Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1168: Don't come back later

Chapter 1168: Don't Come Back After

"Speak slowly? Why do you speak slowly? My Leizi is still hanging from the tree! I do n’t know if it hurts to cut the meat, Xiulan, this is also your grandson! I beg you, please let me down. Is it okay? Ah? "Chen Xiuying wiped tears, crying.

Chen Xiulan's eyes were more complicated, and her taste was mixed. She saw resentment in the eyes of her elder sister.

In the past, the elder sister's temperament was a little dull and even a little timid. She never thought that one day, the elder sister in that impression would become what she is today.

Spattering, crying, soft knife stabbing, full of resentment.

However, it is not her own life that turns her into this.

Depressing the sourness of the nose, Chen Xiulan didn't let Feng Qingbai let people go, she only asked, "Why is Lei Zi hung up?"

In the air, Wei Zi's voice of no emotion came, "Intent to hurt Shizi, abuse the princess, and insult the royal family according to the Nanling statutes, and the crime can be executed."

A gasp sounded around, and then villagers whispered.

It was whispering, not too loud, and just enough to be heard by people nearby.

"That's right, we were right next to me. From the beginning to the end, Lei Zi of their family scolded the words" I grass you mother ". The one who was scolded was Wang's son! Alas, it's not abusive. The royal family not only scolded Xiaoshizi, but even the princess! "

"Oh my gosh! How brave! Then the grandmother didn't warn them before the two bullies came?"

"How could it not be warned? Chen Xiuying's mother and daughter are not stupid! Besides, how old are the two boys? Nine years old! What else do you not understand at the age of nine? Even if you do n’t know, watching Xiao Shizi wear some Jinyi jade robes should also know that they are not able to provoke them! They are obviously spoiled, thinking that every time grandma's mother kisses, things can pass away! "

"I thought that the two brothers were intentional. Bacheng thought about bullying the grandfather's son. There was nothing to do when he was finished, so prestigious!"

Chen Xiuying and Yang Shuyue turned pale.

What scared them the most was the punishment for abusing the royal family.

This, is this to cut Lei Zi's head?

Chen Xiuying opened her mouth and looked at Chen Xiulan again. If she wanted to say anything, she saw the man in purple standing behind the crowd and slowly came forward.

She was so impressed that Qinggui was strong and majestic and powerful, so that she couldn't make a sound.

Feng Qingbai walked to Croton, reached out and patted him on the head of his little head, and indifferently said, "How can the princess be abused by anyone? Mo said the child is a three-year-old child. Sin is the law! Teach your children to avoid evil. "

After a pause, his long eyes were cold, and he slowly raised his eyes to look at Chen Xiuying's mother and daughter. "You are relatives of the princess, and the king has watched the Internet for love. You want to put people down, you can. Hang, or pull your tongue, choose."

Those eyes are not sharp, but the feet are cold.

Yang Shuyue's legs and feet were soft and she sat on the snow, unable to move for a long time.

The moment she met those eyes, she felt a blade across her neck.

Abusive the royal family and die.

She really realized that Lei Zi couldn't make it this time.

That is the royal family, a royal family that is so different from their civilians, there is a royal family protected by the Nanling Law!

There was never a moment when she felt that the royal family was so out of reach and unattainable.

The surrounding villagers were frightened by the indifferent words, and even held their breath.

Be careful not to come out of the atmosphere.

It turns out that this is the royal family.

With a single word, life and death can be determined.

Pulling his tongue out, speaking out of Wang Ye's mouth, is as calm as telling people to eat, the clouds are light and the wind is light!

The Chen family is also pale.

In the hall before, Wang Ye asked and answered questions from them. Although not warm, they were not cold. Almost the same as an ordinary aunt. So that they almost forgot to forget, this is the regent minister of the dynasty, the king of Nanling with the same name, Feng Qingbai.

Looking at the daughter and granddaughter who lost their voices in the cold snow, Chen and Jia were not uncomfortable, but who can blame?

It ’s all done.

Mr. Chen closed his eyes and sighed pale and weak, "Xiuying, Shuyue, let's go and go back to your house. As for Lei Zi, when did you let it go, I asked Changdong to send the person back, later ... don't came back."

He is old and tired.

I have lost enough of my old face for this daughter.

After speaking, no one saw it, and Mr. Chen stepped back to the house.

Mrs. Chen's eyes turned red, and she turned around behind the father.

One or two of them were gone. No one under the dead tree went to greet the Chen family.

The Wang family also saw it with interest, and turned around to find that there was no one around him. He turned his head to look at her own man who looked back at her last time. His eyes were very bad.

As I walked, I squeezed out a smiley face, and patted my heart quietly, oh hello, thankfully, she didn't make a fortune just now and escaped a disaster!

The Chen family walked away for a while. When Chen Xiang returned to the house, he waved and let the little friends disperse. He took three small rows and walked away. The small head was raised high. With a sound.

See if they dare to bully people in the future.

Really think no one can cure them?

Deserve it? Hahaha!

After entering the gate of the courtyard, he immediately turned around and chopped at the door. The head of the thief, the head of the thief, peeped at the morale standing in the same place as the pile. He was scared ... "

Without hearing the answer, Chen Xiang turned his head and saw San Xiao looking up, looking at him in confusion, his face blanked.

Chen Xiang grabbed his brain and forgot his cousin was too young, how could he understand what he was talking about?

Blame him too early, hey.

A large area of ​​the Chen's courtyard was emptied, and the villagers who had been scared before were immediately active.

I didn't dare to speak just now, and now Lord Wang isn't in front of me. It's always okay to say a whisper, but I can choke them.

It's just that there is no good show, a large group of people are not here anymore, lest they don't know where to offend Wang Ye, and they will be cut back.

The people dispersed as they discussed. Before leaving, there were people who kindly called for the mother and daughter who were still paralyzed under the dead tree. "Xiuying, I say you go quickly, but why do you want to spill this? I do n’t want to eat it Yours. Take advantage of the fact that Dezi hasn't been hung up, and quickly take him away. As for Lei Zi, just hang it up. Didn't Mr. Chen say that, let Changdong send it back to you. "

"Yeah, what are you doing here? Wait for Grandpa to come back and settle accounts with you? We just looked at it from the beginning to the end. It's not just your family's bullies who bully Xiaoshizi, but also your morals!"

Laughing, laughing, and gradually going away.

Mother and daughter Chen Xiuying only returned to the soul for a long time. No one knows when the two left, except Feng Qingbai and Wei Zi.

Lei Zi, who hung from the tree for half an hour, cried, and was put down.

It's half past two, I'm going to bed, good night, fairies, see you tomorrow

(End of this chapter)