Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1154: She got on with this reckless woman (21)

Chapter 1154: She And This Brash Woman Are On The Bar (21)

Xinghua Village in Nanling, this time is lively.

Laughter and joy in the courtyard of the Liu family.

After the New Year, all the big guys came back.

Liu Zhixia, Liu Yusheng, including the queen queen who was coaxed out of the palace.

After leaving the capital and heading to Jizhou Farm, they didn't go back. They traveled around Jizhou for more than half a month, and then stepped back to the courtyard to spend the New Year.

Feng Moyu's fears have come true, and he was really left behind. He was alone in the Imperial City and lived the most festive days.

This time, not even the Empress Dowager was there.

Thoroughly one lonely and widowed.

Feng Moyan's desolation is not human, and the old Mr. Liu family is really happy.

With three milk dolls around his knees, just listening to the baby's milk and milky laughter is enough for the two old men to be happy all day.

"You haven't celebrated Chinese New Year in the country before? See, isn't it particularly lively? I asked you to come here long ago. What kind of body do you want to keep? Isn't it interesting?" The preaching mode was turned on, and the empress queen turned black for a while.

"I'll tell you, don't watch the cold weather everywhere in the moon, there are so many things to play in our village. Minger, I'll take you to see!"

"What did you see?" The dark-faced queen finally said something, she didn't really want to respond, but this big new year, the big guys rejoiced, she barely gave the reckless woman a face, lest she talk to herself Too shameful.

"Although it's frozen everywhere, but in the mountains here, you can see the green when you remove the snow layer, and there are winter wild vegetables under the snow. Minger, let's pick wild vegetables!"

"The Liu family is too poor to dig wild vegetables?"

Mrs. Liu was not convinced, her **** were raised, and she shook her head, "Wife is rich!"

Her small wooden box was full of silver tickets, and now she has three small wooden boxes!

We don't show off rich, we just speak the facts.

The queen queen gave her a slight glance, and glanced at the old woman. "People are rich enough to wear gold and silver. I ca n’t wait to say that the world is an upstart. If you do n’t wear gold and silver, you ca n’t wear it when you are old. Better? "

It is said that the orchid finger is raised, and it is disgusting to pick up the cloth around the wife's cuff. "Thin cotton? Still gray color? All your clothes are made of one material and one style. Only the color depth is used to distinguish the old and the new? . "

"..." The old lady of Tu Baozi was hit hard.

In particular, the distinction between old and new by the color depth is really ...

"This is the country. You wear such good work in the country? You don't have cotton clothes that are resistant to dirt and abrasion. I have to drill into the stove in the sky. It doesn't help to look good."

"Well-dressed and in a good mood. Don't you dress up when you are young?"

"When I was young, I did n’t have much money, and I did n’t have the ability to dress up. Now that I have money, and people are old, what are we going to dress up? We are not happy, it does n’t matter if the clothes are new or not.” Wife Liu squinted "You're dressed well, aren't you? Brocade tassel, jade pull finger, golden step rocker, pearl necklace and jade bracelet, still living in the palace, how happy you are to see you?"

With their eyes on each other, the two old ladies stood together.



After a while, Mrs. Liu bumped into the arms of the Queen Mother, "Well, can't Minger go?"

"No, I'm going to climb mountains and dig wild vegetables in the cold, I'd rather eat meat." The Queen Mother hummed.

"Minger, my name is a few old sisters from the upper village. Let's carry a basket and walk around behind Xinghualing. There is no need to climb the mountain. There is a small bamboo forest at this time. I can just dig the winter bamboo shoots. I came back and washed the bamboo shoots Wash and shred, make a bamboo shoot scrambled egg, you like this dish. "

"... Go on, let's say first, I won't climb the mountain, but I'm the Queen Mother." If she accidentally planted a foot on the mountain, where would her Queen Mother leave?

"Okay, I know, don't climb the mountain. Knowing you can't, I definitely won't take you to climb."

"Who can't do it ?! Climb and climb!" The queen mother looked blue.

"No climbing or climbing, climbing mountains is tiring, and you are a respectable and old lady who can compare with our country lady? When the time comes, you will cry and be ashamed."

"Who's crying isn't necessarily enough, Minger will go climbing!" She Xiaoman has not seen any strong winds and waves, and she will cry.


She got on with this rash woman!

Liu Yusheng and others sat next to each other, listening to the two old ladies fighting, and smiled extremely hard.

Grandma used a gimmick to apply the Bailing to the Queen Mother.

In view of the queen mother's cleverness, it is impossible to see this grandma's trick, but the Buddha contends for a scent of incense and she will gladly fight with grandma.

This is probably the awkward and unique way of getting along with the noblewoman and the reckless woman. It is the friendship between them.

In front of the hall, croton red beans and edamame also mingled. Edamame is a little older, walks more steadily, and speaks more. He has become two small leaders, and the three wandering wandering among the adults, the oldest one is the most.

Windy cypresses are here, the master's chessboard is set up again, the smelly chess basket keeps regretting the chess, the three little ones help to make troubles, grab the pieces and throw one here and the other, and successfully extend the time for the end of a game.

The old man was extremely happy. The three milk dolls were really God ’s assists. When he scratched his head and scratched his head, thinking about which game to regret, he gave him a sum, let him flash, and grabbed the children The best chess piece, slammed the cypress chess.

Later, you slowly picked out the pawns thrown by the children, with a word in your mouth, "Look, these are the little dolls thrown in. The old man didn't cheat, now I have picked them all."

Feng Qingbai smiled, "OK."

Anyway, the final loser must be himself, tormented by the old man, Feng Qingbai is not restricted.

The elderly can be happy.

This is not the chapel. It is the Liu family's courtyard. All of them are sitting here willingly.

"Grandpa, do you want to change it?" Feng Qingbai asked when a chess piece was about to end.

"Wait a minute, old man. I think about it first. We can't worry about playing chess. We must think slowly." The old man stared at the chessboard without blinking, figuring out how he would go to kill the opponent's chess pieces.

Hiss, this stinky boy, why didn't he give him a way out, so tightly, how did he get started?

The small eyes flew, the old man coughed gently, and twisted his hands slowly to land in a place. At this time, his eyes were not on the chessboard, but the wind and cypress. "Where should I go? Here? No, no here. Isn't it right? I think about it again ... "

"Grandpa, there is a gap here. When I drop this one, I have only two steps to live." A long finger lightly tapped somewhere on the board.

(End of this chapter)