Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1048: Be my apprentice

Chapter 1048: Be My Disciple

The temple to which the holy witches were assigned was called Yanshou Palace. In addition to her, the leader Qian Fang and her two maids Qian Xue and Qian Lan.

While outside, the holy witch woman was not allowed to lift her face, so she could not wear a mask at that time.

If you want to live with these people in Yanshou Palace now, you will have to put on the mask, otherwise the stuffing will be exposed.

This mask made by Xue Honglian has an identity. One was married to a little transparent person early because his blood was not pure enough.

Usually rarely appears in front of everyone, so many juniors in Zhaizi are not too familiar with this person, and only the elders barely remember her appearance, but if you want to say the name, you can't think of it for a while.

Anyway, the name Qianmei is said in the village, most people have to think for a long time before they can remember people.

She didn't know how Xue Honglian had found such a person, which was very suitable for her to pretend.

Now she is here, accompanied by the team to send the maiden to the palace, there must be records on the side of Saint Wuzhai, then the real Qianmei cannot appear in Saint Wuzhai during this time.

Where did Xue Honglian get her, Liu Yusheng is not worried, she believes Xue Honglian will not hurt innocent people.

After settling down, the group didn't walk around. During this time, due to the relationship between the perverted **** and the rush to work day and night, everyone was tired enough, and it was easy to settle down.

Liu Yusheng couldn't even wait for the news from the maiden's side to come back, and fell asleep to sleep.

It was already night when I woke up and was still awakened.

The maidens returned, as temporary maids of the maiden, before the maidens adjusted to the newly allocated palace urn, several of them had to be responsible for continued care to give the maidens a buffer time.

He got up and walked to the main hall of Yanshou Palace. The elder Qianfang and the six saints were sitting and talking lowly.

The atmosphere was not good, especially the faces of the six maidens, which looked very ugly to Liu Yusheng.

Silently walked over and stood behind several people, Liu Yusheng raised his ears to listen to the people talking.

"Elder, we must ..."

"What a stupid thing to say!" One of the saints was interrupted by the elder before she finished speaking. "This is the mission of our holy witch tribe. Now that you have come to the palace, stay well! Don't think about those who don't ! "

"But the emperor is already ninety years old! We ..." The maiden couldn't speak any more, lowering her head and weeping.

Others are also indifferent.

Liu Yusheng was shocked when he heard that the emperor was ninety years old.

I've heard that the emperor is very old, but I didn't expect it to be ninety.

At this age, how many 16- or 7-year-old girls are selected every year? Isn't he afraid of losing his life?

It is a natural law to live, die, die, and die against the sky.

Throughout the ages, the emperor who pursues longevity is not without it. Which one will end well in the end, and still cannot escape the fate of death.

Born to be human, how could it not be immortal.

Gaze flew over the faces of the six beautiful saints, and Liu Yusheng lowered her eyes silently. They are all victims of the imperial power.

The flower-like jade was chosen to enter the palace, and from today on, the rest of his life will die in the palace.

A single mission binds a tribe. Knowing what kind of fate women in the tribe faced after entering the palace, they still had to send them in, never thinking of resistance.

Is it sadly the world or the person himself?

"Elder, several maidens, the night is dark. Why not go to rest and talk tomorrow?" Looking at the night outside, Liu Yusheng reminded softly.

Elder Qianfang looked at her a little unexpectedly, and nodded, "Go down and rest. Don't think about what you shouldn't think about. If you think about it, think about our Holy Witch."

Think about the consequences for the Holy Witch if they resist.

Several maidens lowered their heads and stood up in silence. Liu Yusheng and the other two maids took them back to the room to rest.

Liu Yusheng had the intention to take the opportunity to spend time with the saint alone, ask the Xiliang Emperor's information, look at them like this, I'm afraid that when asked, they were not in the mood to gossip with her.

You can only take it slowly, not anxious.

After sleeping for a long time, Liu Yusheng returned to his bedroom and was no longer drowsy. Then he went to the window and pushed open the window, thinking about it.

Outside the window, you can see palace lights and shadows everywhere, reflecting the shadows everywhere. There is a bright moon in the night sky overhead, and Yuelang is thin.

At this time, such an atmosphere seems to be particularly easy to evoke thoughts.

She is homesick.

I also want to wind the cypress, although only half a day.

I don't know where he is now assigned and what he is doing. Does he know he is in Yanshou Palace?

Just thinking, people came.

Ying Yue appeared so abruptly in front of her, in a black suit, falling out of her window, facing her.

"Brother Asho, did you come down from the moon?" Pouting the corner of her mouth, she asked blankly, and couldn't hide the joy in her eyes, like the stars.

The man leaned over and printed a note on her lips. "On the moon are the immortals. How impassive the immortals are, do you think I am?"

Will be frivolous, what kind of fairy.

Dengtu prodigal son.

She stretched out her hand with a smile and looped his neck across the window sill. "Then don't be a fairy, just be my apprentice."

"Follow my husband's orders." He whispered in her ear.

Then turned over into the room and closed the window.

Fortunately, the palace is generous to the holy witch people. Those who are accompanying them also have separate rooms. They are not large, and it is better to be independent in space.

"How can you run over and nobody is watching around?" She couldn't wait to ask as soon as she sat down.

There should be eyes and ears everywhere in the palace. He appeared in front of her window like this and entered her room. If someone looked at it, it would lead to a major event.

"I checked. The Emperor Xiliang had great trust in the Holy Witch, and maybe he felt that it was absolutely impossible for the Holy Witch to do anything unfavorable to him. There was no undercover surveillance around all Yanshou Palace, but the guards in the palace Army, I will go over here a few times during patrols. "

"Then where are you separated from Honglian? You are a palace guard now, so you don't need to be on duty?"

"The guards also have shifts, so they don't have to be around 24 hours a day ..."

"Wei Zi is guarding you 24 hours a day." The woman retorted. She even worried that Wei Zi would suddenly die if she did not sleep like that.

Feng Qingbai frowned, "He has a rest."

"I haven't seen it."

"Sheng Sheng, if you dare to run and see, I will send him to the frontier."


"So don't harm others."


Others, others except him.

Liu Yusheng obediently promised, "Absolutely no harm!"

Brother Ashiu in his family is usually a normal person, but perverted, only you can't think of it, he can't do it without him.

(End of this chapter)