Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1223: Keep him upset

Chapter 1223: Make Him Worry

"The king of Nanling played perfectly in the looting, and the emperor admired it."

Walking next to Feng Qingbai, Ba Nian smiled coldly.

"Xi Lianghuang's fallacy, if you don't come to your door, the king wants to take advantage of the fire and find no chance." Feng Qingbai's face was also smiling with a smile.

Feng Mozhen deeply agreed with the words of the uncle Huang, "It is no longer a robbery while the fire is in order. In order to show friendship with Xiliang, my Nanling was finally lowered from the twelve cities to eight cities. I can't be as generous as Nanling. I thought Xi Lianghuang would be grateful. "

grateful? Ba Nian's smile was even colder. "Your country's dynasty reduced four cities. That's right, but the four cities were replaced by my Xiliang Holy Witch!"

"Didn't Xiliang Huang nod his head for an exchange?" The man in the purple clothes fluttered softly, blocking Ba Nian's heart.

That's right, he nodded and agreed to the exchange, and he couldn't say anything about it.

If he does not agree, the Holy Witch is still the Xiliang ethnic group, and he continues to lose four more cities.

It was him who chose the city between the four cities and the Holy Witch.

It also shows that in his eyes, that group is less important than the four cities.

It was he who gave up the Holy Witch.

At that moment, Ba Nian felt the ridicule of latent in the man's words, and his face seemed to be slap in the face with a slap in the face.

Feng Qingbai saw him through.

The man knew that the place of the Holy Witch in his heart was far less important than actual interests.

The emperor Xiliang pursued his longevity as a whole, but was not buried alive by him in the end? The blood that can help him prolong his life can not save his life at a critical time.

Therefore, the holy tribe is unnecessary in terms of Tha Ba Nian.

He also cares about power, but he does not believe in eternal life, but only believes in himself.

Xi Lianghuang's silence, Feng Moyu looked very satisfied in his eyes. Nanling won a great victory in this game, thanks to his close cooperation with the uncle, as long as he helped the uncle, he would be able to help the uncle with less effort.

Thinking that from now on, he would become an indispensable person around Uncle Huang, Feng Moyu was even more satisfied.

The eyelids that kept on fighting couldn't stop his joy.

At this time, it was almost three times, the stars in the sky became sparse, and the night was rich in ink.

The illuminated lantern hanging in front of the palace door was soaked in the night, and it was a little less bright, and it was weak enough to illuminate the surroundings.

At the gate of the palace, the two men or horses were either excited or stubborn, immersed in their emotions, and no one noticed the quiet and standing carriage opposite the palace.

"Now that the two dynasties have reached an armistice, they also asked the Emperor Nanling and Wang Ye to send a message to the border as soon as possible, so that the general Nanling will retreat." Before entering the carriage, Ba Nian emphasized again.

If he didn't mention it, he was worried that Nanling would deliberately delay, and Xiliang could not afford it.

The reason why Xiliang suffered such a big loss in this negotiation was also to lose the word "anxious"; otherwise, Nanling would not be able to get eight cities from his hands.

"The Xiliang emperor rest assured that he will send a letter to the northwest when he meets. He must send the general of Nanling within the shortest time. After all, Mocheng will be my land of Nanling. If Nanling continues to attack the city, it is not the flood that washed the Dragon Temple. Mo Yan smiled and promised, heart by heart.

The smirk on Ba Nian's face was difficult to maintain. When the carriage came over, he immediately lifted the curtain and got on the car.

Outside the window, the uncle and nephew said in unison "Slow Walk".

Such as hypocrisy!

Watching the carriage go and leave, things had a real sense of dust settled, Feng Moyu was still immersed in excitement, and wanted to share his mood with the men around him, "Uncle Huang ..."

But when the man turned a deaf ear, he walked towards a quietly stopped carriage opposite.

The carriage curtain over there also just opened, revealing the woman's smiling face.

Alas, the uncle Huang couldn't sleep until he returned home one night.

"Emperor, rest assured. When negotiating, all the eunuchs were serving in the palace. I didn't put in a fox charmer and showed you the uncle tightly."

People around were almost gone, not afraid to be heard by outsiders, Feng Moyu shouted to the opposite side and turned and ran.

While the uncle is far away, he can escape.

The impulse is the devil, and he regrets it after calling.

He is loyal to the emperor, and the uncle Huang should not settle accounts after the fall ...

He didn't know that his uncle did not care about him at this time. Feng Qingbai was full of eyes only the woman who smiled slightly at him on the carriage.

At this hour, seeing her appearing here, Feng Qingbai didn't know what it was like in her heart.

When he saw the carriage as soon as he went out of the palace gate, he guessed that she would definitely come.

Had it not been restrained, he would have rushed to rub her in his arms.

Her presence made his heart hot.

One day's game, those tired tired, disappeared instantly when she saw her smile.

Not far from the palace gate, there was a carriage, because the wind and the wind suddenly stopped.

The people in the car quickly opened the curtains and looked back, but they had no time to see a purple corner of the carriage.

Apart from that, there was only a faint candlelight in that carriage that fainted through the window.

Ba Nian's eyes were condensed.

The imperial concubine of Feng Moyu is the Princess of Nanling. The woman who had never seen his true face and kept him upset was in that carriage.

Unexpectedly, she would come to the palace gate to meet the Nanling King at midnight.

He has heard many rumors about King Nanling and Princess Nanling, saying that the two are deeply affectionate, and it seems that it is true now.

Lowering the curtain, Bainian instructed the carriage to start again, without waiting for the carriage behind.

Only the eyes hidden in the dim, flashing the unknown light.

Princess Nanling has been deep to King Nanling, but can King Nanling really want this person all his life, as promised.

In all dynasties and generations, whoever of the royal children is not a wife and concubine to keep the branches and leaves flourish, how long can the king of Nanling persist?

After a long time, he has time, look slowly.

Feng Qingbai got on the carriage and sat next to Liu Yusheng. "How long have you been here, can you be tired?"

She always has a regular schedule. She hasn't rested until this hour. How can she not be tired.

He asked nonsense.

"Not tired," Liu Yusheng shook his head, his eyes smiled slightly, his eyes fell on the man's tired and exhausted eyebrows, and he said nothing, but let him lean against her.

Liu Zhixia closed her hand on the scroll and raised her eyes. "There are still two living people in the car, haven't they obstructed your eyes?"

"It turns out you are. You didn't talk, I didn't find it."

"I'm coming. I can't stop it. I can only follow it."

"Are you sure you didn't take Sheng Sheng as your protagonist?"

Liu Zhixia wants to shoot the scroll in the man's head, he needs to make a bird for him?

Is he the kind of unconscionable brother?

I sent a chapter to tell you, the little fairy, I did n’t give up the text, but it was a very slow time, and the update was slow ~~~ There are two chapters before 12 o'clock, I am hurrying ~

(End of this chapter)