Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1036: Older and weaker

Chapter 1036: Older, Powerless

The storm in Yunzhou City calmed down temporarily as Mrs. Ding was caught in the jail cell.

At this time, April has entered. Feng Qingbai and Liu Yusheng have been in Liangzhou City for nearly ten days.

I don't do anything else every day, I just travel around the city to enjoy the scenery, as if I really came here for sightseeing.

Those who spied on secretly did not find any flaws, but did not dare to relax. It is because the identity of King Nanling is too special. No matter which country he appears in, he will be the subject of great attention.

On a man-made lake in the north of Mocheng, in the painting hall, the men and women sit opposite each other and look at the lake, looking at it leisurely, but what they say has nothing to do with the expression they show.

"Even a boat trip to the lake is so closely watched. Do those people not have to eat or sleep for twelve hours a day?" Liu Yusheng vomited.

"Since they have to eat and sleep, they change their sights three times a day to ensure that they have enough energy." The opposite man laughed.

Liu Yusheng's eyebrows broke down.

She is now more and more curious about the Emperor Xiliang. What kind of person can pervert to such an extent? In order to stare at one of his kings in the border town, he was asked to adopt a shift system. What are you preparing for?

"How far is the border town from Xiliang? You said that we were in the border town, but by this time it had reached the ear of the emperor Xiliang?"

Feng Qingbai shook his head. "It's not that fast. It's the fastest bird to pass the message. It takes at least half a month to reach Xiliang Capital from the border town."

In this half month, he was just guessing. Because Xiliang has remained mysterious for so many years, and has always refused foreigners to visit. It can be said that no one in the three surrounding countries has really seen the whole picture of Xiliang, let alone the understanding of its size.

He doesn't know the distance from Xiliangbiancheng to the capital. He can only use other three countries to make a comparison.

The capital of a country is mostly in the center of the country. The longest distance from the national center to the border in all directions is about one month and two months. Of course, Xiliang is not an exception.

So he couldn't tell the specific answer to the woman.

"There are things in the world that you don't even know, that's really strange." The woman teased.

Feng Qingbai raised an eyebrow. "There are many things I don't know."

"for example?"

"If you don't know, how can you give an example?"

Liu Yusheng crouched on the windowsill, convinced by the man's answer.

Then he turned his attention elsewhere, "Wei Zi and Liu Ya haven't stayed with us during this time, have they been sent to any secret mission again?"

"No." The man was serious. "I don't want them to follow, I just don't want them to be annoying."

Liu Yusheng stunned and laughed.

Seeing the woman smile, Feng Qingbai raised her lips slightly.

There is something in her heart, and in fact, women rarely look open during this time. So what he likes to do is make her laugh so much.

She doesn't have to worry about other people's affairs. He remembers frowning all day long. He really can't see it. So in just a few days, he has already recorded many accounts, all of which are on Xue Honglian's head.

Find the right time in the future and come back one by one.

"Don't we see the old **** in the post today out of town? Do you guess he's not in Shengwuzhai now?"

"Mocheng is not far from Shengwuzhai. It takes about a quarter of an hour by carriage, and the longest will not exceed half an hour. This time should have arrived."

Liu Yusheng turned to look at the sparkling lake under the sun, and sighed, "I hope that the little girl named Qian Yi and all the little girls who live in the Holy Witch tribe will escape."

"Some destinies are doomed, and you can't escape. There is a Xiliang thing between the Holy Witch and the Xiliang Royal Family. It has nothing to do with us. Shengsheng, you worry too much."

"I didn't just say it." The woman kicked the man's toe with his foot. "Did you say that the Emperor Xiliang really prolonged his life? I heard that he is already very old. Could he really have become an old monster?

The man shook his head. "Maybe already old, but not too old. It should not be more than seventy years old."

"how do you know?"

Raising his eyes, the man glanced at her, and the clouds were light and light. "A little older, it would be useless to help him choose as many young and beautiful girls as possible."

Liu Yusheng nodded suddenly, "That's right, he is powerless."


The man's mouth twitched slightly, and Liu Yusheng raised his small chin proudly.

In front of her all day deliberately or unintentionally opening a slap, she heard that she had become accustomed to it, he thought she would still be shy?

"I look down on the lady." The man murmured at her.

"It's good to say. If the husband is interested, let him go."

The man raised his lips, "OK."

"... I mean a chat."

"Did I say no?"


You didn't say it, but you did.

At this time, a wagon drove into the surveillance area of ​​the gate of Zhaizi, and the driver in the car immediately released his waistband.

Zhaizi started quietly because of the arrival of the carriage.

The special envoy arrived.

It wasn't long before people were welcomed into the Presbyterian Home. The elders ordered a woman of Zhaili age to go to the Presbyterian Home for testing and selection.

Qian Yi does not need to go because he already has a guardian. But she didn't hide either. Instead, she took Xue Honglian to sneak into the Bamboo House opposite the Presbyterian Court, climbed to the second floor, and hid behind the window to peek at the movement in the Presbyterian Court.

"The dead **** really came. I have stolen his holy blood golden silkworm. What will he use to test the purity of the bloodline? Can you guess Xie Honglin?" He hid himself behind the window sill , Qian Yi's mouth has been constantly smashing thoughts, not forgetting to ask for advice with the men around him.

The man leaned on the side of the windowsill, closed his eyes and closed his eyes, and turned a deaf ear to her words.

After coming into contact for many days, Qian Yi has been well aware of the dead virtue of the man, so it is not surprising that he has not been answered.

She would be thrilled if the man had to answer.

In the presbyterian courtyard below, women aged sixteen or seventeen arrived one after another, standing neatly in a row in the courtyard, a total of six people.

The elders stood with their mouths open and closed and didn't know what they were talking about. Qian Yi guessed that the elders must be admonishing and teaching, telling the women to keep their mission in mind.

Gaze fell on those women who were the same age as her, and the light in Qian Yi's eyes slowly dimmed.

Everyone is the same age. Sixteen or seventeen years old, who should have been the most beautiful time in life, but because of his bloodline, life will become extremely unbearable.

She didn't understand why they couldn't have their own lives? Why can they only become a furnace tripod and sacrifice themselves for an old man who is about to die?

Just for the old man to live a few more days and a few more months, countless women of the Holy Witch family will have to pay a lifetime for this.

On what basis?

(End of this chapter)