Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1245: Spirit

Chapter 1245 Spirit Pill

With accurate information, everyone in the Liu Family Courtyard took the reassurance pills, and the previous depression was swept away.

The queen queen and Qin Xiao were immediately driven away and returned to the room.

Before leaving, Qin Xiao glanced at the wall of the hall, and the three people squatting there tightened the tail spine immediately.

"Lao Qin, we understand, we all understand, we will never go to trouble, you put 120 hearts!" Qian Wanjin raised his hand and swear.

Liu Zhiqiu and Xue Qinglian nodded, then nodded again.

At the same time, the three looked at the queen mother with good eyes, and they were afraid that the old lady would find them there and take revenge on the spot.

As for the hatred, they don't understand it yet.

Fortunately, the old lady didn't say anything, she just glanced at them, her eyes looked a little cold.

Amnesty was temporarily obtained, the crisis was lifted, and I did not hide.

After the others dispersed, Xue Qinglian followed the couple of Liu Yusheng Feng Qingbai and entered the small courtyard.

Feng Qingbai didn't rush people, knowing that he must have something to ask, it was himself, and for a moment he was full of doubts, wondering what medicine Sheng Sheng sold in the gourd. He had never heard her talk about a new drug before.

"Fuhao, you just borrowed my name just now, so that I can always be used so clearly?" Sitting on the bench in the courtyard, Xue Qinglian smiled sharply, with sharp eyes, "I don't need to give you any reason , You just tell me directly, I'm with you a new drug that has just been researched. What kind of drug is it? I have to read it before I admit it. "

The moon in the night sky is high and round like a silver plate. The moonlight falling from above is very bright, but it is not bright but the excited flame flashing in Xue Qinglian's eyes.

He had a hunch, and Fu Yun dared to say that sentence, and he must have found a way to heal the old wounds of Lao Qin.

He has something to do right away.

"Well, look at this. What might you see?" Opposite the stone table, Liu Yusheng took out a small jade bottle and handed it to him.

After planning how to explain to her family members, she guessed that Xue Qinglian would surely follow through and was already prepared.

"What is this?" Taking the jade bottle over and opening the stopper suspiciously, Xue Qinglian didn't have time to ask carefully before feeling a cool breath overflowing from the mouth of the bottle, rushing to his face, and the spirit was immediately refreshed. Ay Ya I gi!"

Definitely a good thing!

Although the surrounding light is not enough to see what is inside, he can feel that the bottle is filled with a liquid, which is almost the same as that used in the jade gourd pendant, but very different.

This liquid seems to be more solid, and when it shakes, it hardly emits water, and the richness of the breath is far more than those magical waters that Fu Li gave him!

"Fujian, I accept this. The name will depend on how you use it, I will go first. When you use this thing for Qin Lao Pharmaceutical, be sure to call me, and it will come with you!" After that, Xue Qinglian went flying , Even walking back is too slow.

Liu Yusheng looked at the man's disappearing figure, and smiled, "It's really a drug addict."

"Sheng Sheng, it's time to explain to me, what's going on? I seem to be the last one to know?" In his ear, a cool voice line came from the man.

Liu Yusheng turned back to the long eyes that the man was already squinting at, and was so annoyed that he wanted to punch himself. Their family style was good, everything was careful.

Secretly glanced at Xue Qinglian's yard, with guilt, Liu Yusheng's hands folded in silence for him, she annoyed Feng Qingbai, Feng Qingbai would not treat her, but he would be very good to the pond fish next to him.

Xue Qinglian got the medicine bottle one step before him, and Xue Qinglian was finished.

But this pit, Liu Yusheng vowed that he really did not intentionally dig.

The ignorant is not guilty.

What are the consequences, Xue Qinglian?

"This afternoon, Red Bean went to the old lady's and Qin Lao's new house ..." Well, Liu Yusheng poured beans on the bamboo tube, and explained everything that happened in the new house in one to five hundred, in an effort to be frank and lenient.

If it were daylight, she wouldn't be stingy.

But she was awful at night.

Feng Qingbai's eyes changed, and he looked down at his own arms, observing that he lowered his head and immediately looked up at his sweet little baby, his heart was as soft as cotton stuffed, "Red beans, tell your father, you How much can be changed? "

Little Red Beans tilted his head, thinking that Dad asked him what he wanted to eat, and stretched out his fingers, "Daddy, it's delicious."

That little finger, like a magic wand, could easily direct Feng Qingbai's mouth to sag and rise.

Unconsciously, she smiles at her daughter.

Hold the baby's small hand, pull it down, kiss the baby's small face, the wind green cypress softly, "Daddy doesn't eat, baby is good."

Don't eat?

Red beans turned to Liu Yusheng again, "Cool dear, delicious."

Liu Yusheng smiled, "My mother doesn't eat it either, but red beans are kept. You have to listen to Grandma and Grandpa Qin, and you can't feed people whatever you want, do you know?"

Ca n’t mean anything, red beans can understand, nodded, and tried to explain, "No, listen to grandma, talk."

"I also listen, grandma!" Croton was left out for a long time, and finally he couldn't bear it. He burst his head out of Liu Yusheng's arms, childish.

"Okay, croton and red beans all listen to grandmother's words." Tell your mother, when did you get hurt and where did you get hurt? "

Under the moonlit night, the woman's voice is soft as moonlight.

Croton croup held his mother's arms and raised her head, grinning smirk. "Mother, croton is not injured and bleeding."

Are you kidding me? Don't bully him two and a half years old, thinking he doesn't understand anything.

If he is deceived to tell the truth, his little **** will soon be stunned!

Feng Qingbai hugged his good daughter and looked at the thief's son, his eyes narrowed and narrowed.

I didn't get the chance to hit this little bastard, a little regrettable.

Two and a half years old, dare to pretend to be stupid enough to coax the mother.

Don't plant him in the future.

Moonlight, the moonlight is as cool as water.

At the small stone table under the moonlight, there were occasional babbles, accompanied by baby children and adults laughing softly.

Moonlight softened the man, and laughter softened the night.

Finally sinking into dreamland, the couple couldn't ask her how much psychic fluid she had from Red Bean's mouth, and couldn't pull out Croton's mouth. What hurt him when they didn't know, and how did she suffer? Injury.

However, as long as people are still in front of them, those things that they want to explore are not so important.

The important thing is that everyone is still okay.

Early the next day, Liu Yusheng got into the room after using breakfast, and began to study the spiritual fluid obtained from red beans.

Milky white, gel-like.

This was a form she had never seen before, but she was sure that the gel was homologous to the spiritual fluid in her space.

But, indeed, it is much higher than the spirit.

Just the aura emanating from the gel is countless richer than the aura.

If you want to define a name, Liu Yusheng tends to--spirit.

So sad, I dare not write the cave. Lara's little hand has to be screened, so ... skip it. I feel like I skipped the essence of my writing. PS Another chapter is about ten minutes late, and it has been written for two hours, which is still hundreds of words ...

(End of this chapter)