Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1234: Talking kid (7)

Chapter 1234: The Wordless Boy (7)

On the eve of his departure, Liu Zhixia received an invitation from the old man from Yuan Fu, asking him to go to the ink painting and enjoy tea in the city.

When hearing the report from Yuan Fu, Liu Zhixia's face flashed into a sudden accident, and then she returned to peace.

At that time, Fu Yuzheng was packing pens and pencils for edamame in the living room. "Shui Ink is quite famous in the city. It is a gallery. Most of the paintings are famous calligraphy and paintings. Some of them also sell calligraphy and painting to support their families. You can go and see, a lot of boutiques. "

"Do you know this?" Liu Zhixia.

"Of course I know. Although I had a hard time when I was a kid, I grew up in the capital and knew the capital better than you. In addition to the entertainment you have to go to in the weekdays, you are going home directly in the next dynasty. I'm afraid there are many attractions in the capital now. You don't know how many shops are there. "

"Later, I need more advice from my wife."

"Good to say, as long as the husband needs."

"Always needed."

Edamame braced his small head with his hands and rolled his eyes with his eyebrows low. Dad is now facing down, except for throwing a few copybooks to let him practice, basically he doesn't care about him.

It's annoying to talk to my mother all the time.

It was still noon, and Liu Zhixia arrived as promised.

By that time, Lao Yuan had already enjoyed calligraphy and painting in the ink and ink curry, holding a stick, squinting his head and looking at the paintings in front of him.

Old-fashioned dragon bell.

He was followed by a few people, and it was supposed to be the shopkeeper and buddy of Shui Moju, his face nervous.

Liu Zhixia ran, these people were afraid that Yuan Lao could not stably fall or bumped. Shuijuju couldn't bear the responsibility.

"Lao Yuan, you come out like this, you are embarrassing."

Walked over and laughed at Lao Yuan.

"How can I embarrass someone? You all think the old man is old, and you just need to touch someone to get rid of it? The old man's mind is sober, he can move without you looking at it. If there is really anything to do with you, the old man said." Yuan Lao put a word back and looked around at the people around him, "Everywhere you go. He came, and someone looked at me next to you. Don't bother you."

The previous sentence also said that it has nothing to do with people, and the next sentence put his responsibility on others, Liu Zhixia felt quite cynical.

However, Shuijuju, the shopkeeper and so on, was very happy about it. When he walked, he walked briskly, as if he removed the big bag on his shoulder.

"Come here, help the old man. You are really old, you do n’t want to be old, and you can stand up in front of outsiders. You do n’t have to be in front of you. You are clear in your heart." Yuan Lao beckoned, signalling Liu Zhixia to pass Help him, they walked slowly along the gallery.

Perhaps it was an additional greeting. At this time, there were no third people in the gallery except for them. The whole gallery is very clean.

"My husband knows you are clever and transparent. Why did you ask you to come out this time? You must have guessed the reason. My husband did not go around with you. Since Xiliang talks, you have never been to my house again. ? "

The old man opened the door to see the mountain, and Liu Zhixia didn't pretend to look like that, nodded, "Yes, this is good for everyone."

Yuan Lao sighed, "How do you say that your father and mother gave birth to you? So what is so good? If you are mediocre, you won't be so attracted, how much will I do to my husband?"

This time he invited people out, panicking on his old face.

Life is bright and clear, and when you are old, come and plant something.

It's really old, softened, and a little confused at first.

For the old man's ridiculous allegations, Liu Zhixia only smiled and did not answer.

Human self-control comes from the self, and he cannot control himself, but he blame others for being too good and he cannot resist the temptation.

It's an excuse for yourself to find out.

Yuan Lao also knows that he is looking for something to blame. "Hey, how can you blame you, you can't blame you, if you are not good enough, you won't get into the eyes of the old man. But, maybe it's not true at all?"

"Yuan Lao Qingming has spent his whole life standing proudly in the Three Dynasties. He should not be able to look away from people. My nature, Yuan Lao must have known about seventy-eighth."

"My grandfather, Yuan Yuan, has more than half of Jiazi's foundation. The hidden connections are beyond your imagination, and the benefits you can bring are also beyond your imagination. You really don't think about it? Maybe Yun'er coexisted peacefully with Mrs. Liu Opportunity?"

"Don't think about it. Without Yuan Lao's connections, as long as I think, my achievements may not be lower than Yuan Lao in the future."

Yuan Lao was silent, and hummed after a while, "Don't talk loudly, okay, if the old man is not dead, the old man will open his eyes and see how high you can climb."

"Yuan Yuan and wait and see."

The old man pointed forward with a cane, "Look at the painting with me. It's been a long time since I've seen it. There are more people I don't know, and the painting is pretty good."

The topic about Yuan Yunqiao stopped here, and the old man didn't mention it again. As for Liu Zhixia, as always, there was no slight gap due to the rejection.

On the contrary, the young man in his heart even looked at him differently.

At the beginning, Liu Zhixia broke into his eyes with a top three ranking. Although this score is good, no one has ever been there before, so it is not rare, and Liu Zhixia climbed up step by step. Behind the shadow of King Nanling, Yuan Lao looked down.

After that, I formally looked at this young man once again, and contacted him to become the assistant to the emperor. After having contacted him, he knew the real materials and his unyielding style, and Yuan Lao really started to change.

It is indeed a rare talent in the younger generation of North Korea and China.

Compared with his talent, Yuan Lao appreciates his character more.

Character is the foundation of a person.

It is beyond ordinary people's ability to be unconvinced by power, not to be fascinated by flowers, and to stick to their steadfastness.

Unfortunately, his Yuan family is not blessed.

Their little granddaughter is blessed.

This is all destined, who told them they failed to catch up soon?

People have already been invited and talked about. Besides the elders' care for the younger generation, his request for Yuner has also been explained.

Whatever happens in the future, if you can't move, what kind of good will there be, let the young people toss about it.

After learning that Yuan Lao had invited Liu Zhixia to talk, Yuan Yunqiao stayed in the house all day and did not go anywhere, staring anxiously at the news.

When Yuan Lao returned, it was almost evening, and gave her only one sentence, "No hope, I turned back to shore."

After speaking, the old man went back to the reclining chair in the flower hall to snore.

Yuan Yunqiao lay in bed for three full days.

On Fu Yuzheng's side, he did not ask about Liu Zhixia's appointment at Shuimoju.

Liu Zhixia didn't mention it to him.

There is a natural tacit understanding between the husband and wife. If one party does not ask, and the other party does not mention it, then this matter need not be concerned.

Finished, the little fairies are good night, Orange is going to sleep, can't stand it.

(End of this chapter)