Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1249: Slap big

Chapter 1249: Big Slap

In the compound, the women's relatives gathered together in a place where they laughed and laughed. Wife Liu and the empress queen were fighting with each other tirelessly, unaware that their baby sister-in-law was so fierce across the wall.

I always received the contempt of Wang from my dad, and Croton wanted to sell a miserable one.

Would Croton be afraid of a broken shovel?

How could he be the boss in the village?

If you are a man, you ca n’t say you ca n’t!

Little Croton refused to accept the loss, dragging a shovel that was just twice as high as his own, and walked to his father, and started a fierce competition with him.

Isn't it just a shovel to pry the soil out?


Feng Qingbai danced her head, observing the traces of the little baby who was struggling with her feet.

When he successfully shoveled the shovel into the soil and successfully pulled it out, his narrow eyes narrowed invisibly and remained calm.

Because the Liu Family Courtyard is in the innermost part of the village, the back of the house is already close to the foot of the mountain. There is no one in this area.

All that can be circled is wasteland, which is full of weeds and shrubs, and there are numerous small stones in the soil. It is very laborious to cultivate. It is hard work to do these jobs.

But Croton was able to shoot the shovel into the hard mud.

... Feng Qingbai retracted his gaze, but the keen cub of the facial features noticed that he was peeking, and did not divert his gaze to that side.

At the New Year's Festival in Xiushui Village, he already had some doubts. The baby's strength is much greater than that of ordinary children, otherwise a baby doll less than two years old would not be able to give a little boy more than nine years old with a slap. deflect. It seems that his suspicion is not wrong.


Feng Qingbai smiled.

Even if the strength is really strong, when you don't pay attention to skills when working, the little cub can't persist for long.

He waited for him to become a dog.

"Aoyo! Look, Lao Qin, did you see? Our Croton can actually shovel the soil!" Father Liu, who had opened up wasteland with Qin Xiao on the other side of the land, had already seen the action of the little baby, surprised Amazing, after the surprise, the old face smiled with flowers.

"Enlighten and teach well, in the martial arts in the future, it will be a craftable material." Qin Xiao smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked away from there, "It is his father who is a little worse."

Father Liu smiled, and said, "What a shame in our house!"

"Look at your family, Asho, who looks like a dad? He's playing against his son."

"What's the reason for Dad to fight with his son? My old man still has fewer old sons at home? And Zhiqiu, one day I won't be chased by ghosts? This is our Liu family tradition! The more you fight, the better your relationship. ! "

Qin Xiao smiled a bit deeper. "That croton has to be bullied from old to old, and he can't turn out the five-finger mountain of the cypress."

"..." He turned to glance at the little Croton who was earnestly shoveling the soil, and Master Liu could not bear to turn his head. Wrong, is it really that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked? Asiu watched the small courtyard and they bullied the small, and learned this set, now it is used to deal with his son?

Madness Liu, Father Liu said, "Our Asho is a city man, and definitely can't do things without a purpose. Don't look at him now bullying Croton, maybe he wants to let Croton suffer more frustrations and temper his heart. After all kinds of trials and hardships, who would go out of his house afterwards? Who can grow up in adversity are thick and strong trees! "

Qin Xiao helped the amount.

With the words of Mr. Liu, Feng Qingbai would be even more reckless in the future.

Croton's growth process will not be enough to describe.

But there is a word from the old man who agrees that growing in adversity can make people's hearts stronger.

Feng Qingbai itself is the best example.

Let Croton thrive in adversity.

Croton couldn't hear the conversation over there, Feng Qingbai could hear it plainly, and slowly tickled his lips.

At one time, Croton became a croton who will always live in adversity in the future.

Hearing that the little baby was clearly unable to breathe and began to feel tired, the man's voice sounded coolly, "How big is this shovel?"

He stretched out his palm and compared it with a smirk on the face of Shang Xiaoer, smiling, "The palm is big and powerful."

Croton wanted to shove the shovel to the man's instep.

Look at the sharp edge of the shovel, think about the man's **** instep, and finally burst his thoughts.

He didn't dare, he didn't want his mother to be upset.


The claw secretly twisted a small clod, and when the man didn't notice, he flew over.


The clods became semi-cavitated into dust.

He knew that dad was always guarding him!

"If you can't do your job, play a sneak attack? Is this your equal? ​​Lead by example? Is it a man?"


This afternoon, in order to prove that he was a man, Croton knew for the first time what a tired dog was.

The thing that made him most embarrassed was that by the time he had dinner, he couldn't take a spoon with his claws, and the man wouldn't let him be fed!

Staring at the table full of rice grains in front of me, and then looking at the clean table in front of my sister and brother, Croton cried.

That Pharaoh has hurt him!

The time is coming in October, and the farmer is busy. After Liu Yusheng and Xue Qinglian have carried out the new prescription numerous times to refine and refine, they finally refined the new pill that can show the greatest effect.

During this period of more than half a month, the old illness on Qin Xiao's body did not recur. Every day, Liu Yusheng will let him eat some dew, which is made before coaxing red beans in the morning. One drop at a time, the amount is very small, but the disease is well suppressed.

Now, if he takes the pill that is specific to his physical injury and recovers his health, there is only time left.

The Liu Family Courtyard burst into unprecedented excitement again.

Father Liu is no longer at home, dragging Qin Xiao directly to the village entrance to squat under the big locust tree, an old guy would happily tell people once that Lao Qin's body is okay, this time is really okay! You can drink with us for decades!

The ability of villagers to transmit information cannot be underestimated. The next evening, the whole Xinghua Village received good news.

That night, the Liu Family Courtyard was crowded, and the big guy swept away the haze and resumed his previous activity again.

Jiu Lao never misses any opportunity to drink happily. By the villagers coming to celebrate, Jiu Lao almost evacuated the wine in Liujia wine cellar.

Standing at the corner of the yard, watching the crowd in the yard, the vocal waves were so lively that they could scare the bright moon overhead into the clouds, and Liu Yusheng's face had a soft smile.

It takes time and energy to formulate prescriptions every day and night and condense them into pills. But when I saw this scene, I felt that everything I did was worth it.

Those tired are insignificant compared to the smiles on the yard.

(End of this chapter)