Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1137: Riding around Nanling King's neck

Chapter 1137 Riding On The Ningling King's Neck

Looking around the body of Zhou Shengzhuang dressed in beautiful beauty, Feng Moyan sighed deeply.

He still had to rack his brains, how to avoid the shameful and cowardly invitation of the beautiful people.

In the royal garden, the combination of the queen queen, the emperor, the king of nanling, the prince of nanling, and a concubine of concubines, made the passing minions frightened. When they saw it, they immediately bowed to the side, for fear that it would be wrong to take a slow step.

Such a large group of people is immense, with two small figures reaching the height of the adult's calf most.

Because the most noble people in the entire Nanling dynasty, their eyes fell on the two little dolls, their eyebrows tightened and loose, all pulled by the little dolls.

Don't look at the two young mothers who are very young and can't walk stably, but in the presence of the most honorable people, they can also be called the ancestors.


"Croton and red beans have begun to learn to walk in eleven months. Both children are very mobile. After learning to walk, as long as they wake up, they will get out of bed, do n’t help, and stumble and practice by themselves. Don't cry ... "

The queen queen and Liu Yusheng walked two or three steps behind the two babies. Before the words were finished, Croton slammed on the buttocks, and then quickly climbed up, but got too anxious and did not stand firmly. Slammed down on the horse.

Liu Yusheng was so distressed that he subconsciously went up to pick up Croton and was caught by the Queen Mother.

"How can a little baby learn to walk without falling? He can walk better if he falls." The queen queen said lightly.

Liu Yusheng looked towards the empress, seeing that the old lady's eyes were clearly filled with distress, but she couldn't bear to go and hug the baby who was still lying on the ground.

To say that she loves the two babies, the queen mother is no less than her, but she now chooses to let the baby stand up by herself.

Holding the old lady's hand, Liu Yusheng smiled gratefully, "Mrs. Thank you."

Petting but not spoiled, but distressed but not indulged, such a child will be tougher.

She didn't have much experience as a mother at first, so when she was in trouble, she often had inconsideration. The Queen Mother taught her and also taught her.

To be really good to the child is not to give assistance immediately when he is in trouble, but to guide him to face the difficulties and overcome them.

The role of parents is not to walk instead of their children, but to become their backing, so that no matter what they succeed or fail, they will be shared by others, and others can rely on them.

Croton has stood up with his little hand by himself. This fell very painfully. He flattened his mouth, his eyes were red, but he didn't cry. Step of red beans.

At the front, the red beans didn't get much better, and they only took a few steps more than crotons, and tripped at their feet, and fluttered forward.

Croton walked behind, so she could see very clearly. She actually ran, and her two small hands tried to reach forward, trying to hug her sister before she fell.

咻 ——A stream of air set off in the air, and the purple shadow passed by like lightning, before red beans touched the ground, she was taken into her arms.

"Hmm! Hmm!" Red Bean cracked his mouth excitedly, taking the scene just now as a fun game and smiling brightly.

This little space was suddenly filled with laughter from the little baby baby.

Croton slowed down, stood in front of the tall man, and looked up blankly.

Then he looked down at his short legs again, and then looked back at where he fell on the horse, blinking Mo Yu's eyes appeared confused.

It seems strange, why did the man save his sister not save him, he also fell. It also hurts a lot.

Do not believe in evil, Croton actually fluttered his small body forward, ready to fall by hand, to see if anyone rescued him like this, and then held high.

Seeing victory in sight, a golden boot struck out in front of him, stopped under his little belly, and gave him a slight shock to bring him back to his original position.

Looking up angrily at the man who sabotaged, Croton fluttered again, was stopped back again, flung again, and also stopped back.

Croton was so angry that he no longer fluttered on the ground, raised his fist and darted toward the man's calf, "hit!"

Shouting the slogan of anger, his eyes did not forget to express his anger, staring at the expressionless man fiercely.

The Empress Dowager laughed with Liu Yusheng and Feng Moyu beside her.

Don't look at the fierce cry of the small croton, full of momentum, but the mouth is flattened, want to cry without crying, can be aggrieved.

Feng Qingbai stood high, glanced at the little Doudou who provoked him like a beast, hummed gently, put the red beans around his neck, and left.


Croton blinked and looked at the man's back. After a while, wow cried, crying fiercely and fiercely.

"Oh, the little ancestor of the grief family! Why are you crying!" At the sight of the pitiful cry of the little Croton, the queen mother no longer cares about moving any childcare suspense, and hurried forward to hug her, Croton, Grandma Huang, don't cry! "

Liu Yusheng took a slow step, watching his lost hands, crying and laughing.

She felt that her father and mother could not compete with grandma and grandma.

Feng Moyu came up from behind, with a voice in his mouth, "Oh, feed my little ancestor, I do n’t cry when I wrestle, but I cry when I hit someone.

Then he glanced at the man who had paused and looked back, "This is a very good move. Uncle Huang is facing little ancestors. There is no chance of winning."

Feng Qingbai's eyes were cold and cold, and the corners of his mouth were almost invisible.

Even though he has no plan, he can't figure out Croton's mind, just like he hasn't gotten through yet, what kind of structure does the boy have?

"Hit, hit!" Over there, the little baby held by her queen queen in her arms had already pointed at his fat hand, staring at him and blowing up her fur.

Feng Qingbai turned and left.




The muffled laughter started one after another, and everyone around him, such as the concubine, covered her mouth and snickered. If you did not avoid the identity of the Nanling King, the laughter would never be so implicit.

Feng Qingbai stiffened his face, slowly looking up at another little ancestor sitting around his neck.

Red beans slap it down, "hit!"


Then nothing happened, the little ancestor pursed his lips and flushed his eyes, and his wet eyes quickly accumulated water.

Feng Qingbai's heart trembled, and he didn't hesitate to go back to the other side. When he got to the Empress Dowager, she crouched Croton and shook her shoulder.

The action is done in one go, the world is peaceful.

King Dangling Nanling, in his lifetime, was finally riding on his neck.

Many people have seen this scene, but everyone who feels a bit official feels comfortable.

Regardless of whether he is working under his hands or has ever dealt with him, how many have not suffered in the hands of King Nanling in these years?

Seeing his humiliation now, even if it was harmless, they were equally happy to hear, at least a comfort.

There is another chapter, I am hurrying, so sad. People rejoice on vacation, I have to take a task with me on vacation, hey! Seek fate the same!

(End of this chapter)