Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1052: Emperor Xiliang

1052 Emperor Xiliang

Goodbye and goodwill after a lapse of more than a year, there is no change from the last time I saw Lili in Daluo.

It's just that the service is different.

It is not the same as the people of Nanling, or even the ordinary people of Xiliang, nor is it the clothes of the Xiliang royalty.

The color is based on black, embroidered with multi-colored neon, tassel, and exotic.

It's almost the same as a holy witch woman.

Feng Qingbai and Xue Qinglian looked at each other almost in unison.

She doctor family.

The old **** couldn't do anything about it, even Li Xuan was suspicious.

Watching the woman's section enter the House of Government, and was greeted by the housekeeper in the old eunuch's room, Xue Qinglian immediately flashed and moved to the room.

As the guard of the old eunuch, this is good. He can eavesdrop on the light and call his protector.

After flying over to find a place to hide, seeing that Feng Qingbai was still in his original place, Xue Qinglian said, "Hey, why can't you come?"

"Oh, I can hear you clearly here."

"..." Xue Qinglian turned her face silently. Before the end of today, if he spoke to Feng Qingbai again, he would be Wang Ba.

Looking into the room through the specially-looking field of vision, you can see exactly where the big bed is in the room.

Seeing the good favor coming, the elder **** who had been lying in bed all over the bed immediately got up and got out of bed and saluted the woman respectfully.

This scene made Xue Qinglian shrink her eyelids.

It was in the presence of the elders of the Sorcerer tribe. Those elders were at most on an equal footing with the eunuch. Even his right to speak and even stabilized the elders of the Sorcerer tribe. I did not expect that a good favor would make this dead **** respectful.

"Good girl, thank you for coming here in person, there is really no way for the miscellaneous family, otherwise you dare not disturb you ..." When talking, the old **** even laughed at good favor.

"Public justice is heavy. It happens that I'm in the capital. I can't come if the father-in-law has something to do with me." He loved to smile, reached out and helped the old eunuch, and took the pulse of him.

This is an immediate pulse diagnosis.

The old **** was so happy that he stood still and didn't dare to disturb, so as not to disturb the woman's pulse.

After dying, the woman retracted her hand and Daimei frowned.

"How do you like girls?"

"My father-in-law was not slaughtered, and no signs of poisoning could be found on his body."

With almost no other answers from the royal doctors, the **** ’s eyes faded and he climbed up to the vulva. "How could this happen? Nothing happened. How did the miscellaneous family become this? There can be no reason. It must be somewhere." wrong!"

Seeing the madness of the old **** showing signs of madness, she favored and groaned a little. "If the cause must be investigated, I will be more likely to be poisoned by my father-in-law."

"But the girl didn't say there was no sign of poisoning in the house?"

"What if it is undetectable?"


"There are so many hermits in the folk, each with their magical powers. For example, the father-in-law has blood flow for no reason and is very weird. As the father-in-law said, there can be no reason." Favored Dandao, "As far as I know, Nanling There is a ghost doctor who makes the poisonous ability unpredictable. If he does, the doctor can't find out the reason. That is normal. "

"Ghost doctor?" The eunuch's pupils dilated. "Nanling's ghost doctor? But we are here in Xiliang, and within Xiliang's border town, there can be no other people in and out!"

"Don't you just come back from Border Town?"

The woman said a word gently, almost defeating the old eunuch.

But isn't he just coming back from Border Town!

In other words, it is very likely that the ghost doctor is in the border town, and he has also attacked him!

But he couldn't figure it out. On weekdays, he always had a team of guards. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to get close to him. The ghost doctor really appeared beside him, and the guards could not be completely unaware.

When was the other party and how did they get started?

"And even if it's not a ghost doctor's hand, he can at least find out if you are poisoned."

With that said, he favors a faint look. "I can do so much to help the father-in-law worry. The father-in-law please find another talent as soon as possible to take care of the body."

Nodded to the eunuch, Shanlan turned and left.

"Love the girl and stay here!" The old **** called to her, "If you can find a ghost doctor, is it possible that my strange disease can be cured?"

"Father-in-law may still find him."

Good favors left, but the old **** was as precious as a glimmer of hope.

Xue Qinglian in the corner hated her teeth. Why the **** is there such a scourge?

Well, you have to pull him out, right?

Looking coldly at the direction of the woman's departure, Xue Qinglian sneered, leaving the House House ghostly.

He is not embarrassed by the dark guards around him. The face he is facing now is a companion in the eyes of the idiots, even if he does nothing, it will not easily cause doubt.

Feng Qingbai watched him leave without stopping, and continued to hide in the corner, admiring the ecstatic look of the old eunuch.

This is his only hope now. The happier he is now, and the more hopelessness becomes when the last hope is lost.

But he probably didn't think about it until he died, what he was for, would end up like this.

Finally, when Xue Qinglian returned, she came over to squeeze him in a refreshing spirit, and he didn't ask him what he did.

Gradually into the night.

There are more and more people in the imperial garden of the palace. The inner palace is busy and shuttles, preparing for the feast for the Holy Witch.

In addition to the holy witches, only the emperor and several royal grandfathers in the royal family and some harem concubines will attend, and no courtiers can be seen.

Because the holy witches only serve the emperor, the people they bring are only dedicated to the emperor's longevity, which is really not glorious.

At least the emperor felt that this was not a long-faced thing, so he never invited courtiers to avoid the countless more talks of the North Korean officials, and ran to him to express his indignation.

At night, at the right time, Liu Yusheng and his party were invited by the **** to the Royal Garden. At that time, the Emperor Xiliang was already seated. On the seats around him, there were also several concubines and men in Chinese clothes.

When Liu Yusheng lifted his eyes and swept away, he even found the prince who was hit by Qian Lan in the crowd.

The sight passed by, and at last the bright yellow figure stopped in the center of the seat.

Then Liu Yusheng's eyes glanced over the accident.

She thought that the ninety-year-old emperor looked old-fashioned, but what she saw was unexpected.

The emperor Xiliang was wearing a dragon robe, his hair was white, but there were few wrinkles on his face, and his eyes were bright and divine. Between the half-opened and half-opened, the power of the emperor was fully displayed.

Hefa Tongyan can't be overstated, just looking at the performance, he can't see that he is already 90 years old.

But this will not reduce Liu Yusheng's aversion to him.

It was disgusting for him to use the holy witch woman as a tool.

(End of this chapter)