, and they can't be overstated. In addition, infected by people from downhill villages, they are becoming more and more embarrassed. They have also learned how to use the shameless shame of the people in Xiadai Village to make people doubt their lives.

I thought that I could calm down after sending the empress, but after sitting in the carriage, I met her father's cold eyes, and her mother's shoulder flinched.

She usually had the final say at home, because the old man let her spoil her, and once the old man got serious, she was also afraid. Just like now. The old man was serious.

"I'm really fine ..."

"What should I do to make things happen? Everyone is applauding. If you didn't know that Qiu Qiu's stone is playing fast, then the slap will fall on your face, do you know? You just don't hurt yourself!" Father Liu angry.

He was almost in tears as he was distressed.

How could his wife make people bully like that.

Actually dare to scold his wife and dogs for something, and he remembered Ding's family!

"If you look at it, you can say that my eyes are still red. I have a sense of doing things, how can I really let her fight. You say that at this age, I really need to slap one or two. Fate? I'm sorry, I have to see our cowpea grow up. "

"It's a shame that my sleeves are swollen and I'm going to fight someone. Do you think you're stronger and invincible? You haven't seen the twenty guards behind you? You have chopped your hands before you start You've picked up your life today! If you don't take everything into your heart, you can be angry with me! "

"Oh, my old man, it ’s really offensive. It ’s my fault, it ’s my fault, it ’s because I look down on people ’s hearts and minds? If I encounter this again in the future, I will report it to my family first. The newspaper door didn't work, so I ran. Can you? "

"In the future, you must bring the big red with you, otherwise you don't go anywhere and stay in Xinghua Village." Father Liu sucked his nose and said hardly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Madam Liu patted her chest and promised. If she didn't follow him, she was afraid that her masters would have to urinate, and then she calmed down and remembered how shameful she was?

The old man in his family is very face-saving.

There were two old men in the carriage talking and talking, one coaching and the other agreeing, the atmosphere gradually eased.

And Liu Zhiqiu, who was sitting in the front of the car, looked very deeply in front of him, his eyes still shone coldly.

The scene where the dog thing slaps on Grandma's face has been lingering in his mind. Every time this picture came up, the chill in his eyes was full of two points.

Wherever grandma is going to go in the future, he must follow, whether or not Red Aunt is here, he will stay with them.

He couldn't stand any of them being hurt a little.

It is night to return to the Liu Family Courtyard. The courtyard is vocal, quiet and peaceful. The feeling of going home can precipitate the impetuousness of the heart.

Dinner has been prepared in the stove, but it has not yet started, and they are waiting for them to return.

Putting the carriage in place and clearing his hands, Liu Zhiqiu sat at the dining table. He was the last one at the table.

What's the difference between Mr. Liu and the old lady, there was no mention of what happened in Yunzhou during the meal.

Liu Zhiqiu knew that his grandmother didn't want to spoil the family's mood of eating. He should be planning to find his eldest brother after meals and mention this.

He didn't undermine his grandmother's intentions, it was just that the meal ate the fastest in history and caught everyone on the table.

"What's wrong? I ate something good and full in Yunzhou?" Liu Zhixia.

Every time this guy goes out, he will never feel wronged, eat whatever he wants, and buy whatever he wants.

This time the estimates are no exception.

Coupled with bringing grandma, surely will not make grandma hungry.

Liu Zhiqiu looked at him with a cold hum and left.

Everyone, "..."

Liu Zhixia's eyes blinked, and she didn't chase it out. If she had nothing to eat, she would leave the dining table a little early when the family was about to be full.

Not caught by grandma.

Stepping out of the compound gate, beside the vegetable garden on the corner of the compound, I saw the second goods squatting and watching the moon.

"Say, what happened."

(End of this chapter)